karlht: Mu the giggling dragon, as drawn by Max Toth in 1992-ish (Default)
[personal profile] karlht
Things did, in fact, come crashing down. But I have survived, so far. And I continue to put one foot in front of the other.

It doesn't feel particularly safe for me to post on the Internet at the moment, but I am writing. Not huge amounts, but slowly and consistently. And I am still walking, every day.

So I'll take the victories where I can find them, take care of the people I can take care of, and build community wherever I can.

These are ill-omened times, my friends and loved ones. Take care of one another, and take care of the strangers in your midst as best you can, so they may cease to be strangers and become neighbours and friends.

This is what community means to me: We help each other, we defend each other, we celebrate and mourn together. When one of us does harm to another, we acknowledge that, and we do what we can to mend it.

May you all find your communities, and may they keep you going.

(no subject)

Date: 2020-03-09 12:35 am (UTC)
graydon2: (Default)
From: [personal profile] graydon2
I hope you find easier times soon.

(no subject)

Date: 2020-03-09 03:09 am (UTC)
kshandra: A cross-stitch sampler in a gilt frame, plainly stating "FUCK CANCER" (Default)
From: [personal profile] kshandra
much love to you and yours.

(no subject)

Date: 2020-03-09 04:12 am (UTC)
cofax7: climbing on an abbey wall  (Default)
From: [personal profile] cofax7
Be well. Keep walking, keep moving. {{hugs}}

(no subject)

Date: 2020-03-23 02:39 am (UTC)
From: [personal profile] ruby_ruby_ruby
love, dammit.

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