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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
For other uses, see Wanda Maximoff (disambiguation)
For alternate versions of Wanda Maximoff, see Wanda Maximoff's Character Hub
Multiverse Discovered
"He discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own..."
The subject of this article comes from an alternate universe connecting to the main timeline of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This universe is designated by the Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki as the "Zombie Outbreak Universe".

"He's been keeping him alive to feed his zombie bride."
"That goth chick. I knew it. I was pickin' up vibes."
"Her name is Wanda."
Winter Soldier, Scott Lang and Vision[src]

Wanda Maximoff is a former member of the Avengers and a superhuman with powerful magical abilities. However, Maximoff was among Earth's inhabitants who were infected by the Quantum Virus and turned into flesh eating zombies. Despite Vision's many attempts to cure her, Maximoff's powers resisted the treatment; the only course of action was for Vision to contain her and her hunger. Later, she was summoned to another world by Strange Supreme to help confront Ultron; the AI destroyed the planet she was on, but Maximoff survived and was captured by Strange along with other heroes and villains in his attempt to sacrifice them to the Forge and restore his universe. The prisoners were freed by Captain Carter; Maximoff fought Carter and Kahhori before being transported back to her home universe.


Marvel Database Logo
This is an in-depth biography of Wanda Maximoff/Zombie Outbreak. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.


Prisoner at Camp Lehigh[]

"Her powers are too strong. They've resisted the treatment. The only course of action is to contain her and her hunger."
"Why not eliminate her?"
"I... I couldn't."
Vision and Okoye[src]

In 2018, Wanda Maximoff became infected with the Quantum Virus and transformed into a zombie. Vision, unable to cure her and opposed to killing her, decided to keep her contained in a holding cell in Camp Lehigh, New Jersey. He then led survivors to there so she could be fed.

Zombie Scarlet Witch-

Maximoff is found by Bucky Barnes

A group of survivors consisting of Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Bucky Barnes, Okoye, and Kurt Goreshter arrived at the camp after deducing a message's hexacode. Barnes explored the base to find a transport and instead found a zombified Maximoff and a crippled T'Challa. Having been disturbed by the survivors' presence and hungry for food, Maximoff broke out of her cell and killed Goreshter.

Zombie Scarlet Witch vs Hulk

Maximoff fights against Hulk

Barnes, Parker, and Okoye fought against Maximoff, as Banner persuaded Vision to let them go. Vision created an opening for them to escape and as they were escaping, Maximoff captured and infected Okoye. Vision then sunk the base, causing it to fall on Maximoff. When Maximoff erupted from the debris, she saw that Vision had become deactivated and kneeled by his corpse in distress. Upset by Vision, she ignored the fact that Parker, Scott Lang, and T'Challa were escaping in a Quadjet, and tossed Barnes aside after he confronted her. However, she did try to bite Banner, but he turned into Hulk in time, and engaged her in a fight.[4]

Battle for the Multiverse[]


Maximoff faces against Ultron

"It's not them. It's what came with the zombies."
Strange Supreme to Thor[src]

Maximoff, along with several zombies, were transported via portal by Strange Supreme to distract Ultron in an uninhabited planet in another universe. She was able to withstand Ultron's destruction of the zombie horde and used her powers to fight him. However, he used the Infinity Stones to absorb her energy blast, much to her surprise. Realizing too late that she would be killed by a being wearing her lover's face, Maximoff was unable to do anything but see how Ultron used the Stones' power to obliterate the planet,[5] although Maximoff survived.[1]

Battle at the Sanctum Infinitum[]

Zombie Wanda returns

Maximoff confronting Carter and Kahhori

"Oh, no. Not her."

Maximoff was captured by Strange Supreme and imprisoned in the Sanctum Infinitum to be sacrificed into the Forge. When Captain Carter caused a riot to prevent Strange's plans, Maximoff was freed. Maximoff encountered Carter and Kahhori, and as Carter fought off a horde of Zombies, Maximoff battled against Kahhori, with both of them levitating in the air. Maximoff attempted to infect Kahhori, but she was instead teleported away to her universe.[1]


As a zombie, Wanda Maximoff can be somewhat contained by receiving the human flesh she craves. But when Maximoff is angered, she becomes a reckless monster. Even as a zombie, she seemed to have a deep connection with Vision, going up to check on his corpse after he took the Mind Stone out of his forehead, looking slightly affected by that. When pulled by Strange Supreme to face Ultron, Maximoff seemed to recognize him as her brother's killer; given her murderous rage and lack of desire to bite him. She even had enough lucidity for a brief moment of panic upon seeing her blast couldn't kill Ultron.

