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For other uses, see Dreadnought.

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"These things are fleet killers."
Poe Dameron, to Leia Organa[1]
Executor2 BF2

An Executor-class Dreadnought served as a terror weapon of unimaginable size.

Dreadnoughts were massive, powerful capital ships. Under the Anaxes War College System, they were classified as ships with a length of 5,000 meters or larger.[2] Dreadnoughts included the Providence-class[3] and the Subjugator-class used by the Confederacy of Independent Systems,[4] as well as the various ships of the Mandator line used by the Galactic Republic, the Galactic Empire, and later the First Order.[5] The Super Star Destroyers of the Galactic Empire, such as the Executor-class, were also referred to as Star Dreadnoughts.[6][7] The Technocrat was a dreadnought utilized by the Nihil criminal group.[8]


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