Backlist Titles
Backlist Titles
An Introduction to Old English
By Jonathan Evans
Approaches to Teaching the Romance of the Rose
Ed. Daisy Delogu, Anne-Hélène Miller
Lost Texts in Rhetoric and Composition
Ed. Deborah H. Holdstein
Hyumŏnijŭm, cheguk, minjok
Ed. Travis Workman
Humanism, Empire, and Nation
Ed. Travis Workman; Trans. Travis Workman
Beyond Fitting In
Ed. Kelly Ritter
Teaching Postwar Japanese Fiction
Ed. Alex Bates
Teaching Central American Literature in a Global Context
Ed. Gloria Elizabeth Chacón, Mónica Albizúrez Gil
Teaching Asian North American Texts
Ed. Jennifer Ho, Jenny Heijun Wills
Teaching the Global Middle Ages
Ed. Geraldine Heng
MLA Guide to Digital Literacy
By Ellen C. Carillo
Teaching and Studying Transnational Composition
Ed. Christiane Donahue, Bruce Horner
Teaching Literature in the Online Classroom
Ed. John Miller, Julie Wilhelm
Approaches to Teaching the Novels of James Fenimore Cooper
Ed. Stephen Carl Arch, Keat Murray
Approaches to Teaching Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment
Ed. Michael R. Katz, Alexander Burry
Giambatista Viko; ou, Le viol du discours africain
By Georges Ngal