“United For Global Change” is Madison Ave dilution of “Global Democracy” cry. Oct 15 not for Obameaningless change

15 Octubre, Global Democracy, now subverted to United For Global ChangeUNITED FOR GLOBAL CHANGE certainly smacks of the meaningless slogan that swept President Hope to power. My guess is that this is Advertizer Omnicom’s contract PR redesign to subvert the worldwide Global Democracy movement sparked by Spain’s Indignant rebels and the Arab Spring. Original promotional materials called for GLOBAL DEMOCRACY, which meant something obviously, but might confuse Americans who think their illusion of democracy is enough, spread via Pax Americana. Global “Change” is a straw man open to pundits critical of unspecific demands, “Democracy” less so.

Omnicom is just a guess, they’re the outfit who saved McDonalds’ skin with “I’m lovin it” and who was contracted by the USG to sell Obama’s Wars to the international public. I forgot who won all the Addy in 2008 for the ad campaign of the year, brand “Obama.”

United For Global ChangeInternational demonstrations scheduled for October 15th are more than protests in solidarity for Occupy Wall Street in NYC. OCT15 is a call for DEMOCRACIA REAL YA, which I’m sorry, doesn’t translate to REAL *CHANGE* NOW! What’s change anymore but an Obamaesque meaningless platitude? Dispiriting is the infusion they’ve intended.

“United for Global Change?” Yeah, I don’t think so. First it’s hard to swallow that “change” translates more universally than “democracy.” Second, President Obama’s neo-grassroots orgs are obviously trying to seed anticipation of 2012 with a meme of international support. We Are Change, Be the Change, Democrats For Change, Democratic Change, Change That Works, Change Happens –whatever. In your dreams Democratic party. The world isn’t taking to the street to settle for an Obama Nothing Revolution.

Wanna bet that this Global Change job was commissioned by something akin to Change International, funded by a USAID affiliate, dispersing funds meant to promote CIA-styled Democratic Astroturf pro-US counterrevolutionaries in regions not yet sufficiently subservient to US multinational extraction industries?

So what if an establishment vanguard has succeeded in rebranding OCT 15 for placebo consumption. By all means please join the marches Saturday, regardless your unlike-minded companions. The vocabulary will be mixed, the media is already preparing headlines using the approved slogan makeover, but fear not, the rest of the world is marching for real Democracy and everyone knows it.

Instant Pentagon Slaughter on the way

LBJBorrowing a page from the recent Israeli military slaughter in Gaza, Residents asked (by the Pentagon and CIC Barack Obama) to leave homes in Pakistan’s Swat …Well you warned them, didn’t you, Barack Baby? You told them to leave and if any of their children now get in the way, you have washed yourself of all their blood in responsibility, now haven’t you Mr. First Black President? What a change you are from the Dubya crowd!

President Asif Ali Zardari, widower of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, is due to meet U.S. President Barack Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai in Washington on Wednesday for talks on the growing militant threat in the region.

” We’re acting with restraint because they’re using civilians as a shield but we’ll go after them if the situation gets worse,” said the military official, who declined to be identified.

Barack and The Democrats are ready to BOMB THEM BACK TO THE STONE AGE just like Lyndon once did! These are exciting times for the Democratic Party voter! LBJ Lives!

We’re so sorry…

OpieThink of it: You are a 13 y/o boy and a foreign power has just killed your brother, Mom, and other family members, and you get a knock on your door (not at your own house, since it stands no longer) and says…
‘We’re so sorry. Here take these dollar bills and we wish you the best. We made an awful mistake.’

Do you feel better now? Do you then get out a piece of paper and tell the person at your door to wait a second as you write this following letter?

Dear President of the United States,

Thank you so much by sending me this money. You and all of your country are forgiven since you have apologized to me. I know that you did not actually mean to kill members of my family, but an accident happened. Thank you for saying you’re sorry.

