How about welcoming your local Empire guards into your gates, eh?
SamuraiPolice are law enforcers for the United Cities, Empire Peasants, and the Free Traders. This branch of Samurai operate out of Police Stations and are mainly responsible for protecting urban centers, while standard Samurai perform military duties such as patrolling.
As law enforcement, Samurai Police carry blunt jittes instead of the typical katanas.
Inside of Police Stations, a Police Chief resides, giving bounty notices, offering bails, and acting as a merchant for reselling confiscated items.
Despite the loosening of the United Cities' grip on the southern territories after certain World States are achieved, they still seem to assume the role of law enforcement in the cities. This may be due to the lack of Rebel Swordsmen presence in the south, leaving security to be handled by the Police and Tech Hunters.
They wear [Standard] armour (5% chance of [High]) and have weapons manufactured by Catun Scrapmaster.
This character can colour armour and clothing due to a colour scheme attached.
The Statistics here are taken from FCS. Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.
Police in action
The Samurai Police have replaced the Police faction that existed in the Old World.