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This article is about LEGO version of Episode III by Ace Landers. You may be looking for Elizabeth Dowsett's LEGO version of the story.

Revenge of the Sith: Episode III is a LEGO Star Wars picture book of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith from Scholastic. It was written by Ace Landers and illustrated by David A. White.[1]

Publisher's summary[]

This hilarious and action-packed story is perfect for LEGO® Star Wars fans of any age!

With the whole galaxy falling apart, it's up to Anakin, Obi-Wan, Yoda, and the rest of the Jedi Knights to save the day. But Palpatine needs help and asks Anakin to join the Dark side. Will Anakin become the greatest Jedi Knight or will be [sic] become the galaxy's biggest bully?


The title changes several elements of the story to make them more child-friendly. Obi-Wan Kenobi defeats General Grievous simply by popping a LEGO brick off of him. Rather than killing younglings, Anakin simply traps them in cages. His stated reason for joining the dark side is that they allow him to eat all the cake he wants, a reference to a popular online meme. Rather than being burned nearly to death, Anakin simply catches his pants on fire.


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