La La Land

La La Land


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La La Land is a spectacular movie. If you didn’t know it’s became a set tradition for me to revisit this film every year on or around the time of Mother’s Day, ironically my mother has yet to see it, because that’s when I experienced it for the first time two years ago and when it instantly made a monumental impact on me. I look forward to this annual rewatching so much that months in advance I begin listening to the score/songs, watch clips, and frequently think about it’s beauty all awaiting the day of sun of where I can jump back into the pool of movie magic that this film so fiercely is. It’s hard to describe the feeling I always have watching this film from the first time when I quite literally sat in unbridled shock to this most recent viewing where I managed to feel those exact same feelings. This film brilliantly hits all the perfect notes in molding a melodic tune of bringing together a sense of homage for the musicals of old and a refreshing new set of craft that blend with each other to deliver a piece of filmmaking that feels like it came out in the exact right time with the perfect set of circumstances backing it.

 Every looming, breezy shot is constructed to capture the thematic atmosphere constantly unfolding at hand which is heavily reliant on how the elements of music in a musical directly effects the story and style of filmmaking. Luckily for this film it excels in that act due to the outstanding (I don’t feel like writing this but just imagine reading that word a few hundred times) music that whirls in the wind, howls like an owl, and takes a form of it’s own in hitting a various amount of emotional chords. When discussing this film Chazelle, Stone, and Gosling are the names mainly brought up and rightfully so but I feel like Justin Hurwitz should be talked about more because he commands the composition and writing of this film’s music like a pure genius. Only a select amount of films consist of these scenes that I call chill moments, scenes that are so powerful or iconic that I physically feel a chill go down my spine, but this one pushes the limits and has more chill moments that I can count on my fingers which never fails to seriously impress me. Overall La La Land is a gentle yet immensely strong symphony that firmly stands amongst challengers to be the pinnacle of modern filmmaking, two years ago this film changed my life along with my general view on cinema and it still manages to do so. 

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