








(1) Kawaiiの意味を知ってますか




(2)Kawaii アイテムを本当に好きですか



(3)Kawaii ファッションアイテムを持っていますか





















( 調査の結果 )







â—†The Lolita culture and fashion needs to be more widespread in the US.


â—†Harajuku is becoming really popular in stores such as Forever 21. I live in California.

原宿はForever21などのお店で人気になっています。カリフォルニア在住です ( すみません、意味不明です)

â—†I think it has a time and place. I work as an accountant so I can't wear it at work but on the weekends or on vacation I can be kawaii. I don't go overboard with it, though. Love the stockings!


â—†Pop culture in japan is so different to here in Australia, it's so much more outgoing and fun ^^ and for that reason adopting Japanese Popculture and Kawaii, i can have more fun with what i wear and do with it ^^

オーストラリアじゃ、日本のポップ・カルチャーは、まわりと全然違ってて、目立つし面白い! だから、私は着て楽しんでる!

â—†I am 23, I feel like there is always a time and place for different style, but, I am also a huge believer that a person can implement different items from different styles and create a unique hybrid of style that is unique to that person. I Personally LOVE Japanese pop culture, but I have introduced kawaii looks and items to friends who have no idea what Japanese culture is, and they still Love what I showed them,


â—†cute things in a lot of products of many types


â—†Hey there! I live in Canada and I think kawaii is a great look for younger people, but for anyone who is over 20 they would not be taken seriously by other adults in the west. People associate kawaii with children or immaturity in the west so it's really hard for adults to pull it off. But being a closet kawaii lover is still allowed! I think i probably fall into that category. I love kawaii things, but i don't openly display my love in public by wearing kawaii things. ^.^

カナダに住んでるけど、kawaii は若い人たちにはとってもいいと思う。でも、20才を超えたら、西洋じゃ、大人のものとは思われてない。Kawaiiは子どもたちや幼児性と関連付けて見られちゃうから、大人がkawaiiとうまくやるのは難しい。でも、クロゼットの中にkawaiiアイテムを貯めこむのはOK! 私もそれ、クロゼットKawaiiのカテゴリーにいるひとりね。Kawaiiものは大好きだけど、みんなの前じゃ、着たり見せたりしなわ。

â—†I cannot wear the "kawaii" look- I am 26 and work in an office. However, I do like cute in things I use everyday like tea cups and stationery. One of my best friends does love kawaii things- especially Rilakkuma. She wears cute shirts and likes Hello Kitty and Sailor Moon. My other best friend dresses very tom boy. All the same she loves dragons, Full Metal Alchemist, and kittens. Even not kawaii girls like my second friend and me will buy kawaii items if they are something we can use but don't have to wear.


â—†In Japan, it is acceptable for men to embrace kawaii culture. I like that!



â—†Kawaii is a great way to remain young at heart, I think.


â—†I think the answer to some of these questions is mixed, esp. no. 7. I do not like anything too homogenised as a culture in any culture, and dislike the way it can sexualise girls inappropriately, which is ironic, as often teens are trying to avoid the stresses of adulthood and keep childhood's pleasures longer. I dislike most mass market cultures, and prefer Kawaii as a philosophy rather than a look. We should all aim to keep part of our inner child for as long as possible, but I do not think this needs to be outwardly shown.

私たちは、みんな、うちにある「子供」をできるだけ長いあいだ持ち続けたいとおもっているんだけど、それを外見に見せる必要があるとは思わないわ。 ( 要約 )

â—†mens cuteness, can be nice, not age appropriate for my age, but I enjoy it none the less.


â—†colorfull tennagers


â—†I think "kawaii" is popular in America because now in America many women want to look cool or tough. Really feminine, innocent fashion doesn't really exist. So it's appealing for American girls, even cool or tough ones, to get to be pretty, beautiful girls again sometimes. :)


â—†My daughter and I love everything Kawaii. It is artistic, fun and happy.


â—†Watashi wa nihon ga daisuki desu yo.


â—†I like the idea of cuteness and freshness, but I don't go overboard with it. At the same time, I wear kigurumi, and my hair is blue, so I like to have a balance. I'm very young looking though, I don't look my age at all, and am mistaken for a college student often, so I think it's okay for me to wear these things. I don't want to give up wearing furisode either, even though I'm married, the sleeves are so graceful, and move so nicely.


â—†J-pop and K-pop saved my life, so... what more can I say?

JポップとKポップが私の人生を救ってくれたの! それだけ!

