Leaving house price fantasy land

depressingYou can see them sprouting up all over like toadstools, these FOR SALE and FOR RENT signs. What happened? Take a look at this graph and you can easily determine there was a fantasy land growth Housing Bubble of real estate ‘value’ from about 2000- 2006, otherwise known as The Bush Era minus the last 2 years. The triumphalism is now gone. Bulletin From the Hindenburg- A Housing Crash Update

Why were prices going up anyway when it was mainly junk that was being built, since there is no real quality in the housing built over the last couple of decades and most of it is now solidly and rapidly becoming slum? In fact the item that is most missing from these new neighborhoods is neighborhood.

The housing market was actually overly invested in creating new housing and allowed the old housing to slop into increased disrepair. How many extra ‘habitations’ are there now out actually? Count the signs… There’s just simply not enough money to buy and rent all this overpriced junk. Meanwhile the homeless population will begun to shoot upward!

Israeli government admits to having committed war crimes

Israel admits using white phosphorous in attacks on Gaza (on its attack on a UN sponsored school). This will bother Barack Obama about as much as his own military murdering civilians in Afghanistan does. Karzai Confirms: US Forces Killed 16 Civilians
Latest Civilian Killings by US Forces Spark Outrage Across War-torn Afghanistan

Lest anybody think that this is somehow an aberration and not representative of the face that the Barack regime will present to the world, Richard Holbrooke, a Clintonite/ Carterite Democratic Party retread elaborates on his opinion that the US government he is now the representative of will be fighting in Afghanistan longer than it did in Vietnam, all to be now under Barack Obama’s direction as US Commander in Chief. See Fata toughest challenge for Obama, says Holbrooke where he talks about Obama’s plans to continually be at war fighting against the peoples of Pakistan, as well as Afghanistan!

We still have a state of permanent US war on the books and that is the game plan under the man who claims to represent CHANGE. It’s the same old thing though, and the only change will be the economic depression that the Democratic Party policies have helped create will also be a happening for the US population in the coming years. ‘Change’ you won’t like.

A good part of Barack Obama’s war games will include yet more future use of Israeli war crimes, like the dropping of White Phosphorus on civilians inside the UN run school for children. Despite all the slick talk by Slick Obama, he doesn’t really give one hoot for human life. It really sickens me to hear folk claim to believe that the man is sincere and wants to make change happen, when it is so blatantly obvious that that simply is not the case. Barack and his Israeli war criminal friends plan on continuing the same Pentagon terrorism in pursuit of supremacy over their neo-colonies.

Barack Obama headed to becoming America’s most disappointing President

accident-aheadOK, excuse time is now over as Barack Obama takes office, so what does the future actually hold for us? The Democrats can now no longer hide behind the Bush Administration and even though most Americans believe that the Republicans and not the Democrats are responsible for the economic crash, they will now expect results from this new president. He can talk, but can he walk the walk?

But here is the sad state of affairs per Global Insight which is the world’s largest economics organization. The American economy is sinking fast. See New York to lead U.S. in job losses for Global Insight’s analysis of the situation.

Hundreds of thousands of people’s jobs will now go under according to this forecast, and yet Barack Obama’s plan for action looks like a total disaster in the making. Soon enough, even Democratic Party voters will get upset at the disaster unfolding as they watch the Democratic Party give trillions to corrupted and bankrupt businesses while all the while cutting social services needed for the common good. They may well see the US government itself declining into bankruptcy?

Add to this, the Barack Obama plan to continue fighting wars all around the globe as the economy tanks and just keeps on tanking. There is no new game plan from the Democrats and eventually more and more people will begin to catch on. Plus, the novelty of having a Black man as president will hold off criticism only just so long, and then resentment of the Democrats will build up just as it did with Bush. Add to this, people may actually begin to see the relationship between the country’s militarism and the country’s bankruptcy in the making? Yes, I think they will. A bad economy opens people’s eyes.

For that reason it is quite sensible to have real cynicism about the fanfare and media show we will see tomorrow night. The same corporate media that did all they could to make us fans of the Republican show of the last 8 years will be screaming at us to embrace ‘The Change’… ‘The Change’ that is no change. They will try to dazzle us and awe us with superfluities of all sorts of stuff, but the new show looks quite still born at this point though it may take a while for most to realize that? Hope will fizzle quite quick as the whole world sinks into economic depression, America leading the pack. Barack Obama will most likely become America’s most disappointing President, though through the fireworks display little of that future will be foreseen by most during his Inauguration Day ceremonies tomorrow

Barack just cannot deliver the goods (nor has the desire to) to actually bring about this change that is, and will be, absolutely necessary. Yes, though Bush is now truly despised by so many, it may well be that Barack becomes not just disappointing but despised as well? When there are no jobs around, people want to know why? And the answer to that WHY will be…. Barack just did not deliver.

