Kenshi Wiki
Prisoner Shackles
-Weight 20 kg
-Value c.0
-Sell value c.0
[No Armour Coverage]
Heavy prisoner shackles. They stop you from running and doing a lot of things. They will trip you up in combat. They are locked on, you need to pick the lock somehow.

Prisoner Shackles are automatically equipped on a character when they are enslaved. Any gear in the "Boots" slot will be placed on the floor. Shackles weigh 20kg so that slaves are weighed down and run slower. Stealth of characters wearing prisoner's shackles is seriously debuffed, and the athletics skill is debuffed by 20%.

Shackles can be removed by Lockpicking, using Tools, or broken off using Strength. These items have a lockpicking level of 20 and a strength level of 20.

Equipping these on a character will immediately give that person the Slave status. However, they are not considered a slave of the player's faction, but usually a slave of the faction where the shackles originated from.

Hive, Skeleton, and characters of other races which have Robot Limbs equipped on both legs will be given Hive Prisoner Shackles instead, as they are unable to wear "normal" boots.

This footwear has inventory dimensions of 2x4.


  • If the character is bought from slavery, unequipping and re-equiping the now unlocked shackles will assign the 'Escaped Slave' status, but the faction of origin is unspecified, defaulting to "Someone".
  • NPCs who have AI packages which include "LOOTING" will loot Prisoner Shackles if a slave in knocked unconscious nearby them, locking it into their own inventory.
