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Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki
Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki

Krugarr is a Lem sorcerer and Ravager and the founder of the Krugarr Ravager Clan. They were also one of the members of Stakar Ogord's Team and a Captain within the United Ravagers.


Marvel Database Logo
This is an in-depth biography of Krugarr. For an abridged overview, see Marvel Database's article on the same character.

Ravager Captain[]

"Me and Stakar and the other Captains... we weren't so different from you and your friends. The only family I ever had."
Yondu Udonta to Rocket[src]

In their years of youth, Krugarr was a part of a group of Ravagers led by Stakar Ogord, and participated in many adventures and heists all across the galaxy. Eventually, after Udonta's exile from the Ravagers, the team disbanded and Krugarr never saw their teammates again for many years.[2]

Team Reunion[]

Guardians 3000

Krugarr reunites with their team

"You know, it's a shame that it took the tragedy of losing Yondu to bring us all together again, but I think he would be proud knowing that we're back as a team."
Stakar Ogord[src]

Following the death of Yondu Udonta, Ogord decided to reunite his former teammates, and proposed for them to reunite once again as a team. Krugarr conjured a Mandala as a sign of approval.[2]

United Ravagers[]

At some point after the reunification of Ogord’s old Ravager team, several Ravager clans, including Krugarr's, grouped together to form the United Ravagers and acted collectively as a much larger team, conducting thieving activities and heists together.[3]

Aiding the Guardians[]

Martinex and Krugarr

Krugarr opens portals onboard the Bowie

In an effort to save a wounded Rocket, the Guardians of the Galaxy would attempt to infiltrate the Orgoscope, to recover the password to Rocket's kill switch. In order to get in, Nebula would contact the United Ravagers for assistance. Upon arrival to the Orgoscope, Krugarr would open multiple portals for Gamora and the Ravagers to board the Bowie. He would also be present and react to Drax's distaste of red clothing during Ogord's briefing.[3]

Reuniting with Gamora[]

Following the successful rescue of Rocket and defeat of the High Evolutionary, Gamora returned to the United Ravagers. They warmly welcomed her home, where Krugarr and the Ravagers happily hugged her.[3]

Powers and Abilities[]


  • Magic: Krugarr is a sorcerer who can draw magical energies from other dimensions to perform mystical feats.
    • Krugarr Vol3

      Krugarr using magic to react with a laughing face

      Eldritch Magic: Krugarr is able to create, shape and manipulate Eldritch Magic. They demonstrated the ability to form fiery, holographic Tao Mandalas in the air with hand gestures, as it did to create a Mandala giving a thumbs up to signify their excitement to rejoin Stakar Ogord's Team. Krugarr would once more create a Mandala to project a laughing face in amusement towards Drax's distaste of red clothing, when assisting the Guardians of the Galaxy's infiltration of the Orgoscope.


  • Master Thief: Krugarr is an incredible thief which allowed him to become the leader of his own Ravager Clan.
  • Expert Tactician: As the captain of his own Ravager faction, Krugarr commanded dozens of Ravagers to formulate the best plans for their thievery.





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The Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki has a collection of images and media related to Krugarr.

External Links[]