â—†I think kawaii has come to not only mean cute children's items but in the UK it is used to describe lots of craft designs, and fits well. I think that kawaii fashion might not only mean the obvious pink and plasticky, but also cute woollen wear and joyful accessories.


â—†My understanding of "kawaii" is that it means cute and refers to cute things. In American culture this only is socially normal for young girls. Parents encourage their girls past age 18 to grow up and be responsible and put away childish things. I have noticed during my time in Japan that female fashion in Japan seems much more feminine. Women in America dress in a masculine fashion and we're expected to act like men in the business world. There is a growing sub-culture in America that has moved away from this overly mature and masculine world and more women are once again becoming more feminine. Ball jointed dolls are gaining popularity in the US, women are collecting these dolls, and more adults are watching anime. I like Asian pop-culture. I enjoy watching Korean dramas and Japanese animation and film. I employ a small amount of "cute" things in my wardrobe but because I am 36 years old I can't do much or I will look silly. American culture tells women that if you look "girly" you will look silly and nobody will take you seriously. This is what I understand 'kawaii' to be. Cute things for younger people. Personally I am older,
and I prefer historical items from Japanese history. I would rather have a single elegant kimono than twenty cute things.

Kawaiiは、かわいい(cute)、かわいいものを意味すると思ってる。アメリカの文化では、それは、若い女性だけのもの。親たちは、18を超えたら、大人としての責任をもつように、子供っぽいものを捨てるように、言う。日本にいるとき、女性たちのファッションが、凄くフェミニンだってことに気づいた。アメリカのビジネスシーンじゃ、男性っぽいファッション(マスキュリン)で男性ぽく振る舞うよう期待される。 でも、アメリカでも、あまりにも男性的なものからサヨウナラして、もっとフェミニンになろうという、サブカルチャーが育ちつつある。球体型関節人形が人気になりつつあって、女性たちが集めているし、たくさんの大人たちがアニメを見ている。私はアジアのポップ・カルチャーが好き。韓国ドラマや日本のアニメを見て楽しんでる。私のワードローブのなかにも、少しだけkawaiiものがある。36才だから、あんまりたくさん着て、オバカに思われても困る。アメリカ文化は、「ガーリー」(少女っぽく)に見えるってことは、愚かものに見えることと同義にみなすし、だれも真剣に相手をしてくれなくなる。これがkawaiiってことなの。だから、それは、若いひとたちのもの。私は大人だから、日本の伝統的なものが好き。20個の可愛いものより、一枚の着物が好きなの。

â—†Pink, fake nails, lolita fashion, sweet furisode style (like designer IKKO-san)


â—†It is interesting and amusing to see examples of it. In the U.S., there are some young people who are really into manga and adopt the look into their fashion. Kawaii seems only appropriate for young people.


â—†I've grown very fond of Tokidoki, which is a punk version of kawaii design. I've always watched anime. When I was a kid the first anime was coming to the states... Simba, Speed Racer, and many more... In college, there was Macross, and when my son was a child
we had Power Rangers, the new Gamera movie. He chooses to watch anime almost exclusively. We watch Naruto and the new chibi spin off together. I LOVE the chibi versions of the characters. You guys have such an different take on life; I especially like the concept of nakama (protecting your friends, your village). My husband still puts little surprise boxes in my stocking!

â—†I love the aesthetic of more traditional Japanese things. Some of the colour combinations of kawaii items are great though, but it can be over the top, poorly coordinated and intense.

私はオーセンティックで伝統的なも日本のものが好き。 Kawaiiアイテムのカラーコンビネーションは凄いけど、やり過ぎでみっともないときも。

â—†more Japanese imports to US!


â—†Cute, fun, energetic- of course it is popular! Not appropriate for me to use such bright colors though, I am married with a little girl to take care of.

キュートで、楽しくって、エネルギー一杯、そう、Kawaiiは人気よ! 明るい色のファッションは私にはちょっと合わないけど。結婚して子供もいるしね


â—†Personally I think it is to cutesy-cutesy, and not for professional people....just kids. It seems to indicate fun and frivolity, which appeals to the young, and young at heart. Of course, Hello Kitty is popular with girls, almost in a universal way. And manga, with boys. I see little if any interest with my peer group, though my husband does love anime, and the Japanese comic films (and ghost films.)


â—†Even though Kawaii culture is aimed at young people, it seems to me to run the spectrum from very bright, cartoonish, cheap(?), babyish - to items/style which appeal in a richer more meaningful way to more discerning and or mature people. Either way, Japanese pop culture rarely fails to surprise or delight the West. At its best, it is energetic, original, creative, and fun!


