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The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on canonical information, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

"Still, be still!"
"Roger, roger."
―Babu Frik and the battle droid[2]

A battle droid was repaired by the droidsmith Babu Frik in the year 35 ABY, as a job from a wealthy client. Frik intended to provide the battle droid with self-awareness and upgrade its command functions while he repaired it in his workshop on the planet Kijimi. Before the droid was fully repaired, Kijimi was destroyed by the Sith Eternal, and Frik himself narrowly escaped the planet's destruction.


"Soon, friend."
―Babu Frik, while repairing the droid[2]

In the year 35 ABY,[1] during the war between the First Order and the Resistance, the battle droid was given to the droidsmith Babu Frik by a client who promised a large fee for it to be repaired. While repairing the battle droid in his workshop within Kijimi City on the planet Kijimi, Frik modified and upgraded it, making the droid more self-aware and giving it higher-level command functions, though not entirely legally.[2]

Several days before Frik predicted that he would be finished with the repairs, the droid was missing one arm below the elbow. The droid twitched as Frik rewired it, and the droidsmith ordered it to remain still, promising to complete the repairs shortly. However, the droid glanced out of the workshop's window after its audioreceptors picked up sound from outside—the sound of Kijimi's imminent destruction by[2] the Xyston-class Star Destroyer[3] Derriphan of the Sith Eternal's fleet, the Final Order. Shortly before the planet imploded, Frik was rescued by Zorii Bliss, leader of the Spice Runners of Kijimi, but left the battle droid behind.[2]


While being repaired by Babu Frik, the battle droid occasionally twitched, but acknowledged the droidsmith's order for it to remain still. Frik intended to modify the droid, giving it more self-awareness and making it capable of higher-level command functions, though was unable to completely finish the repairs.[2]

Behind the scenes[]

The battle droid appeared, albeit unnamed, in the novelization of the 2019 film Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, written by Rae Carson and published in 2020.[2] Within the film, an OOM command battle droid is seen in Frik's workshop, but this battle droid[4] was not confirmed to be the same unit as the one he worked on in the novelization.[2]


Notes and references[]