13 y/o Boy

See US apologises over Afghan deaths … Does this tragic comedy played out really make you and your neighbors feel that the US military is a moral unit that cares, and tries to behave? The couple of thousand paid out to this child are to buy you off more than to buy the 13 y/o off. Did this payout by Barack Obama’s command work?

The Obama Administration’s war games and the complicity of the United Nations Insecurity Council

US fleetThe Obama Administration talks it up for Peace, but readies itself to attack Iran. It also arms Israel to the teeth for whatever further destruction the Jewish State might be prepared to deliver to its neighbors.

And now Obama has the nerve to demand that the United Nations stop Iran and Syria from taking actions to defend themselves from a coming Israeli-US planned war! What incredible hypocrisy! See UN action urged (by US) over Iran arms ship …What a charade of international world government! What an dishonest con artist is Barack Obama! He does one thing and then demands that others do differently than the US itself. Obama wants a UN built on a double standard with US president as God!

In effect there are 2 United Nations; one democratic and representative of the world’s numerous and various nations and governments, and the other a coalition of the leading imperialist countries, all allied with the United States. The US simply ignores the United Nations that is the democratic one, and organizes the separate body of imperialist nations to do its bidding.

The United Nations ‘Security’ Council of imperialist countries is a puppet grouping of the US government and its allies, and always does US bidding 100% of the time. It’s time for the real United Nations of the world’s nations to expel the imperialist bloc altogether. It’s time for the real United Nations of expel the United States itself, because of its continual violation of World Peace. The US acts like a group of Nazis and the real United Nations needs to act accordingly because of that.

The world needs an international body that treats all countries equally with the same rules, laws, and instructions and which does not ‘sanction’ one country for doing one thing while then allowing all other countries allied with the US to do the exact same things of the sanctioned nation. Equal treatment under international law is the only real foundation for building World Peace and a world international government not based on continual lies, corruption, and injustice. The United Nations Security Council needs to be abolished by the Untied Nations itself, otherwise it is time to abolish the United Nations entirely. In fact, it should have been done long time ago.

Obama wants to attack us still, says Iranian general

Iranian general“We cannot claim that the (U.S.) Democrats are not warmongering like the Republicans. They are just as warmongering and mischievous, and they would like to do that (attack Iran),” Iran’s top military commander, Major-General Hassan Firouzabadi said.

And the US under Barack Obama continues to carry out the Pentagon fund raiser ‘Global War on Terrorism’, too. That means more killer drones murdering Pakistani civilians, more US occupation terrorism in Afghanistan and Iraq, and more backing Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians of Lebanon, Gaza, and the West Bank. It means that war with Syria and Iran might be started on a second’s notice by the US. It mean’s also that Barack Obama will try to hide away clandestine US military use of torture and that the concentration terror camps of the Pentagon will not be fully stopped. It means that the US government will continue to secretly take away the rights of its own citizens.

Obama wants to attack us still, says Iranian general? You bet he does! And I would not be over confident that the US under Barack Obama will not be any less reckless in using the military to bankrupt the economy than Dubya and Dick were. The military-inudstrial complex comes first for the Democratic Party, same as with the Republicans.

See Reuters… Iran says U.S. still “warmongering”

Obama reneging on promises to pull US troops out of Iraq

LiarObama won the presidency based on the fact that most Americans found him to be credible on his promise to get US troops out of Iraq, whereas they didn’t think John McCain had any commitment to do so. They got tricked and it appears that Obama today will merely restate the Bush promise to the Iraqi puppet government to get US troops out of Iraq by January 1, 2012. Look for numerous press reports to misstate that Obama is actually going to do nothing new in a manner similar to this one… Obama to Announce U.S. Troop Withdrawal in Iraq …Read the details and you can see that it is basically the Bush plan gift re-wrapped for more liberal Democratic Party voters acceptance of it!

What can be seen by this continued glue to the Bush program in regards to Iraq, is that the Democrats have no confidence that Iraq will not fall into a fight for power the minute US troops leave. The puppet government is that unstable, and in fact there are real and credible fears that civil war might now break out even with US troops still inside the country. Simply put, Barack Obama is fearful of changing Bush’s game plans for Iraq, so he’s sticking to the basic Republican program and sugar coating for his unmotivated Democratic Party constituency.