I see sadness and despair, hate and anger ahead. I see people growing fed up with empty promises while the rats continue to get fed.

Nonviolent vigils will be death of Gazans

Nonviolent vigils will be death of Gazans

Venezuela Statue of Liberty throws a shoe!GAZA PROTESTS PROLIFERATE! Demonstrators are occupying Israeli consulates, storming embassies, harassing pro-Israeli rallies, and spilling blood on Zionist memorials. Not that anything is working so far. Meanwhile, in non-stories for the press, the usual non-confrontational passivists are lighting candles in memory of the slain. Are they anticipating, in their non-violent wisdom, the eminent extinction of the Palestinians of Gaza? Pacifists seem more comfortable to commemorate the ideological sacrifice of martyrs sooner than advocate for the survival of the endangered.

Others are not content to mourn Zionism’s ultimate triumph. Here’s the best analysis yet I’ve encountered for antiwar strategists.

Oslo protests

In Caracas, the protests have the support of the state. Venezuelan president Chavez expelled the Israeli Ambassador and called his nation’s Jews to repudiate Israel’s inhumanity in Gaza:

“Now I hope that the Venezuelan Jewish community speaks out against this barbarism. Do it. Don’t you strongly reject all acts of persecution?”

Here is the Free Palestine Alliance statement released January 9, 2008:

The Massacre Intensifies:

As we prepare this thirteenth FPA statement, the Zionist army was continuing what it does best the wholesale slaughter of children and unarmed civilians. As would be expected of the current state of affairs of the US-controlled international scene, the massacre of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is continuing despite yesterday’s feeble UN Security Council resolution that calls for Israel to immediately stop its attack. Actually, the US-Zionist leadership went the other way — more and more attacks. The Israeli Zionist army was given additional orders to escalate the conquest as it enters into a third phase of obliteration. Simultaneously as the Israeli cabinet was giving orders for a higher kill and destruction ratio, the US Senate was not going to be outdone by Zionists. It had to add to its long and shameful record. So it secretly issued a fast-tracked resolution fully supporting the ongoing massacre and giving Israel the needed cover. We ask, is this Senate resolution in the best interest of the people of the US?

But is it not the legacy and norm of the US-Israeli alliance to discard the will of the people of the US and the world. Is it not their norm to discard any and all UN resolutions that may remotely disagree with their strategic plans? The examples are far too many to list, including both UN General Assembly and Security Council resolutions dating as far back as 1947.

Yesterday’s UN resolution was approved by 14 of the 15 nations that currently sit on the Security Council, with the US abstaining. As would be expected, the resolution did not address the deadly siege that has been imposed on the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip, nor did it condemn outright the fascistic actions of the Zionist polity.

Sadly, Palestinian victims have now reached at least 800 murdered and more than 3,300 injured. And these numbers are certain to climb substantially. Yesterday alone, fifty Palestinians were found murdered under their destroyed homes, some with their bodies already beginning to decompose. The Red Cross reported finding 4 near-death children slumped near and over their decomposing dead mothers. These children, like many others, were reported by the Red Cross to have been left without rescue in starvation and thirst for four full days around their killed mothers due to attacks on rescue workers.

On the very same day the UN Security Council resolution was issued, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) that serves approximately 800,000 Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip decided that it was forced to fully halt its services. This decision came following the killing of one of UNRWA’s truck drivers, and due to the extreme conditions imposed by the Zionist army on relief workers. The UNRWA also strongly condemned the Israeli cover-up used to justify the bombardment of the Al-Fakhoura school that murdered and injured over 100 children and their parents.

Come Out in Force Tomorrow:

The people of the US have a moral obligation to turn out in massive numbers tomorrow, Saturday, from Washington, DC to San Francisco, Los Angeles and in between, to send a clear message that this campaign of murder must stop at once. In DC, we will be right there to send a message to the Bush administration, the incoming Barak administration, and to the entire US Congress. In San Francisco, where the United Nations took its first founding steps, we can highlight the charade of UN resolutions and international diplomacy, pointing to the double standards and outright racist behavior of the US and its allies. In Los Angeles and all other cities and towns, we can and must mobilize to join in protest in the largest possible numbers. This is the time to stand for what is moral and just. We cannot continue funding Israel while the people of the US are in dire need for funds right here to rescue homes and towns from collapse.

Rather than pay for the destruction of the Gaza Strip, let us pay for the construction of roadways, parks, and schools.

Rather than destroy thousands of Palestinian homes, let us fix the collapsing housing market and keep people in their own homes.

Rather than send more people homeless, let us protect folks from evictions and foreclosures.

