Kenshi Wiki

Skeleton Drifters are wanderers or civilians that belong to several factions: Skeletons, Drifters, Flotsam Ninjas, Mongrel, or Tech Hunters. As civilians of the Flotsam or Mongrel, they can be rarely found patrolling and shopping in the respective towns. Otherwise they can be found wandering several biomes such as Cannibal Plains, Heng, Iron Valleys, The Eye, The Great Desert, and Floodlands.

They wear [High] armour (25% chance of [Specialist]) and have weapons manufactured by Skeleton Smiths.


  • Skeleton

Attributes Level
Strength 70
Toughness 70
Dexterity 70
Perception 60
Weapon Skills Level
Katanas 70
Sabres 70
Hackers 70
Heavy Weapons 84
Blunt 70
Polearms 70
Combat Skills Level
Melee Attack 70
Melee Defence 70
Dodge 5.6
Martial Arts 7
Ranged Skills Level
Turrets 72
Crossbows 60
Precision Shooting 60
Thievery Skills Level
Stealth 0.8
Lockpicking 1
Thievery 0.8
Assassination 35
Athletic Skills Level
Athletics 70
Swimming 70
Science Skills Level
Field Medic 70
Engineer 1
Robotics 1.2
Science 1
Trade Skills Level
Weapon Smith 1
Armour Smith 1
Crossbow Smith 1
Labouring 1
Farming 1
Cooking 1

The Statistics here are taken from FCS.
Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.



Manufacturer Model Chance
Skeleton Smiths [Mk I] 33.33%
[Mk II] 33.33%
[Mk III] 33.33%
Grade Chance
[High] 75%
[Specialist] 25%


Back slot[]

Name Chance
Fragment Axe Fragment Axe 87%
Eagle's Cross Eagle's Cross 5%
Oldworld Bow MkII Oldworld Bow MkII 5%
Ranger Ranger 3%



Name Chance
Straw Hat Straw Hat 6.13%
Rattan Hat Rattan Hat 6.13%
Armoured Hood Armoured Hood 6.13%
Wool Hat Wool Hat 6.13%
Cap Cap 6.13%
Turban Turban 6.13%
Tagelmust Tagelmust 6.13%
Ninja Mask Ninja Mask 6.13%
Bandana Bandana 6.13%
Side-Angle Hachigane Side-Angle Hachigane 6.13%
Hachigane Hachigane 6.13%
Iron Hat Iron Hat 6.13%
Tricorn Hat Tricorn Hat 1.23%
Square Goggles Square Goggles 0.61%


Name Chance
Mercenary Plate Mercenary Plate 19.61%
Assassin's Rags Assassin's Rags 19.61%
Mercenary Leather Armour Mercenary Leather Armour 19.61%
Armoured Rags Armoured Rags 19.61%
Sleeveless Longcoat Sleeveless Longcoat 11.76%
Longcoat Longcoat 9.8%


Name Chance
Leather Vest Leather Vest 100%


Name Chance
Cargopants Cargopants 22.22%
Halfpants (ragged) Halfpants (ragged) 22.22%
Samurai Clothpants Samurai Clothpants 22.22%
Ninja Pants Ninja Pants 22.22%
Stout Hessian Uniform Stout Hessian Uniform 11.11%


Name Chance
Samurai Boots Samurai Boots 33.33%
Wooden Sandals Wooden Sandals 33.33%
Plated Longboots Plated Longboots 33.33%


Item Quantity Price each
Skeleton Repair Kit Skeleton Repair Kit 1 c.4,341