Yes, the Democratic Party ‘Peace’crats have kept the lid on all protest coming from their groups nationwide. The national coalition of these votes, the UFPJ (United for Peace and Justice) are refusing to unite with ANSWER in calling for Spring demonstrations. They simply really don”t want them with Abraham Obama in office…. he’s going to free the White Middle Class liberals from their slavery under Rush Limbaugh and Fox News!

Not only is Obama sticking with the Bush program directly promising to keep US troops in Iraq until 2012, he continues to carry out the Bush-Cheney game plan by expanding occupation in Afghanistan, and aggressively threatening Iran and Syria with war. Add to that the Democratic Party in no way has changed from giving Israel green light to continue their ethnic cleansing program against the Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and elsewhere (inside Israel itself). Meanwhile the ‘Peace’crats stand around with their thumbs up their asses and mumbling CHANGE… SPARE CHANGE, PLEASE. It’s very sad to see people debase themselves in this manner.

One can only feel sorry for the Iraqi population, too. They have no guarantee that the US under Barack Obama as CIC will actually stick to the promises to get out by 2012. All sorts of excuses to justify the idea that that cannot be actually done when the time comes can be made up under the usual fire of events, and Barack Obama is just the man in the US Presidency to do just exactly that. Three years from now? Well the US under this plan most likely will still be inside Iraq like glue. The US government and military simply didn’t build all their forts and Embassy Closed Gates without a desire to stick around. Barack is their guy, and when stability begins to crumble with his limited pull out, you can pretty much guess that the ‘plans’ will get changed once again. It’s simply stupid to trust the Democratic Party with much of anything other than their own going plans to collaborate with the Republican Party in running the World on behalf of American corporate power.

Also see… Orwell in Babylon- Obama’s Non-Withdrawal Withdrawal Plan ….By CHRIS FLOYD at antiwar.com

Germany, the US, and the Pakistani government team up to slaughter Uzbek refugees in Pakistan

uzbek-children-in-pakistan‘US strike’ kills 27 in Pakistan There is absolutely no reason for this report to put US Strike in parentheses since it was a US Pentagon slaughter of the usual type, and it did occur under Barack Obama’s direction. In this, the Pentagon has the total complicity of the Pakistani government, which allows US slaughter of refugees living inside its borders. The Uzbek victims are the latest scapegoats and human sacrifices for D.C.’s ‘Global War on Terrorism’, and are just 27 dead numbers as far as Barack Obama is concerned. Sacrifices to the God GWOT.

But what are these Uzbeks doing in Pakistan? Are they ‘jihadists’, or is there another story behind their presence so far from Uzbekistan? Yes there is! That’s’ where the Germans come into the picture, too. See ABSOLUTISM IN UZBEKISTAN
Germany’s Favorite Despot
and Prison conditions worsen further in Uzbekistan 18 january, 2009 for some background info.

So what is Germany doing in Uzbekistan? German military ponders plans to build Afghan railway route You might not know about any of these matters but you can bet your bottom dollar that Vladimir Putin and the Russians do! Their country is being encircled by the Germans and the US and the God GWOT is the justification being used by people like… YES… like Barack Obama!

Well, the Russians, Germans, and the US are all jostling over the region right now, Russia allows transit of US military supplies By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV -Feb 6, 2009 and human sacrifice is necessary say the 3 powers. What value do the latest 27 dead Uzbek refugees have other than propaganda in the US press to curry more support for the fight against ‘Muslim jihadists’? The military-industrial complex needs more US government contracts and more US wars ad infinitum! Bombs away Pakistan! (the children in the picture are Uzbek refugees in Pakistan)

Iraqi Occupation, Abomination! Iraqi Occupation, Obama Nation?

dennis-apuan.jpg APUAN HOSTS JOBS AND THE ECONOMY TOWN HALL sez the El Paso County Democratic Party website here in Colorado Springs! Dennis Apuan is a very nice former head honcho of the local Peacecrat grouplet called the Pikes Peak Justice and Peace Commission.