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Zombie Physiology: Maximoff was infected with an encephalopathic virus that overloaded her brain's limbic system, turning her into a zombie.
    • Infection: Like any zombies, Maximoff is capable of spreading the encephalopathic virus to others by biting or scratching which would turn them into zombies.
  • Magic: Maximoff was born with latent magical abilities that were later unlocked and amplified through her exposure to the Mind Stone.
    • Psionics:

      Maximoff generating psionic energy

      As a result of exposure to the cosmic energy from the Scepter, which contained the Mind Stone, Maximoff unlocked an array of psionic powers related to her magic. These powers manifest as a luminescent vapor or mist of red hue emanating from her hands and body.
      • Psychic Energy Manipulation: Maximoff can project energy blasts, streams, waves and bolts of her own psionic and telekinetic energy, allowing her to hit, push/pull or blow away her targets, potentially exerting enough force to destroy them. Maximoff was able to send a wave to free herself from Spider-Man's webs, and project powerful streams of psionic energy at Ultron, Captain Carter and Kahhori. She also was able to conjure two binding energy ropes around Kahhori to restrain her.
        • Telekinesis:
          Zombie Wanda stops bullets

          Maximoff stopping the bullets

          Maximoff has the ability to move, levitate and otherwise manipulate objects using her psionic energy in a remote manner without the need for her energy to first be projected from her hands. Maximoff used this ability to break the glass that contained her, blast open metal doors, pick up a metal door to block gunfire from Bucky Barnes then throw it at him, pick up Kurt Goreshter and Okoye then pull them to her, lift countless large rocks from the crater and cause them to explode, make rocks levitate around her, stop bullets Barnes fired at her and send them back, pick up Bucky Barnes and send him flying, and to move aside two zombies in her way. During her fight with Kahhori and Carter, Maximoff used her telekinesis to stop several debris thrown at her by Kahhori.
        • Force-Field Generation: Maximoff is able to create highly durable barriers of red energy that she can shape and manipulate as needed. Maximoff used force fields to block blows from Hulk during their fight.
        • Levitation:
          The Zombie Scarlet Witch

          Maximoff levitating in the air

          Maximoff is able to effortlessly levitate herself through the air. Maximoff was able to fly into the room to engage in a fight with the last survivors, she was able to fly out of the crater Vision made, fly towards Bruce Banner in an attempt to infect him, and when she flew towards the Hulk in their fight. Maximoff was also able to fly around while fighting Kahhori.
      • Mental Manipulation: While in the Sanctum Infinitum, Maximoff was able to use her mental manipulation abilities to control a whole army of zombified humans and then make them attack Captain Carter and Kahhori.


  • Expert Combatant:
    Zombie Witch vs Hulk3

    Maximoff fighting against Hulk

    Maximoff was originally a poor fighter, having no combat skills or formal training. However, with years of experience, she developed a fighting style in which she would infuse her psionic energy into her hands to greatly enhance her hand-to-hand combat skills and allow her to parry attacks from attacks or bladed weapons without suffering any harm due to her psionic energy protecting her hands from getting damage.


  • Avengers Uniform: Not long after joining the Avengers, Maximoff would receive her own uniform. This suit contained a black leather suit with a red corset, and an open red leather coat over it instead. The uniform also included red leather fingerless gloves and flare-heeled boots.


  • Camp Lehigh: Vision kept Maximoff in a cell in the camp. Due to his Mind Stone repelling zombies away, it often got visited by survivors, only for them to be fed to Maximoff by Vision.


  • Sanctum Infinitum: After being trapped by Strange Supreme in a pocket dimension, Maximoff was taken to the Sanctum Infinitum and placed in a display case alongside other heroes and villains also imprisoned by Strange, as he planned to sacrifice them to the Forge and restore his universe. However, Maximoff and the other prisoners were freed by Captain Carter. Maximoff took control of the zombie zone of the Sanctum and fought Carter and Kahhori when the latter two tried to escape. During the battle, Maximoff was transported to her home universe by Kahhori.





In chronological order:


Transparent Endgame Logo
The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Wanda Maximoff/Zombie Outbreak.

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