Rather than kill doctors, nurses, and relief workers, let us build hospitals and provide health care to the millions without it.

This is our time to let Obama know that he could very easily stimulate both the economy and the morality of the US by stopping all funds used to kill babies and their mothers. Instead, we can invest these same funds in the education and upbringing of millions of impoverished children, right here in the US.

This is indeed our time, folks, and we must come out to lead the US Congress and administrations to the moral high ground. The interest of the US and its people is best served by supporting the construction of US infrastructure, housing, schools, hospitals, and by creating jobs at a living wage. Rather than kill Arab unionists, let us support strengthening unions and their demand for a respectable life and wages.

This is our time to show that Palestine is but a symbol for ALL just struggles. Struggles we all wage every day in various forms. The massacre against the Palestinian people should focus a very bright spotlight on what is wrong with US policies: US tax dollars are being sent to the Israeli army under US diplomatic cover, and are being used to boost corporations that manufacture military hardware, to conquer and destroy countries like Iraq and Afghanistan, rather than rescuing a failing nation from its impending economic depression.

Signs of Defeat:

We regard the UN Security Council Resolution as a fig leaf void of legitimacy. For one thing, it came 13 days following the massacre, and after more than 4,100 Palestinian casualties between killed and injured. It appears that key power-brokers at the UN had hoped that by waiting long enough (13 days) without action, the Zionists could in fact secure a political and military victory.

While the resolution attempts to provide a diplomatic cover for the Israelis and the US as a way out of their unattainable goals, it is nonetheless a clear indication that the ongoing conquest is unable to achieve any Zionist political gain. In fact, politically speaking, the US-Zionist-Arab regime tripartite axis is only achieving the very opposite of what they had intended through this massacre: (1) the Palestinians have achieved massive international, Arab, and Palestinian support; (2) the possibility for appointing a client regime in the Gaza Strip is non-existent; (3) the sustenance of the Abbas PA in its current formation has become very uncertain; and (4) the little legitimacy some Arab regimes have is that much more diminished.

To the extreme dismay of the US and Zionist leaders, the UN resolution demands an immediate stop to the attacks and the opening of all crossings; and it opens the gates for humanitarian aid. Hence, rejected by the Zionist leadership at once. Due to the weight of the pressure on US Arab allies, who could not under any circumstance return home empty-handed, the US had no choice but to abstain rather than give its usual veto — a way to give the US-supported despots a piece of paper to wave in the face of a sea of millions and millions in protest everywhere. Ironically, the gravity of the massacre made a full circle, compromising the stability of the alliance that is responsible for its implementation. The more violent the attack, the more stubborn the resistance, the more widespread the support, and the weaker the grip of despotic regimes.

Let us join the millions who have taken to the streets thus far, including today, in thousands of towns and cities in the world. There are those who are volunteering as doctors, nurses, and rescue workers, with many already killed and injured; there are those who are giving blood to hospitals and to the Red Cross and Red Crescent; those who are protesting; many are writing, painting, dancing and singing for freedom and liberation; and there are those who are holding sit-ins, and those who are giving flowers of appreciation to the Venezuelan government for their principled stance. All are out, and all are outraged.

Come and join!

Take your stand and come out tomorrow. Make it known that this massacre cannot continue!

All Out in Solidarity with the Palestinian People!

The Free Palestine Alliance

January 9, 2009

And this report from A.N.S.W.E.R. about Sunday’s march on DC:

From Washington, DC to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Worldwide–Hundreds of Thousands March to Let Gaza Live!

On Sat., Jan. 10, hundreds of cities, and hundreds of thousands of people, responded to the call for an International Day of Emergency Action to support the people of Gaza. Outside the United States, marches took place in London, Edinburgh, Cairo, Athens, Kuala Lumpur, Beirut, Seoul, Mexico City, Jakarta, Montreal, Paris, Barcelona, Marseilles, Lyon, Oslo, Berlin, Bern, Karachi, Nablus, New Delhi, Amman, Sarajevo, Ramallah, Stockholm, and Tokyo. The protests continue to grow — today, another 250,000 took to the streets in Spain and more than 100,000 in Algeria.

In the U.S., the Day of Action was initiated on just one week’s notice by a call from the ANSWER Coalition, Muslim American Society Freedom, Free Palestine Alliance, National Council of Arab Americans, and Al-Awda – International Palestine Right to Return Coalition. In Washington DC, over 20,000 took to the streets in the freezing rain to demand, “Let Gaza Live!” The streets were so backed up that thousands of people in buses and cars were still arriving after the march had left Lafayette Park.