Special Guest Speaker Terrance Carroll to Join and he is a very nice man too, who has so very little power despite being Speaker of the Colorado State House of Representatives.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
12:00 noon to 1:30 PM

Ruth Holley Public Library
685 North Murray Blvd.
Colorado Springs, 80915

Both these Democrats are very nice folk, and I believe that Dennis Kucinich is, too. However…..?

Aren’t they also now shills for Obama? Aren’t they also loyal members of a War Party? Aren’t they both essentially silent on the major issues of the day? In fact, don’t they both pretend that the Democratic Party is something much better than it really is? That’s their job as Democratic Party decorations.

According to Dennis Apuan and the local chapter of the DP, As Democrats We Believe:

Defending all of the human rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
A clear separation of Church and State.
Swift and appropriate punishment for criminal behavior.
Freedom from undue government interference in our private lives and personal decisions.
Fiscal responsibility in government.
Equal opportunity for all citizens.
A quality education that gives all individuals the opportunity to reach their potential.
A quality environment in which to raise our children.
The value of diversity within the community.
Rewarding honest, hard work with a living wage and fair taxation.
Community support for strong families.
Security in our homes, our communities and our nation.
A nation that will serve as a model of economic and social justice to the rest of the world

Really now? Is that anything like the national program of the Democratic Party or is it in fact the polar opposite of the positions that Barack Obama and his herd of Slick Willie retreads takes? A message for this meeting would best be…

Iraqi Occupation, Abomination! Iraqi Occupation, Obama Nation!

Neither one of the keynote speakers seems to even remember anything about Iraq? Why is that? The Democratic Party is still keeping Iraq an occupied nation and by doing that, gives the lie that the national Democrats actually believe in all those nice things the local folk say they believe in.

Afghanistan Occupation, Abomination! Afghanistan Occupation, Obama Nation?

Get the message, Dennis? Your political party stands for bad times every much so as the Republicans do.

(There is Dennis Third from the Right in the picture… Black banner behind him)

Stop Obama’s Wars!

Netanyahu- ‘We have to murder Palestinian children in Gaza because they’re working for Iran!’

netanyahu and Obama“He (Netanyahu) also called for removing Hamas from power, calling it an “extremist fanatic regime backed by the extremist fanatic government of Iran.” He stopped short of saying he would attack Gaza again to uproot the regime if he is elected. Israel’s three-week offensive on Gaza killed 1,300 people, about half of them civilians, according to Palestinian figures.” These details of Yahooo’s talk reported by the Associated Press: Netanyahu: Gaza offensive stopped too soon, and also by al-Jazeera: Netanyahu vows to topple Hamas.

First off, this Yahooo is not going to attack anybody unless it is because the United States government OKs it. Americans have already elected their Yahooo and he will make that decision, or not?

Democrats, are you ready to be led into war with Iran because your Yahooo wants just that? Think about it some, will yuh? Are you going to help the Israeli Jewish people run the Arab Palestinians into the sea, because you hate Arabs, too, American?

US ‘suppressing torture evidence’ says top British government official

Binyam MohamedThe Pentagon has been suppressing the press. ‘Mr Davis said a High Court ruling, which pointed to complicity by the UK and US authorities in his torture, was prevented from being published after the US put pressure on the UK.’ Tory MP demands torture statement be made against the British Labor government’s support of US torture, and thus against the US government’s use of torture, also.

This is a welcome development as the Obama government has decided to continue rendition flights to have Pentagon held POWs tortured in other countries for the US government. MP David Davis is throwing a thorn in the side of the cover-up underway to help try to save the Bush Klan from prosecution.

Obama wants to renounce the use of torture and continue to use it more clandestinely. We should not allow him to get away with this maneuvering. That is a photo of Binyam Mohamed, the man who was tortured at Guantanamo by the US.

