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The only heavy armour that isn't affiliated with any particular faction, it's become standard with mercenaries and wanderers.
Mercenary Plate
Slot: ARMOR Type: Heavy Armour

Mercenary Plate is a Heavy Armour that is equipped in the Body Armour slot.

It is often seen worn by Shop Guards, Caravan Guards, Manhunters, Slavemongers, Slaver Guards, Slaver Heavy Guards and other guard variants.

It can be crafted in the Heavy Armour Smithy after researching the appropriate blueprint.

This item can be dyed.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 4x6.


Mercenary Plate is built from several different pieces of armour plating. From the shoulders to mid-chest are heavily protected by pieces of armour plating designed with the appearance of muscles. The shoulders are protected by giant pauldrons. Wristguards held by leather bands cover the forearms and hands of the character. Despite all this, the armour leaves the stomach fairly exposed.

This item can also be found in different colours throughout the world. For example a blue variant can be found on Slavemongers, and a black variant on Shop Guards.


  • Despite its name, and the claim that it has become standard amongst their kind, no members of the Mercenary Guild wear Mercenary Plate. A mod has been released that fixes this.


Mercenary Plate
[Prototype Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 0%
-Cut resistance 6%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 20 kg
-Value c.448
-Sell value c.112
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 70%
-Right Arm 90%
-Left Arm 90%
-Stealth effect 0.00x
-Crossbows effect 0.70x
-Precision shooting effect 0.70x
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Combat speed effect 0.88x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Assassination skill 0.70x
-Fist protection 50%
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Martial arts bonus -7
Mercenary Plate
[Shoddy Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 7%
-Cut resistance 17%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Harpoon resistance 8pts
-Weight 20 kg
-Value c.1785
-Sell value c.446
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 70%
-Right Arm 90%
-Left Arm 90%
-Stealth effect 0.01x
-Crossbows effect 0.70x
-Precision shooting effect 0.70x
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Combat speed effect 0.89x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Assassination skill 0.70x
-Fist protection 50%
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Martial arts bonus -7
Mercenary Plate
[Standard Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 21%
-Cut resistance 32%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Harpoon resistance 26pts
-Weight 20 kg
-Value c.6061
-Sell value c.1515
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 70%
-Right Arm 90%
-Left Arm 90%
-Stealth effect 0.04x
-Crossbows effect 0.70x
-Precision shooting effect 0.70x
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Combat speed effect 0.91x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Assassination skill 0.70x
-Fist protection 50%
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Martial arts bonus -7
Mercenary Plate
[High Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 34%
-Cut resistance 47%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Harpoon resistance 44pts
-Weight 20 kg
-Value c.13189
-Sell value c.3297
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 70%
-Right Arm 90%
-Left Arm 90%
-Stealth effect 0.09x
-Crossbows effect 0.70x
-Precision shooting effect 0.70x
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Combat speed effect 0.93x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Assassination skill 0.70x
-Fist protection 50%
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Martial arts bonus -7
Mercenary Plate
[Specialist Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 48%
-Cut resistance 62%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Harpoon resistance 62pts
-Weight 20 kg
-Value c.23169
-Sell value c.5792
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 70%
-Right Arm 90%
-Left Arm 90%
-Stealth effect 0.17x
-Crossbows effect 0.70x
-Precision shooting effect 0.70x
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Combat speed effect 0.95x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Assassination skill 0.70x
-Fist protection 50%
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Martial arts bonus -7
Mercenary Plate
[Masterwork Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 59%
-Cut resistance 73%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Harpoon resistance 76pts
-Weight 20 kg
-Value c.32524
-Sell value c.8131
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 70%
-Right Arm 90%
-Left Arm 90%
-Stealth effect 0.24x
-Crossbows effect 0.70x
-Precision shooting effect 0.70x
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Combat speed effect 0.97x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Assassination skill 0.70x
-Fist protection 50%
-Melee attack bonus -4
-Martial arts bonus -7


Heavy Warrior

Character wearing Chainmail to protect areas left exposed by Mercenary Plate.


Current and former version of Mercenary Leather Armour

Blueprints can be found at an Armour Shop.

Mercenary Plate

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 2
New Armour Type Mercenary Plate