The demonstration began with a rally at the White House. Featured speakers included former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who was just on a humanitarian relief mission attempting to bring supplies to Gaza when the boat she was on was intentionally struck by an Israeli military vessel; Mahdi Bray, Executive Director, Muslim American Society Freedom; Rev. Graylan Hagler, National President of Ministers for Racial, Social and Economic Justice; Mounzer Sleiman, Vice Chairman, National Council of Arab Americans; Ralph Nader; Paul Zulkowitz, Jews Against the Occupation; Brian Becker, National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition; Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, attorney and co-founder, Partnership for Civil Justice; and others.

The spirited march then led to the Washington Post, where demonstrators denounced the paper for its biased pro-Israeli coverage of the massacre and its complete blackout of protest activities in the United States.

In San Francisco, 10,000 took part in the march and rally. The rally included a huge outpouring from the local Arab community, and energetic participation from Bay Area youth.

A crowd of 2000 demonstrators confronted a heavy police presence in downtown Orlando for the “Let Gaza Live: Florida Statewide March for Palestine” called by Act Now to Stop War and End Racism Coalition/Florida—just six days prior. The demonstration is the largest anti-war demonstration in Florida in more than a decade and certainly the largest ever protest in Florida calling for a free Palestine. Police tried to intimidate marchers by initially searching all bags, forcing protesters to remove sticks from signs, and denying the use of amplified sound. Organizers and protesters challenged and pushed back their unwarranted scare tactics, and the protest turned out to be a powerful success.

In Los Angeles, 10,000 people participated in a regional mass march and rally to “Let Gaza Live” at the Westwood Federal Building. Hundreds of Palestinian flags and signs reading “Stop bombing Gaza!” and “The real terrorists: U.S./Israel war machine!” lined all sides of the street and the lawn in front of the federal government headquarters. It was the largest protest and the first major march in Southern California since the Israeli bombing campaign and invasion began.

A funeral procession led the march with makeshift coffins draped with Palestinian flags, representing the hundreds of people killed by Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza. Hundreds of children followed, along with a huge, hand-made Palestinian flag, in a contingent organized by the Palestinian American Women’s Association.

The worldwide movement is continuing to grow with more protests today, Jan. 11. There will be countless other actions in the days to come. Today in New York City, the police carried out a violent assault against those marching in mid-town Manhattan in support of the people of Palestine. A number of people were injured and arrested.

With the support of the United States, the Israeli military machine has expanded its invasion into urban areas of Gaza. The death toll among Palestinians is now nearly 900, with many thousands wounded. The injured and hungry of Gaza have no relief. We must do everything in our power to deepen and broaden this movement in the coming days.

$7.76 trillion

This just in from Bloomberg News- $7.76 trillion in guarantees (from the US government) For more about Bloomberg see wikipedia Bloomberg L.P. You heard it from the horse’s mouth and the horse is worried. Will the US Treasury itself collapse under all this give away?

Businessmen gone WILD!

throwing moneyWorldwide the business community has gone wild as they try to resurrect the declining capitalist world economy by simply throwing trillions of government dollars at themselves to ‘stimulate’ the return of their profit making. EU, China, US unleash global assault on crisis

How many years have Americans heard these same folk exclaim that you cannot fix problems by throwing government money at a problem? What a band of liars, hypocrites, and crooks these people are! These capitalists have always used this refrain to keep from helping people out with government monies, but show no such restraint when it comes to themselves. It’s called the ‘virtue of greed’ by their more ideologically minded sycophants, in fact.

These same businessmen will not deal with real problems the world faces as long as we let them have total control over our world society. In fact they will totally destroy the planet’s ecology if we continue to let them do as they have done, and we will simply not have a planet for an economy of any kind.

Yes, the whole world is watching these businessmen gone WILD! … and the world does not like what it is seeing. Simply put, people are tolerant and will sit back passively and do nothing if the capitalist ship’s keel is righted, but this gigantesque toss of trillions of dollars to the super-rich has no guaranteed success ahead since no real problems of world economy are actually being addressed in any meaningful manner. The boat might become temporarily stabilized once again (a BIG IF???), but a world capitalist economy based on warfare and the destruction of Nature will not sail for that much longer in the stormy seas that world capitalism itself is making. It will capsize itself.

Yes, Big Business has gone totally wild and they have done it before, People. And when they went wild in previous eras the price common folk paid was horrifying. We have some grim times ahead and realistically we must sit back and wait, until people simply begin to wake up to what is happening to them. The tsunami approaches, and with it comes world depression and yet more US government created war.

The US depression torpedoes the US medically sick ‘Health Care’ System

doctor doomToday, Wall Street broke 8,000 going the wrong way… DOWN. Tomorrow will it be 7,500 on the road to national bankruptcy? Who knows. But one thing is for sure, the already sick US Medical System is going down alongside the US stock market and companies like Fannie Mae and General Motors. Report: Economy is sickening US hospitals. Data shows decline in admissions and increase in patients who can’t pay. Don’t get sick!