◆fun-loving and fresh, irreverent without insolence?

â—†Cute is best for the young.


â—†I think if you provided a button called 'Sometimes', I would have clicked on that more often. I find 'kawaii' especially that of the Harajuku girls, extremely creative, like meta-fashion. Perhpas the spirit has moved on, but in the late eighties, I thought it was one of the MOST exciting things in world fashion, and the appropriating of exisitng 'looks' like pirate, or 'goth vampire', or even 'kimono lady' was like a jazz riff but in fashion. And yes, while as an adult woman, I cannot aspire to be 'kawaii'., I can use just one or two pieces to good effect.

答えの選択枝に、「どちらのときもある」を入れてくれてたら、そのボタンを押すことが多かったでしょうね。Kawaiiって、たとえば、原宿の少女たち。とっても創造的で、メターファッションみたい。そのスピリットは変わってしまったかもしれないけど、80年代後期、世界のファッションのなかで、Kawaiiはもっともエキサイティングなものだったと思う。( 後略 ~ すみません、ちょっと意味がわかりません )

â—†Sometimes kawaii is appropriate. It expresses the fun side of a culture, but can be overdone.


â—†I really like the Nightcore music sample! Wish we could listen to more of it in United States. It is upbeat and pleasant.


â—†I think that the Japanese cuteness cannot be repeated in other countries because it is unique. Regarding POP culture in Japan I think sometimes "kawaii" is overdone, but then this is part of the POP culture, ne?


â—†It's just another fad


â—†My daughter, 26, is enamored of Kawaii. I find the high pitched laughter and voice quite irritating, but I don't complain about something harmless that makes her happy. It just seems a bit childish to me, although I always watched Speed Racer when I was a teenager, it all seems a little silly to me now. No matter, all generations have their iconic representation. Mine was the Hippie so I have no room to talk about someone elses avatar. Interesting survey. I hope you publish the results.

娘は26才、kawaiiに夢中。けたたましい笑い声やおしゃべりにうんざりだけど、彼女がそれで幸せなら、いいかなと思ってる。いまの私にとっては子供じみてるけど、私も小さいころ、いつもSpeed Race(マッハGoGoGO)を見てた。どの年代のひととたちも憧れのアイコンをもっているもの。わたしにとってはそれはヒッピー(Hippie)だったし、だから、アバターについて語ることはできない。面白いアンケートね。結果公表してね。

â—†kawaii = "terminal cuteness"

kawaii= 究極の可愛さ

â—†Kawaii - very cute, child-like, happy Japanese pop culture - extreme, child-like/childish

â—†I enjoy the more, perhaps mature side of Japanese culture, but it is also good to relax and laugh. Especially appealing is the self-confidence and self-acceptance in kawaii culture. We need to practice more of both. Thank you!

日本文化の成熟した面のほうが好きかな。でもKawaiiもリラックスしたり笑えるけど。Kawaii文化にある自信や自己受容がいいね( ? 意味不明) 

â—†It seems appropriate for the young. It is quite entertaining.

â—†I think in America kawaii is thought to be appropriate for young people, but if you are older but still "kawaii", you are thought of as immature and people don't take you seriously.


â—†I think Kawaii is a look that only subteens and early teen Western girls are into. If you Google 'Claire's Accessories'and 'Accessorize' these will show the two main UK store chains that work Kawaii.

Kawaiiはティーンエイジャーのためのものと思う。'Claire's Accessories'や'Accessorize'を検索したら、kawaiiをやってるイギリスの大きなチェーンストアのサンプルが見れるわよ

â—†cute animal figures and young people dressed in bright or pastel outfits more suitable for young children


â—†I have seen a lot of 'fads' come and go. They are usually stated to make someone 'different' than everyone else...then everyone else is doing it. It become 'normal' then it's not a fad anymore and so a new fad has to start. That is all this is to me, a fad...something crazy or out side what society calls normal. Good survery, I learned about Kawaii today. B Texas age 53

たくさんの一時的な流行(fad)を見てきたわ。最初はみんなと違う何かなんだけど、みんながやるようになると、普通になっちゃって、また新しい流行(fad)が起きる。 Kawaiiもそう見える。社会が普通というものとは違うなにかクレイジーなもの。 テキサスから53才よ。

â—†Japanese pop culture has a mix of futuristic and traditional aspects. Also, there is an element of sincerity that is attractive to non-Japanese people. Kawaii is the opposite of "snark."
