Kenshi Wiki
Iron shoes that are pretty painful to wear. The Crab Raiders designed this armour with the aim of being more like crabs, with little consideration of other factors.
Crab Shoes
Slot: BOOTS Type: Heavy Armour

Crab Shoes is Heavy Armour that is equipped in the Footwear slot. It is the only faction-specific footwear that can be found in game and it can be crafted once the blueprint is purchased from them. It is part of a Crab Armour "set" together with Crab Helmet, Crab Armour (body) and Crab Trousers.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 2x4.


Crab Shoes are, as the description entails, a pair of iron shoes. They don't look much like crab feet, but they do go well with the other parts of the Crab Armour outfit.


Crab Shoes
[Prototype Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 0%
-Cut resistance 6%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Weight 2.5 kg
-Value c.44
-Sell value c.11
-Right Leg 25%
-Left Leg 25%
-Stealth effect -0.00x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Athletics effect 0.79x
-Combat speed effect 0.89x
Crab Shoes
[Shoddy Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 6%
-Cut resistance 17%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 8pts
-Weight 2.5 kg
-Value c.178
-Sell value c.44
-Right Leg 25%
-Left Leg 25%
-Stealth effect 0.00x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Athletics effect 0.81x
-Combat speed effect 0.91x
Crab Shoes
[Standard Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 18%
-Cut resistance 32%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 26pts
-Weight 2.5 kg
-Value c.606
-Sell value c.151
-Right Leg 25%
-Left Leg 25%
-Stealth effect 0.01x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Athletics effect 0.85x
-Combat speed effect 0.93x
Crab Shoes
[High Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 29%
-Cut resistance 47%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 44pts
-Weight 2.5 kg
-Value c.1,318
-Sell value c.329
-Right Leg 25%
-Left Leg 25%
-Stealth effect 0.02x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Athletics effect 0.88x
-Combat speed effect 0.95x
Crab Shoes
[Specialist Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 42%
-Cut resistance 62%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 62pts
-Weight 2.5 kg
-Value c.2,316
-Sell value c.579
-Right Leg 25%
-Left Leg 25%
-Stealth effect 0.03x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Athletics effect 0.90x
-Combat speed effect 0.97x
Crab Shoes
[Masterwork Grade]
[Heavy Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 51%
-Cut resistance 73%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 76pts
-Weight 2.5 kg
-Value c.3,252
-Sell value c.813
-Right Leg 25%
-Left Leg 25%
-Stealth effect 0.05x
-Dodge skill effect 0.80x
-Athletics effect 0.93x
-Combat speed effect 0.99x


Always Equipped Potentially Equipped
Crab Queen [S] [M]
Crab Raider [S] [H]
Crabsmith [S] [H]

There are no characters which only have a chance of spawning with this item equipped.

Shops Loot

Crab Smithy ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [P] [S] [S] [H]

This item is not found in any non-shop locations.


Heavy Armour Smithy

(0.1 required)

Crab Shoes
Crab Shoes
Armour Plating
Armour Plating

(0.5 required)

The blueprint can be bought from a Crabsmith.

Crab Shoes

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 1
-Value c.1,515
-Sell value c.378
New Armour Type Crab Shoes
