Kenshi Wiki
Awesome leather coat, offers a light protection from attacks. Pretty hot to wear in the desert though.
Longcoat Icon
Slot: ARMOR Type: Light Armour
Longcoat equipped

The Longcoat is a Light Armour that is equipped in the Body Armour slot. It can be bought from the Swamp armour shops. A Sleeveless variant of this armour also exists as well as a similar (and statistically superior) armour - Dustcoat.

It is randomly equipped by Anti-Slaver Jonins, Bar Thugs, Bounty Hunters, Drifters, Holy Nation Robots, Outlaws, Skeleton Drifters, Smugglers, Swamper Gate Guards, Swampers (Non-Gang), Tech Hunters, Tech Hunter Gate Guards, Tech Hunter Guard, Tech Hunter Ruins, and Yabuta Chiefs.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 4x6.


Longcoat is a leather trench coat made from a light brown leather. It has rolled-up sleeves that come down to elbow level. The Longcoat has a tall thick collar that protects the neck of the character. The coat is held shut by two featureless leather belts around the waist.

The longcoats worn by females are somewhat different, with the inner part of the longcoat a much darker shade of brown. Four featureless belts are wrapped around the character, two over the longcoat's open waist, one under the chest and one over it. It also appears longer than the male variant.


[Prototype Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 1%
-Cut resistance 2%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 1pts
-Weight 7.4375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 70%
-Value c.164
-Sell value c.41
-Head 25%
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Right Leg 60%
-Left Leg 60%
-Dodge skill effect 1.1x
-Melee defence bonus 5
[Shoddy Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 5%
-Cut resistance 8%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 6pts
-Weight 7.4375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 70%
-Value c.834
-Sell value c.208
-Head 25%
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Right Leg 60%
-Left Leg 60%
-Dodge skill effect 1.10x
-Melee defence bonus 5
[Standard Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 11%
-Cut resistance 17%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 13pts
-Weight 7.4375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 70%
-Value c.2980
-Sell value c.745
-Head 25%
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Right Leg 60%
-Left Leg 60%
-Dodge skill effect 1.10x
-Melee defence bonus 5
[High Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 16%
-Cut resistance 26%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 20pts
-Weight 7.4375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 70%
-Value c.6,556
-Sell value c.1,639
-Head 25%
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 90%
-Left Arm 90%
-Right Leg 60%
-Left Leg 60%
-Dodge skill effect 1.10x
-Melee defence bonus 5
[Specialist Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 22%
-Cut resistance 35%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 27pts
-Weight 7.4375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 70%
-Value c.11,562
-Sell value c.2,890
-Head 25%
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Right Leg 60%
-Left Leg 60%
-Dodge skill effect 1.10x
-Melee defence bonus 5
[Masterwork Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 26%
-Cut resistance 41%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 33pts
-Weight 7.4375 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 70%
-Value c.16,256
-Sell value c.4,064
-Head 25%
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Right Leg 60%
-Left Leg 60%
-Dodge skill effect 1.10x
-Melee defence bonus 5

Last Updated: 1.0.12



[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 1
-Value c.7,450
-Sell value c.1,862
New Armour Type Longcoat

The Blueprint can be bought in the Great Library in Black Scratch. It can be crafted using the Leather Armour Crafting Bench.
