Capitalism is killing off nature itself

dodo extinctionMost people say that overpopulation is what’s destroying our Planet, but in reality, it is how the world population organizes its economic activity that is responsible.
In truth, most of us have no say about how the rich and powerful run their economic system, no more than the slaves of Rome could influence how the Roman Empire was run. We still live in a world run from the top down. Our large number is not the determinant part of the equation that just doesn’t add up very well for long term survival. Threat to European biodiversity ‘as serious as climate change.’

Businessmen gone WILD!

throwing moneyWorldwide the business community has gone wild as they try to resurrect the declining capitalist world economy by simply throwing trillions of government dollars at themselves to ‘stimulate’ the return of their profit making. EU, China, US unleash global assault on crisis

How many years have Americans heard these same folk exclaim that you cannot fix problems by throwing government money at a problem? What a band of liars, hypocrites, and crooks these people are! These capitalists have always used this refrain to keep from helping people out with government monies, but show no such restraint when it comes to themselves. It’s called the ‘virtue of greed’ by their more ideologically minded sycophants, in fact.

These same businessmen will not deal with real problems the world faces as long as we let them have total control over our world society. In fact they will totally destroy the planet’s ecology if we continue to let them do as they have done, and we will simply not have a planet for an economy of any kind.

Yes, the whole world is watching these businessmen gone WILD! … and the world does not like what it is seeing. Simply put, people are tolerant and will sit back passively and do nothing if the capitalist ship’s keel is righted, but this gigantesque toss of trillions of dollars to the super-rich has no guaranteed success ahead since no real problems of world economy are actually being addressed in any meaningful manner. The boat might become temporarily stabilized once again (a BIG IF???), but a world capitalist economy based on warfare and the destruction of Nature will not sail for that much longer in the stormy seas that world capitalism itself is making. It will capsize itself.

Yes, Big Business has gone totally wild and they have done it before, People. And when they went wild in previous eras the price common folk paid was horrifying. We have some grim times ahead and realistically we must sit back and wait, until people simply begin to wake up to what is happening to them. The tsunami approaches, and with it comes world depression and yet more US government created war.

WaMu shares fall from $39 to $2 in one year

wallstreetThe Domino Theory at work! Next to fall- Washington Mutual. Nothing related to Vietnamese Communism at all, but to American capitalism itself.

And what does Wall Street and Washington, D.C. advocate now? Why socialism! They advocate socialism for themselves,The Rich, where profits are privatized for the super elites and losses are socialized for the poor to pay the costs of bad business dealings done by private owners. They call that ‘bailout’.

So if we are to have this form of socialism in place in the US one begins to wonder about having a much different form of Socialist Movement return to the scene, where benefits are privatized and the super rich must pay their fair costs to a society that they have been looting from? Well why not? Why should government always be benefiting only the rich, where corporate corruption allows Big Business to seize control of the government to use only for themselves?

Also, we need to ask ourselves whether Big Business will ever care for Nature? The answer seems obvious that NO it will not, since looting nature is part of the essential business ethic of making profit for owners at the expense of others (workers and Nature).

Yes, Socialism is back and we need to see that it is not the National Socialism of the rich for the rich that shall predominate, but rather Socialism of those who do the work for those who do the work, that is put into effect. Because one way or the other, it is what’s now on the agenda. After WaMu, which next? The corporate-run government is bankrupting itself to stop bankruptcy! The FDIC will have to spend another $20 billion if this bank blows bringing itself almost to the point of insolvency. The money for bailouts and bankruptcies is not endless.

No fishing

no-fishing.jpg Everywhere life is under attack despite our sweet little Colorado license plates urging us to ‘respect life’. Unfortunately though, there is little in capitalism that does respect life much, whether it be human life or other. If we did respect life, then we wouldn’t have allowed our world wilderness areas to be reduced to ashes and ruins. We would not have allowed our oceans, rivers, and lakes to be degraded. We would not have allowed THEM to degrade US, since how can a degraded population really not turn around and degrade other forms of life, too?

One form of life we are in increasing danger of losing is fish. Fish may soon become a thing of the past for most of us in our food chain. The day of the cheap tuna or cheap sardine may be soon gone for good. Many of our water ways may soon become dead zones, as many already are. Just how bad is the situation now?

‘Only 50 years left’ for sea fish says it all, and the situation in fresh water is no better. See Silent Streams? Escalating Endangerment For North American Freshwater Fish We take no action to stop this destruction of fish life simply because most people are too busy defending the society they live in rather than trying to change it.

But look what is being defended here? Our neighbors are defending the extermination of life by their defense of the status quo. Soon there will be no fishing and it will be because most of us played stupid for so very long. I will miss the fish, as so too will your children and their children, too. Destruction of life is permanent, and this will be the legacy of the capitalist system on our planet. The legacy will be dead zones and desolation. Time is about out.

Worldwide Transportation Strikes are the first signs of an economic earthquake ahead

All around the planet the working class is beginning to stir once again in mass. What is driving this awakening is the effects of rising gasoline prices, as workers engaged in transport feel the first crunch of declining world supplies of petroleum.

Taxis drivers, bus drivers, truckers cannot keep charging the same rates for their services as their costs for gasoline shoot sky high. Security tightened as fuel protests turn violent And the general public is beginning to panic as they see basic consumer goods become too costly and out of reach.

Let’s face it, much of capitalist production is extremely inefficient, wasteful, and wrongly directed. Now, the world will begin to pay the true price for capitalism’s destruction of nature’s reserves of oil, clean water, and fertile agricultural soil . As a result, all that seemed so timeless and stable in our world is crumbling today into the sands of time.

How are we to get around without the petroleum the oil firms got us addicted to? World society now looks like a heroin addict who’s lost his supply. Look out on our stretched to the limit US suburbs. Everything is built wrong. Ouch!