And don’t get old either… since Uncle Sam will now just let you flounder if you do. The US economic depression is torpedoing the US For-Profit Medical System and so far nobody in government has much of a plan to do anything about it. How much ‘bailout’ money is there left from your taxpayer’s money?

So what are the more alert companies doing about staying afloat? Why they’re heading to Mexico! See Newsweek’s report Ultimate Outsourcing Now, Mexican medicine What a deal, right? If you or somebody in your family gets hit by a car and don’t have insurance because you don’t have a job, then take a trip Far South! If you have any savings still? A big IF????, I know.

You might want to check out the US’s Christus Hospital Chain for where to go to a hospital in Mexico? They’re a US outfit building new hospitals all over Mexico like mad, to help take in those fleeing American citizen refugees from the lack of a functioning US Medical System! That’s right! Not only are the American patients running off to Mexico, but so are the US chains of For-Profit hospitals, too! Que bueno! Y que pendejada tambien… Isn’t this all rather sick?

2009 world collapse of auto production in route

us-autosGas prices are sinking! Whoopie! Hooray! But why is that happening? Kind of eery, isn’t it? Answer is that gas prices are falling simply because there is a world collapse in automobile production now underway. GM is going down, a boat loaded with lead, and other automobile companies will soon follow. World gasoline demand will be decreasing and already is. Workers are losing their jobs, and now will buy less gas, less everything. Demand is down, down, down.

Standard & Poor’s said on Thursday it could cut GM and Ford’s credit ratings deeper into junk, saying that both automakers had enough liquidity through 2008, “but the accelerating deteriorating industry fundamentals will be a serious challenge to liquidity during 2009.” GM shares drop to 58-year low, global risks eyed Paper junk was backing vehicle junk it seems…

The world is beginning to see that this capitalist downturn is not just about ‘derivatives’, mortgages, and credit. It is a production downturn, too. Capitalism is not a system run on logic. It has production cycles (like a machine almost) where over production leads to economic depression, all initially fueled by looting and criminality at the very top. At the very top of this corporate excess profit looting system is the US Pentagon, which is a giant welfare pie for the super rich. Other industries like real estate and health ‘care’ merely stumble along behind as second bests in the looting frenzy of the super rich.

What ever you do, don’t buy a new SUV at still inflated prices and inflated consumption of precious societal resources. And get a job closer to home if you can? Most of the travel done in this country is basically unnecessary travel. Other countries will suffer more, simply because when travel is done, it usually is much more necessary than the riding around in circles that the US worker has to involve themselves in daily.

Alan is shocked!!!!!

Alan Greenspan represents more than any individual anywhere, the bipartisan fact that there is no real difference between the 2 chosen parties of our corporate dictatorship here in America. Let’s fact, it… Greenspan has been the darling of both the Democratic and Republican Parties for a very long time now. He’s The Man!

He has been running the economic show that has now put the world capitalist economies in tail spin, you and I on board. Poor Alan is shocked!!!!!! Poor Old Alan… He’s shocked!!!!!! He says he just doesn’t know any more. He’s shocked!!!!!!

This guy really takes the cake, now doesn’t he. He was held up to the level of Jesus Christ in the eyes of the American monied class who held him high above our heads as some great genius know-it-all, and now his temple is shaking in its foundations. Remember these slime balls celebrating when their Cold War spending crashed the ex Soviet Union? Remember them not giving a damn about what they did to the Russian people? Remember smug old Alan?

In spite of all these croc tears and croc shock by the like ilk of Alan Greenspan, they will give about as much a damn about you as they did about the Russians. They don’t give a damn about you and the rest of Working Class America anymore than they cared about the Gooks and Ragheads (their words for them, not mine) they screwed over to make their super profits. I take that back, they are actually worried more about you and how you might soon grow to hate them passionately. Got it? Alan is shocked!!!!!

But he’s 82, damn him, and now there’s not much justice we can do for him… He wants forgiveness does he? Who knows? He simply has no god beyond money…. just our money that is now just so much trashed out planet. Alan is shocked!!!!!!! And so is the planet.

Spending money you don’t have to pay for the debts

cash geometryU.S. budget deficit swells to record $455 billion Need a Trillion $$$ for the troubled Big Guys? How about spending almost half a Trillion $$$ this year you don’t have in hand, and then do the same in 2009!!!? Let’s see now???… 1/2 Trillion $$$ PLUS 1/2 Trillion $$$ equals????
Yeah, that’s right! It equals an Economic Bailout Plan! These guys are geniuses!

And now for some more math! The Dow almost broke 15,000 a few years back (2). Now it’s headed for 7,500. 7,500 is about half of almost 15,000, if my calculator is doing this right? Yep! These guys are geniuses!

