Kimono Flea Market ICHIROYA's News Letter No.695
Konnichiwa everyone! This is Yoko writing this week's newsletter. Ogenki desuka?
Our Golden Week holiday was really nice with lots of sunshine and blue sky. How was your weekend?
I did not go anywhere special just stayed locally, worked in my garden and did lots of weeding.. (sore)
And of course being a chauffeur to my kids between schools and the house.
Marin tagged along each time. She is such a wonderful companion. :)
But you know what many people enjoy during the Golden Week holiday? People enjoy Bar-be-que!! (BBQ)
You find groups of people and families getting together at a park, near a river, or by the beach enjoying BBQ!
I think we were invited to total of four BBQs during the holiday. (enough...)
My son even attended one in the morning and one in the afternoon, tough kid!
Here is a photo of us at a friends' place enjoying BBQ.
What do people enjoy in your country during a long holiday? (curious!)
When I was a child during each holiday, I remember my parents took my brother and I to many places.
They took us to skiing in winter and beach in summer. (grateful!)
From reading Nanae's newsletter I even remembered that they took us to Mt. Fuji when I was 12 or 13.
The trip was not to watch from far, but to climb to the top!!
We stayed a night at a small cabin near the top and woke up when the sky was still dark, I remember my mom felt sick, so she stayed at the cabin.
So three of us headed to the top in the dark.
My brother was whining and nagging from all the walking, and my dad was cranky from listening to my brother complain.
I was tired but really excited, so I headed myself to the top alone with whining brother behind.ã(This is my older brother talking!)
I reached the top just in time for Goraiko(sun rise).
The view from the top was stunning!, even my brother was happy to feel the accomplishment to be at the top of the highest mountain in Japan!
Now that I am older, I do not think I can climb the Mt. Fuji without any proper preparation!!
Arigato, Otooosan!
Mt. Fuji is grand! I conquered it!!
No wonder motif of Mt. Fuji often used on Kimono or men's haori lining, it gives us inspiration and motivation!!! yeah!!
Arigato gozaimasu for reading.
Wishing all a happy weekend!