Kenshi Wiki
A metal cage-armoured jacket.
Hack Stopper Jacket
Slot: ARMOR Type: Medium Armour

The Hack Stopper Jacket is a Medium Armour that is equipped in the Body Armour slot. It cannot be found in any shops.

It is worn by Reaver Bloodeds, Reaver Ironclads and Valamon. It is worn together with matching Hack Stopper Pants.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 4x6.


The Hack Stopper Jacket appears to be a brown, full-body leather armour with the chest, stomach, forearms and biceps enclosed in a cage with a thick leather trim. The armour is accompanied with metal shoulderguards, a pocket attached to the right stomach, and a yellow scarf.


Hack Stopper Jacket
[Prototype Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 0%
-Cut resistance 0%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 5.625 kg
-Value c.203
-Sell value c.50
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Stealth effect 0.54x
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Martial arts bonus -10
Hack Stopper Jacket
[Shoddy Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 5%
-Cut resistance 7%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 5.625 kg
-Value c.748
-Sell value c.187
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Stealth effect 0.54x
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Martial arts bonus -10
Hack Stopper Jacket
[Standard Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 12%
-Cut resistance 17%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 5.625 kg
-Value c.2,492
-Sell value c.623
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Stealth effect 0.54x
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Martial arts bonus -10
Hack Stopper Jacket
[High Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 19%
-Cut resistance 27%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 5.625 kg
-Value c.5,399
-Sell value c.1,349
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Stealth effect 0.54x
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Martial arts bonus -10
Hack Stopper Jacket
[Specialist Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 26%
-Cut resistance 37%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 5.625 kg
-Value c.9,467
-Sell value c.2,366
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Stealth effect 0.54x
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Martial arts bonus -10
Hack Stopper Jacket
[Masterwork Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 32%
-Cut resistance 44%
-Cut resistance efficiency 80%
-Weight 5.625 kg
-Value c.13,282
-Sell value c.3,320
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 100%
-Left Arm 100%
-Stealth effect 0.54x
-Crossbows effect 0.60x
-Precision shooting effect 0.60x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Dexterity effect 0.80x
-Martial arts bonus -10


It can be crafted in the Leather Armour Crafting Bench if a blueprint is available through modding.