Stock markets shoot up as European give aways to super rich go online

champagneThe European countries more than matched the US government give aways to the super rich and as a result, the markets everywhere are celebrating this Grand Theft Robbery today. Wall Street soars 11 percent on bank rescue and Morgan deal

The kingpins think everywhere that its once again clear sailing for them. However, there is eventually a big price for them to pay for all this, as the common folk everywhere will have to begin to suffer because of these handouts of their money, their work, their children’s futures to these financial and government vultures.

With this suffering will come a rising anger about these gargantuan robberies of national and international wealth, when the people themselves need these funds to make a decent society. Never post WW2 has the system of private property run by the super rich spun itself so totally into the wrongest directions. Dead now is the idea of inter-class cooperation within the capitalist markets of the imperialist nations. Many will still support the super rich no matter how far they go with their criminality, but the foundations of that support have been severely undermined.

Further, since no real correction of any of the main problems that the world economy has faced have been put into place, all that has been bought is the smallest increment of time for the capitalist governments to regroup. These markets are eventually going to collapse again, and when they do, what will then be left for the rich folk to plunder to keep their pyramid schemes afloat? Nada.

Troopergate Verdict and Depression sink McCain down to his knees

troopergateObama has covered himself by being even more aggressive towards Iran than the Bush-McCain Klan are. That is meant to deflect the October Surprise if Bush and Israel decide to attack Iran before the US presidential election. Meanwhile, Troopergate and the Economic Crash have put a stake into the heart of The Old Vampire, John McCain.

Obama opens double-digit lead as Palin under fire The Northern states’ business community is about to take back direct control of the White House away from the Southern states’ business community once again.

America’s business community as a whole remains quite split which has kept it somewhat close in the polls for McCain. But this time around, they are not about to let the Southerners stalk off with a marginal ‘victory’ once again. There is just too much at stake as European business support for the US has become seriously loosened by the Bush Administration belligerence and unilateralism. America’s leadership at the pack of world wolves is slipping fast, and the less rabid amongst the business community know that.

An attack though in the next weeks on Iran would throw all calculations into a swirl. Would it still be able to work to McCain’s favor? We cannot truly know for sure, but it actually at this point, might just appear to be way too obvious an election ploy to work well? We shall see….?

Republican rout is now in the making- The Republican Swan Song by Conjunto God is Dead

god-is-a-republicanObama is way out in the lead and pulling away from McCain fast! See RealClearPolitics for summary of multiple polls that show this. Saying this in no way implies that the Republicans will be routed out of the Deep South and Sunbelt/ Farm belt rural areas of the country.

Take another look at RealClear’s electoral map of the race McCain is now out of the running in Pennsylvania and without that state, even winning in all the battleground states still would not be enough to put him over the top. With the economy crashing, his support will be slipping further in places like Colorado, Ohio, Florida, Indiana, and Missouri, all of which are places he absolutely has to win.

People blame the Republicans much more than they do the Democrats for the economic mess. I find that to be a rather doubtful conclusion on their part, but still… it will work against McCain and will work to keep in check temporarily the racism of many so-called White ‘Independents’.

Time is running out to initiate a dirty trick October Surprise by the Bush-Cheney gang. They, it turns out, are actually the victims of the October Surprise this election. The 2008 October Surprise is the world wide Economic Depression just now getting under way. It seems that the economic fall just could not hold itself back until after the American elections. God just was not on the Republican side this time around. Satan was…

And now for some music for and from the losers here…

The Republican Song

Democrats and Liberals, shame on you,
don’t punish us all just to please a few,
Your holdin people back while we’re pickin up the slack,
and that’s why we can’t vote for a Democrat.
Oh no, a no, no, no, no, no, no…
Oh no, a no, no, no, no, no, nooo…
Yeah, your holding people back, while we’re pickin up the tax,
Oh no, no please don’t vote for a Democrat.

Now we’re trying to win a war and wipe out the terrorists,
We’re not fightin for oil we got plenty if we drill it.
But the liberals and the media are spreading their lies,
Get the hell out of our way and let our soldiers fight.

Please Don’t Vote for a Democrat! Pretty stupid song, ay? But funny as Hell! Kind of a ‘Folky going to Turkey’ sort of update on that ancient Merle Haggard hit.

Time to use the word DEPRESSION again

One of the most ridiculous of the utterly false and phony positive thinking talking points used by the US’s Right Wing corporate daily press and the talking heads of their TV stations is their constant babble about whether we have entered into a ‘recession’ or not? The correct word to be used is depression, it ‘s an ECONOMIC DEPRESSION we have been entered into worldwide, and there is nothing left to debate about it either. It’s here. End of discussion. Go take a hike, Clowns@!

