Kenshi Wiki
The Tin Can is a super heavy-class helmet and makes for the best head protection around. Heavy cuts and slashes will make your head ring, but at least you will still have your face attached. Unfortunately the limited field of view does hamper your combat awareness a fair bit.
Tin Can
Slot: HEAD Type: Heavy Armour

The Tin Can is a Heavy Armour that is equipped in the Headgear slot. It is sold by UC and HN Armour Vendors as well as HN and Ronin Hat Vendors.

It is the defining helmet of Mighty Canhead. It is randomly equipped by City Heroes, Hero Bosses, Territorial Thugs, United Heroes, and Yabuta Outlaws.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 3x3.


Simple in design the Tin Can covers the entire face with with the exception for a horizontal slit that allows the character to see out of. It has an extended neckpiece that covers the front of the character's neck. It is similar in appearance to the flat-topped European great helm of the High Middle Ages.


Tin Can
[Prototype Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 6%
-Cut resistance 18.5%
-Cut resistance efficiency 65%
-Harpoon resistance 18pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
-Value c.134
-Sell value c.33
-Head 100%
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Melee attack bonus -5
-Perception bonus -20
Tin Can
[Shoddy Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 15%
-Cut resistance 31.25%
-Cut resistance efficiency 65%
-Harpoon resistance 45pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
-Value c.535
-Sell value c.133
-Head 100%
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Melee attack bonus -5
-Perception bonus -20
Tin Can
[Standard Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 27%
-Cut resistance 48.25%
-Cut resistance efficiency 65%
-Harpoon resistance 81pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
-Value c.1,818
-Sell value c.454
-Head 100%
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Melee attack bonus -5
-Perception bonus -20
Tin Can
[High Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 39%
-Cut resistance 65.25%
-Cut resistance efficiency 65%
-Harpoon resistance 117pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
-Value c.3,956
-Sell value c.989
-Head 100%
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Melee attack bonus -5
-Perception bonus -20
Tin Can
[Specialist Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 51%
-Cut resistance 82.25%
-Cut resistance efficiency 65%
-Harpoon resistance 153pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
-Value c.6,950
-Sell value c.1,737
-Head 100%
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Melee attack bonus -5
-Perception bonus -20
Tin Can
[Masterwork Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 60%
-Cut resistance 90%
-Cut resistance efficiency 65%
-Harpoon resistance 180pts
-Weight 6.25 kg
-Value c.9,757
-Sell value c.2,439
-Head 100%
-Dodge skill effect 0.70x
-Melee attack bonus -5
-Perception bonus -20


It can be crafted at the Heavy Armour Smithy.


  • Tin Can has the highest penalty to Melee attack which makes it the best helmet to wear when training it.
    • It also lacks any Duststorm protection allowing for even faster training in one.
  • Tin Can has the largest Harpoon Resistance of any piece of Armour in Kenshi. Only a Masterwork quality Eagle's Cross shot from the max height (+50% damage) could get through the Resistance. And even then, the cut damage taken would be very minor.
    • As a tradeoff it has the lowest Cut Efficiency of the [Metal Plate] Helmets with 100% Head Coverage, meaning that 35% of the harpoon damage it mitigates will be turned into Stun damage.
  • 90% is the max cut resistance a single item can have. If this wasn't the case the Tin Can would have a massive 95% Cut resistance at Masterwork quality.
Heavy Warrior

Character wearing chainmail to protect areas left exposed by Mercenary Plate.

Tin Can

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 2
New Armour Type Tin Can
