The Forgotten Construction Set, better known as "the FCS," is a tool used to create modifications to Kenshi. The construction set is located in the Kenshi folder under the name "forgotten construction set".
On Feb 6th 2024 we got an update to the FCS, the new version has some new features. As of this change one is no longer able to launch the game from Steam Library if FCS is open. However one is able to have both open at the same time, if both are launched directly from the installation folder (fe. using windows shortcuts). At this time we do not know if in-world built or edited buildings save correctly if the mod one saves changes to in game, is open in FCS at the same time. Read about the new features here: FCS new abilities on version 1.0.65 onwards
The devs have released official documentation on using the FCS, which you can read here.
Creating a Modification[]
- Main article: Introduction to Modding
Making a new .mod file[]
In order to create a Kenshi mod you must first create an empty template. You can do this by pressing "New" (the button that looks like a blank paper), this is where you select the name for your mod. Try to make it something unique and descriptive, like "LightSabers" instead of "MyMod" if you are planning on sharing the mod with others, this will make it easier for people to keep all the mods apart from each other.
Editing your new mod[]
To start editing data files for your mod, press the "Load" button, now make sure both "gamedata.base" and your mod file are selected. Don't worry about accidentally changing files from gamedata.base, all changes you make are stored in the .mod file and the .base file is not overwritten at any point during modding.
Lo-fi Games is currently working with modders in order to deploy translations for several major languages into the game. They have published a tutorial for the creation of translations in their website. As of February 2017, the Spanish and Russian translations have already received official, however incomplete, translations.
See also[]
- Collision in context of furniture with animations
- Creating a rideable animal/vehicle
- How to make your character totally invisible
- Making Teleports
External links[]
- Guide to Translations --by Zodd
CompleteConstruction Set Tutorial and Important Links -- By ArcaneSaint