Today, stocks fell almost 7% and that now is a drop of about 25% from the DOW all time high just 2 years ago. That is a depression. Further, this Friday morning Japanese stocks have already fallen 11% of their value in just a few minutes of trading. That is an economic depression.

Let’s cut to the quick on this. Bush and his clown clones are through. They are out of here. This presidential election will turn out to be a rout of McCain/ Palin, because they are more of the same, and The Same just flushed itself down the toilet via a whole shitload of corruption finally coming home to roost. But there is yet more here than the rout of the neocon corruptionists that will occur. If we in America are fed up with this crew, the rest of the world is even more so.

Yes, the rest of the world is going down the drain with us and our stupid economy where thieves rule the rest of us. They are going to hate the US for the misery we have delivered them into. In fact, they already do. Afghanistan to Iraq to Somalia to Pakistan and flush, flush, flush. They can put it together, even if your dumb Republican neighbors can’t.

It’s time to use the word depression once again, because we alhough we all thought the thought that ‘communism’ self destructs, we had all but forgotten that capitalism does just that in an even much worse way. We have been entered into a worldwide economic depression by all those that fed us the total line of crap that it was all running so very smoothly. Pompous stupid, arrogant twits they were, and now the world has once again had its eyes opened to the dangers that capitalism constantly puts the human race into. The unemployment to come will soon see to that.

The rich everywhere will say that The Treasury has no money to stop it. You can bet your 401K retirement funds on it! And the whole world will correctly blame the US government, AND the stupid American people themselves, for what is being done to them. Get used to really being hated, My Friends. And we will be hated rightly so, for playing stupid so long.

Good luck, Democratic Party. Just because everybody holds the Republican Party to be hugely responsible for this mess, don’t think that they won’t also begin to see you as the Republican’s cohorts. Hell! That’s what you have always claimed to be actually, isn’t it? People played stupid though and didn’t take you people at your own word. You are now in a BIG, BIG, BIG… BIPARTISAN MESS. We got it. You earned it!

Yes, it’s time to once again use the word DEPRESSION once again. It will be hard on us all (save the Capitalist rich who always profit off human misery).

The crash continues as American people go into shock

dangerousLast week we saw most of America go into shock as the stark reality of the US not having a real opposition party became evident. The Democratic Party actually led the rush to pass Bush’s $700 billion giveaway to the rich Bill into law, and it was actually the Republican party that posed the minor stumbling block to getting it done. The American people were almost completely left on the sidelines as a result of simply never having constructed a major opposition party to the Two Party Big Business dictatorship that US is run under.

This week, the show has already begun again, as stocks begin the week by crumbling throughout Asia, Europe, and North America. Nobody is fooled internationally by the $700 billion dollar American give away legislation. Germany had to even copy the US government with their own give away bill, too, to the banks. Germany moves to shore up bank confidence And the Euro appears to be in as bad a shape as the dollar is in world currency marts, sliding in relation to the dollar!

Everywhere they talk of a stampede as stock values and currencies crumble. They talk of panic and they talk of crisis. The US stock market continued down this AM and everywhere there is a sense of impending doom. Hard times are now being made by the financial sectors for all of us, as unemployment rolls rise, production drops. The crash continues as the American people go into shock.

How a ‘credit crunch’ can help kick an economic depression into place

jenny_and_marx.jpg In a system…where the entire continuity of the…process rests upon credit, a crisis must obviously occur — a tremendous rush for means of payment — when credit suddenly ceases and only cash payments have validity. At first glance, therefore, the whole crisis seems to be merely a credit and money crisis. And in fact it is only a question of the convertibility of bills of exchange into money.

But the majority of these bills represent actual sales and purchases, whose extension far beyond the needs of society is, after all, the basis of the whole crisis. At the same time, an enormous quantity of these bills of exchange represents plain swindle, which now reaches the light of day and collapses; furthermore, unsuccessful speculation with the capital of other people; finally, commodity-capital which has depreciated or is completely unsaleable, or returns that can never more be realized again.

The entire artificial system of forced expansion of the [ecomony] cannot, of course, be remedied by having some bank, like the [Federal Reserve], give to all the swindlers the deficient capital by means of its paper and having it buy up all the depreciated commodities at their old nominal values.

Incidentally, everything here appears distorted, since in this paper world, the real price and its real basis appear nowhere, but only bullion, metal coin, notes, bills of exchange, securities. Particularly in centers where the entire money business of the country is concentrated, like London [or New York]…the entire process becomes incomprehensible.

Liberals cry out for ‘Regulation!’

Government regulationsDemocratic party-tied websites are spouting much the same analysis of the current economic crisis, which is simply that in their point of view, capitalism is great, it just needs ‘regulation.’ Give us a break, People!

