Leading Contributors to the MLA

President’s Circle

The members of the President’s Circle generously donated $3,000 or more to the various MLA funds during the association’s 2023–24 fiscal year, which runs from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024. Find out more about donating to MLA funds.

Jay Clayton
Rosemary G. Feal
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Anne Ruggles Gere
Edward Guiliano
Paula M. Krebs
Sidonie Ann Smith
Domna C. Stanton
Catharine Roslyn Stimpson

The following contributors generously donated $1,000 to $2,999 to the various MLA funds during the association’s 2023–24 fiscal year, which runs from 1 September 2023 to 31 August 2024. Find out more about donating to MLA funds.

Richard Dyke Benjamin
Russell A. Berman
Michael Johannes Boehler
Rita Bernice Dandridge
Karen R. Lawrence
Kara Marler-Kennedy
Geraldo U. de Sousa
The Teagle Foundation
Pauline R. Yu

The following contributors generously donated $500 to $999 to the various MLA funds during the association’s 2023–24 fiscal year. Find out more about donating to MLA funds

Dennis Berthold
Thomas E. Bird
David Bleich
Ann Bugliani
Judith Butler
Terry Callaghan and Tom Walsh
Earl Fitz
Geoffrey Green
John David Guillory
Marianne Hirsch
Raymond C. La Charité
John P. Leavey
Catherine Porter and Philip E. Lewis
Lorenzo Servitje
Evie Shockley
Anthony Julian Tamburri
Kay F. Turner
Vicky Unruh
Dana A. Williams
Elizabeth Catherine Wright

The following contributors generously donated $200 to $499 to the various MLA funds during the association’s 2023–24 fiscal year. Find out more about donating to MLA funds.

Kwame Anthony Appiah
Paul B. Armstrong
Michael Bérubé
James J. Seamus Blake
George R. Bodmer
Betsy A. Bowden
Leo Braudy
Helmbrecht Breinig
Maria Minich Brewer
Peter Brooks
Norma Elia Cantú
Jack L. Capps
Monika Cassel
Pradyumna S. Chauhan
Rebecca Colesworthy
Syndy M. Conger
Raymond Cormier
David Damrosch
Lara A. Dodds
Laine E. Doggett
Clorinda Donato
Heather Dubrow
Joseph A. Dupras
Judith Entes
Laurence W. Fennelly
Carole Ferrier
Gail E. Finney
Doucet Devin Fischer
Mary E. Flaherty
Grace S. Fong
Frances Smith Foster
Jody Franklin
James Franklin
Dawn Fulton
Suzanne Gossett
Nathan Grant
Margaret Greer
Victor Yelverton Haines
Kevin J. Harty
Antonette Healey
James Anthony Walsh Heffernan
Dorothea Heitsch
Dorothy J. James
Daphne A. Jameson
Jerry Rafiki Jenkins
Deborah Jenson
Richard Jewell
Deborah Ellen Kaplan
Robert Lane Kauffmann
Anna Kornbluh
Lawrence D. Kritzman
Vincent Barry Leitch
Lawrence I. Lipking
Judy Ruth Little
Steven Mailloux
Leah S. Marcus
David Marshall
Thomas F. Matchie
Patricia A. Matthew
Mary Helen McMurran
Gwen Margaret Neary
Carol Thomas Neely
Sarah M. Nelson
Christopher Newfield
Jonathan Ngaté
María Rosa Olivera-Williams
Charles A. Perrone
Robert C  Petersen
Annie Pfeifer
James Phelan
Helen H. Reed
Bruce W. Robbins
John David Schwetman
James Shulman
David Shumway
Stefania Irene Sini
Kathryn Slott
Katherine Sugg
James Swenson
Amie Godman Tannenbaum
Betrearon Tezera
Jean-Jacques Thomas
William Thompson
Patricia Timmons
Jorge H. Valdivieso
Belen Villarreal
Lisa Vollendorf
Sharon Dahlgren Voros
Christophe M. Wall-Romana
Cynthia Ann Ward

The following contributors have generously established endowed funds.

Morton N. Cohen
The family of Fenia and Yaakov Leviant
Howard R. Marraro
The Lois Roth Endowment
Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione
Joseph and Mimi Singer

The MLA is also supported by