Obama in Afghanistan- $40,000 for the lost lives of 15 people?

‘U.S. commanders on Tuesday traveled to a poor Afghan village and distributed $40,000 to relatives of 15 people killed in a U.S. raid, including a known militant commander. The Americans also apologized for any civilians killed in the operation.’ See the Associate Press report US pays $40,000 after 15 Afghans die in raid for their entire report on the ‘collateral damage’.

Question is, is this how Obama thinks he can wins hearts and minds in Afghanistan? If not, then why is he moving more US troops to occupy that country? Why does he continue to use the US military to bomb civilian areas? This is nothing more than a continuation of Bush’s military policy.

Barack Obama appears to pull US back from using threats of war with Iran

islam peace“I have Muslim members of my family.
I have lived in Muslim countries… the largest one, Indonesia. And so what I want to communicate is the fact that, in all my travels throughout the Muslim world, what I’ve come to understand is that regardless of your faith – and America is a country of Muslims, Jews, Christians, non-believers – regardless of your faith, people all have certain common hopes and common dreams.”
Obama reaches out to Iran with message to Muslims

With these words, Barack Obama appeared to be pulling the US government back away from the Bush policy of actively seeking direct confrontation (war) with Iran. This certainly is a good development though, as the Iranian government says, it is too soon to say whether this is just rhetoric or real change on the part of the new leaders in charge of the US government? Unfortunately, the dangers of further war will increase if the US government continues to bomb Pakistan and Afghanistan and to increase yet more the number of US troops occupying Afghanistan.

Israeli government admits to having committed war crimes

Israel admits using white phosphorous in attacks on Gaza (on its attack on a UN sponsored school). This will bother Barack Obama about as much as his own military murdering civilians in Afghanistan does. Karzai Confirms: US Forces Killed 16 Civilians
Latest Civilian Killings by US Forces Spark Outrage Across War-torn Afghanistan

Lest anybody think that this is somehow an aberration and not representative of the face that the Barack regime will present to the world, Richard Holbrooke, a Clintonite/ Carterite Democratic Party retread elaborates on his opinion that the US government he is now the representative of will be fighting in Afghanistan longer than it did in Vietnam, all to be now under Barack Obama’s direction as US Commander in Chief. See Fata toughest challenge for Obama, says Holbrooke where he talks about Obama’s plans to continually be at war fighting against the peoples of Pakistan, as well as Afghanistan!

We still have a state of permanent US war on the books and that is the game plan under the man who claims to represent CHANGE. It’s the same old thing though, and the only change will be the economic depression that the Democratic Party policies have helped create will also be a happening for the US population in the coming years. ‘Change’ you won’t like.

A good part of Barack Obama’s war games will include yet more future use of Israeli war crimes, like the dropping of White Phosphorus on civilians inside the UN run school for children. Despite all the slick talk by Slick Obama, he doesn’t really give one hoot for human life. It really sickens me to hear folk claim to believe that the man is sincere and wants to make change happen, when it is so blatantly obvious that that simply is not the case. Barack and his Israeli war criminal friends plan on continuing the same Pentagon terrorism in pursuit of supremacy over their neo-colonies.

Gaza and Afghanistan- it’s election time so it’s time to spill The Barbarians’ blood!

gaza-babyThe Israeli Zionist Jewish State waited 24 hours after Jesus’s birthday to unleash their State Terrorism yet once again, since Jews have already unfairly been judged by many Christians in the near historical past for having murdered the ‘Son of God’. So they gave the Gazan Arabs one whole day of reprieve for Jesus. Wow!

Election time was coming up, and just like in the Christian US, Zionist Jewish politicians have to show that they are tough on the Barbarian Blacks of The Third World. The core of Zionism is racism, just exactly like the core of US nationalism (Christian patriotism) is racism, too. So, it’s time to kill the Gooks! It’s election time once again (early February in Israel)! One thousand Gazans have laready been killed or maimed in this new Israeli terrorist bombing.

