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For other uses, see collar.

Attire traditional to the Quermian species, the cannom collar was worn by multiple Quermians. Individuals who wore the collar included Jedi Master Yarael Poof, the Galactic Republic's Minister of Defense Koa Delko, and the teacher Murk Lundi.


The cannom collar was a piece of traditional attire worn by members of the Quermian species. It was triangular in shape and sat at the base of the wearer's neck. They could be colored brown,[1] orange,[3] or blue. They could also have a gilded design.[2]


Koa Delko, the Galactic Republic's Minister of Defense during the Mandalorian Wars, wore a cannom collar while confronting the scientist Demagol in 3963 BBY.[3] The teacher and researcher of the dark side of the Force, Murk Lundi, wore a cannom collar[4] at some point prior to his death[5] in 29 BBY as well.[6] Jedi Master Yarael Poof wore a cannom collar at various points[1] between 44 to 37 BBY[7] and his death[8] in 27 BBY. That same year,[9] during Poof's funeral, he was cremated wearing a cannom collar while three Quermian[8] Jedi Knights in attendance—Loo Raelo, Vinian Ska, and Kindee Ya[10]—wore them as well.[8] In 22 BBY,[9] a Quermian Jedi wore a cannom collar to a memorial for four dead Jedi Masters—Knol Ven'nari, Jon Antilles, Nico Diath, and Fay.[11] A Quermian member of the New Republic Ruling Council[2] in 13 ABY[12] wore a cannom collar.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The cannom collar's first appearance was in a storybook adaptation of The Phantom Menace, Episode I: The Phantom Menace Movie Storybook,[13] which was released on May 3, 1999[14] and published by Random House.[13] It was first shown in the teaser trailer for the[15] film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, the first installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, which released on May 19, 1999. The trailer debuted in theaters across twenty-six cities on November 17, 1998,[16] with a wider release on November 20 the same year.[15] It was first identified on May 26, 1999[17] in Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary, written by David West Reynolds.[1]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Crimson Empire III: Empire Lost 1
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Knights of the Old Republic 47
  4. Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force
  5. Jedi Apprentice Special Edition: The Followers
  6. The Essential Reader's Companion
  7. "Yaddle's Tale: The One Below" takes place after Plo Koon's ascension to the Jedi High Council, which The New Essential Chronology dates to 44 BBY, and prior to Yaddle's ascension to the Council. Yaddle appears as a member of the Jedi High Council during Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan: Last Stand on Ord Mantell 1, established in its introduction to take place five years prior to Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which is dated by The Essential Reader's Companion to 32 BBY, five years after 37 BBY. Therefore, this story must take place between 44 and 37 BBY.
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 Star Wars: Zam Wesell
  9. 9.0 9.1 Star Wars: The Comics Companion
  10. The Official Star Wars Fact File 100 (POO 1-2: Yarael Poof) states that Yarael Poof was one of only four Quermians enlisted in the Jedi Order. The other three Quermians in the Order are depicted—wearing cannom collars—in Star Wars: Zam Wesell, albeit unidentified. The New Essential Guide to Alien Species identifies the three Quermian Jedi aside from Poof as the Jedi Knights Loo Raelo, Vinian Ska, and Kindee Ya, meaning the three must have been the Quermian Jedi depicted wearing cannom collars in Zam Wesell.
  11. Republic 53
  12. StarWars Back in the Red: Dark Horse Comics Announces Long-Awaited Crimson Empire III Series on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  13. 13.0 13.1 Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace Movie Storybook
  14. Amazon-Favicon Star Wars Episode 1 : The Phantom Menace Movie Storybook on Amazon.com (backup link)
  15. 15.0 15.1 StarWars Episode I Teaser Trailer on StarWars.com (backup link)
  16. Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, New Edition
  17. Amazon-Favicon The Visual Dictionary of Star Wars, Episode I - The Phantom Menace on Amazon.com (backup link)