The US Capitalist System is greatly regulated and you guys backed a political party that helped regulate it, in league with the other party. Liberal Democratic Party voters seemingly want us to forget that their party has regulated The System for a century PLUS now! And once again, their regulation has produced chaos and uncertainly.

It takes a lot of gall to demand something that your politics have been doing all along, which is that we ‘regulate’ the economy! What is really being demanded now by your Party leadership is more tinkering through the same old regulations, instead of proposing something different. It is your regulation that is every bit as much the cause of where the US economic system is today, as under the regulation of the Republicans. Alan Greenspan was your dog as well as theirs!

The regulatory system was basically to have the companies police themselves, and this was a policy of the Democrats every much as much as it was of the Republicans. A capitalist supporting government will simply turn over all regulation to its own corporate leaders. To propose that a capitalist government do something else is utterly meaningless.

So shout out ‘Regulation’ all you want, and it will not lead to anything than what was already being done, and is being done at this moment. The thieves will regulate themselves unless that power is taken away from them, something that the Democratic Party utterly opposes.

WaMu shares fall from $39 to $2 in one year

wallstreetThe Domino Theory at work! Next to fall- Washington Mutual. Nothing related to Vietnamese Communism at all, but to American capitalism itself.

And what does Wall Street and Washington, D.C. advocate now? Why socialism! They advocate socialism for themselves,The Rich, where profits are privatized for the super elites and losses are socialized for the poor to pay the costs of bad business dealings done by private owners. They call that ‘bailout’.

So if we are to have this form of socialism in place in the US one begins to wonder about having a much different form of Socialist Movement return to the scene, where benefits are privatized and the super rich must pay their fair costs to a society that they have been looting from? Well why not? Why should government always be benefiting only the rich, where corporate corruption allows Big Business to seize control of the government to use only for themselves?

Also, we need to ask ourselves whether Big Business will ever care for Nature? The answer seems obvious that NO it will not, since looting nature is part of the essential business ethic of making profit for owners at the expense of others (workers and Nature).

Yes, Socialism is back and we need to see that it is not the National Socialism of the rich for the rich that shall predominate, but rather Socialism of those who do the work for those who do the work, that is put into effect. Because one way or the other, it is what’s now on the agenda. After WaMu, which next? The corporate-run government is bankrupting itself to stop bankruptcy! The FDIC will have to spend another $20 billion if this bank blows bringing itself almost to the point of insolvency. The money for bailouts and bankruptcies is not endless.

Food riots, economic sustainability, and the historical economic rate of growth

foodAs the world moves toward recession/ depression, dragged down by the bursting US bubble economy, food riots are beginning to occur in multiple locales around the planet. The inflation rate in 2007 for food staple prices has been around 40%. See WFP food aid costs up “dramatically” in past weeks for the figure. The world population is currently growing at something less than 2% per year.

The annual world population growth rate reached its peak in the late 1960s, when it was at 2% and above. The rate of increase has therefore almost halved since its peak of 2.19 percent, which was reached in 1963, to the current 1.15%.

The annual population growth rate is currently declining and is projected to continue to decline in the coming years, but the pace of the future change is uncertain (1). Currently, it is estimated that it will become less than 1% by 2020 and less than 0.5% by 2050.

See world meter population information from where these percentage figures were copied.

So what is the historical capitalist economic rate of growth? That is the rate of growth needed for capitalism to not go into an economic down spin, and that necessary percent of growth is considered to be about 3% by most economists.

Note that this rate of growth needed in GDP is actually higher than the rate of population growth. In other words, even without a growth in world population capitalism needs to continually increase production to maintain the numbers of jobs given to the workers, or employment of them. However, it is this increasing production of goods (most of them quite unnecessary goods) that is decimating the ecology of the planet, and not mere population growth alone.

What we have is a world economy that is not feeding the world’s population adequately, is not maintaining the world’s ecological stability, not providing employment security, and yet is still expanding, which without that expansion in production of goods it would go into an economic crisis of increased world unemployment!

When rates of annual capitalist expansion of GDP go below the average annual rate of economic growth by capitalism, that is called an economic depression, and leads to world political instability, such as we had in the ’30s. That is the ebb in the capitalist business cycle, as opposed to the peak.

The increasing number of riots and upheaval around the world due to the rising world food prices, is simply the first signs that capitalist economic activity is not meeting major human needs once again.

Do you even feel secure right here in the US? Enough said then. The capitalist business has you in its clutches, and in fact, has us all in its clutches as it tears the planet’s ecology apart. It would be impossible to make this monster economically sustainable. It just isn’t. And that’s no matter how many solar panels Fort Carson might install, or ‘green’ companies you might invest in.