Kenshi Wiki
Stats Affected: Description:
The ability to pick locks, open doors and safes. More importantly however, it's also used to break OUT of situations: cages, jails, handcuffs. It's for those who value freedom and don't wait around to be rescued.
-Lock-picking doors & cages
Ways to Train:
-Picking locks/cages
-Special training equipment

A door/container is indicated as being locked when the cursor changes to a padlock symbol when moused over. Lock picking can be initiated by holding down the ALT key and right clicking or hold right click and selecting the "Lockpick" option. Your selected character will then move to and attempt to pick the lock. Progress is represented by a bar that fills in from left to right where, at the end of each cycle, your character has a % chance of succeeding. This is represented by the percentage in the lock picking progress bar. When failing the time it takes to pick the lock again is randomized a bit.

It is possible for a lock to be too far out of your character's skill range - your character will state that their skill is not high enough. A character needs to have at least 5% chance to attempt lockpicking. The required level is around 41.69 lockpicking below the complexity of the lock, meaning that to open a level 100 lock, a lockpicking skill of around 58.31 would be needed at a minimum.

Racial Experience Multipliers
Negative Multiplier:
There are no races which have negative experience multipliers for this stat.
Positive Multiplier:
-Hive Prince
All multipliers are either 0.8x or 1.2x unless marked otherwise.

Locksmith Training Boxes can be used to improve the skill without putting yourself into dangerous situations, however it takes a very long time to level this way. But it can be useful during the early game, when success chances are extremely low therefore disallowing you from even attempting and preventing you from improving the skill. Aside from building these training tools yourself, they can be accessed in Shinobi Thieves' towers if you are allied to them.

Similarly, to other training equipment, a character may train lockpicking only to a certain level, beyond which your character will still "train" but no progress will be made to the next level.

A good way to train this higher than boxes will allow is to find an abandoned/isolated prisoner cage (for example, in the ruined city of Bast) that allows you to get in and pick your way out. If you try this in a populated city the guards will just come let you out. It's important to note that successful pick attempts yield 5 times more XP compared to failing attempts, so it is more time efficient to successfully pick a lower level cage rather than fail off a higher level one.

Limited to Skeletons as its very dangerous for edible races, you can train lockpicking very easily by hopping into and moving between Prisoner Poles, located in Fog Deathyards. Fog Heavies and Fog Princes will still attempt to eat you if you are not a robot, so it's recommended you have decent combat stats or athlethics as they may try to attack when you escape, but they will deal no damage as long as you're on the pole. Strongly recommend doing this directly in front of Mongrel as if you should lose a fight with Fogmen and end up crippled you can still escape easily. Crawling to town while being harassed by Fogmen can be irritating.


  • The formula for the lockpicking success chance is 90/(2^(Lockpick complexity-Lockpicking/10)). With a maximum chance of 90%, and no possibility to attempt to unlock a container if the chance is below 5%.
  • When imprisoned, you receive a -10 Lockpicking debuff. This debuff will not prevent you from opening cages you would be able to open ordinarily. For example, if you have level 0 Lockpicking and are placed into a level 40 cage your chance to unlock it will become 2.8125%. As the normal chance to unlock this level 40 cage is 5.625% (above 5%), you will still be able to unlock it.