
"The MLA is a body that attracts people from different traditions, different languages, different countries, different periods. It is the gathering point; the common book of the membership." —Simon Gikandi

Connect with your colleagues, share your work, and help us advocate for the study and teaching of languages, literatures, and culture by joining the MLA. Membership is available at the individual, departmental, and institutional level.

Individual Membership

MLA members develop sessions for the MLA Annual Convention, participate in professional development, publish in MLA books and journals, and provide leadership on professional issues through MLA committees. Join or renew today, or find out more about MLA membership and its benefits, and how members are essential to the health and vibrancy of our fields.

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Departmental Membership

MLA Academic Program Services (MAPS) supports the work and professional development of those who lead and manage academic programs in the humanities. Through the Association of Departments of English and the Association of Language Departments, MAPS provides access to resources and community to help you advance the goals of your department or program and stay on top of the critical issues facing our fields.

Institutional Membership

The MLA Strategic Partnership Network (SPN) brings together institutions to develop critical resources for supporting college-level study of the humanities and to build a sustainable foundation for the future. SPN members collaborate on strategies with fellow humanities leaders; help shape national policy; and have access to a robust package of benefits for students, faculty members, and departments. 

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