Much overlooked in the US is why Barack Obama was allowed by his super rich backers to take office? He simply told them that he was tough on Barbarians, too. Oops, you missed that in his campaign? The rich who made his election possible did not. Barack Obama pledged to continue the ‘Global War on Barbarians’ by surging in Afghanistan, imitating the Bush war effort just exactly. Luckily for Obama, he had a bunch of ‘Peace’crat liberals out there to cover his ideological ass.

What is it about the Christian and Jewish Right that makes them so blood thirsty? Is it their ‘Holy Scriptures’ that tell them that they are ‘chosen peoples’? Kind of reminds one of the Aztecs, Incas, and Maya. ‘God’ like that just demands human sacrifices.

They are on a schedule almost, and once the Jewish platoon holds their ‘elections’ in their racially clean ‘democracy’, then that’ll be the Democrats green light to turn Iran into a Gaze/Iraq/Somalia. Such restraint! Makes the nut cases proud to be American, I bet.

Let’s just hope that all this planned war doesn’t trigger off a nuclear row between India and Pakistan mean time? Real mean time. Like car bombs, these things (Gaza) can just blow up right in your face when you go to set them off.

Obama’s plan for Afghanistan is to arm yet more death squads under Pentagon command

The US government calls them militias but the reality, like with Iraq, is that these forces are merely US controlled and trained death squads.
Kabul embassy flag ceremony
Here is the New York Times reporting on the Obama plan for more Afghanistan occupation… Afghans and U.S. Plan to Recruit Local Militias Don’t be deceived by the title of the report, since even the US government’s Afghan puppet ‘president’ Karzai is against the Obama plan. There are no Afghans that are planning to do anything more than participate under the command of US planned death squads being launched there by Obama and Dubya. Here is the LA Times more honest title to there own report… Afghanistan’s President Karzai laments coalition use of ‘thugs’ These 2 articles are on the Libertarian site, antiwar.com today.

The ‘Peace’crats are still giving Obama the benefit of their Democratic Party voting ‘doubt’. Why are so many of these little liberal types covering up from Obama’s plan to put in more US troops into Afghanistan to ‘surge’ the area with more US organized locals, platooned into death squads? And what does Obama have planned to do to the people of Pakistan? It’s time to oppose this Democratic Party criminality not to remain silent. Raise your voices against the local ‘Peace’crat groups, since we need better organization than they will ever provide to oppose effectively the Pentagon terrorism. They’re going to stay largely silent.

(That picture is of US troops at the US Kabul ‘Embassy’ 7 years ago December- 2001, right about the time that the US allied death squads slaughtered thousands of surrendering Afghan troops in air tight cylinders by suffocation and shooting bullets into them. They had tried valiantly to defend their country from US occupation but failed. See Mass grave plundered at site of Taleban prisoners’ massacre Six years later, the US government of Obama wants to organize yet more death squads to use against Afghans.)

Obama’s Afghanistan Surge and the ‘Peace’crat picnickers

democratic party flag wavingWhat’s that silence out there? It’s the silence of all those supposed peacniks who turn out to be nothing but picnickers for the Democratic Party cons who are behind adding more US troops into occupying Afghanistan. You won’t see them out protesting this new ‘Surge’ for war, or even talking about it.

In fact, the ‘Peace’crats main group, the UnUnited for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) has decided at its recent small and semi-national December Christmas picnic to try to change the whole subject from one of war to American economy. They will not be uniting with antiwar groups for building united Spring antiwar demonstrations, but will go it alone talking about how bad the economy is instead, and blah, blah, blah…. Whirled PEAs….

Feel free to go to their YES, We Won’t site and read their usual babble about what they won’t be doing. And much better to get the real dope on this outfit of ‘Peace’crat misfits, check out this reportage about their national get together … Antiwar organizing in the Obama era by Ashley Smith and Eric Ruder reporting on the debates at the national convention of United for Peace and Justice.