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kshandra: A cross-stitch sampler in a gilt frame, plainly stating "FUCK CANCER" (Fuck Cancer)

Climbing Mt. Normal

The Gospel According to St. Bastard

This journal should be viewed with discretion.

Paid Account

Created on 2009-05-01 07:41:08 (#152315), last updated 2025-02-26 (3 days ago)

32,114 comments received, 16,229 comments posted

5,635 Journal Entries, 188 Tags, 0 Memories, 72 Icons Uploaded

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Birthdate:Jun 14, 1970
Location:California, United States
My personal contact information is located in a restricted-access post backdated to June 14, 1970.

Everything else that used to be below this point is well over a decade out of date, and I just don't have the spoons to rewrite it right now.

Interests (153):

)'(, , (writing parenthetical asides), )'(, 5-minute-refresh, 80's music, alexander james adams, amplectere potestem "et", anne mccaffrey, art, backrubs, barry manilow, bbw, bdsm, bisexual, bisexuality, black rock city, blade runner, bodyart, bondage, books, braided hair, burning man, cardinal copia, chocolate, chosen family, cilantro is nasty, cleavage, clubbing, commitment, communication, communication fetishist, compersion, conventions, corsets, crochet, cuddling, dance, dancing, david bowie, depeche mode, depression, dirty jokes, dragons, drinking, drums, duchovniks, duran duran, dvds, edward gorey, egg stealing gay penguins, eighties music, equally large boa, erotica, family, fandom, fetish, fetishwear, filk, fire, flirting, food, fountain pens, freedom, full-contact flirtation, ghost bc, good communication, heather alexander, honesty, hot tubs, howard jones, hugging, hugs, i <3 >1, i ♥ >1, intelligence, jewelry, karaoke, ken nordine, kissing, knitting, laughter, learning, leather, leslie fish, livejournal, long hair, love, make-believe, max headroom, monty python, movies, mozilla, mp3s, music, nethack, non-monogamy, old love, playa, poly, polyamory, polyfamilies, polyfidelity, polyfolk, purple, purple hair, puzzle pirates, queer, rain, reading, rhps, robert heinlein, romance, rubenesque, safer sex, sapiosexual, sapiosexuality, sarcasm, scharffen berger chocolate, sci-fi, science fiction, science fiction conventions, science fiction fandom, sensuality, sex, sexuality, sf, sf bay area, sfbayarea, silliness, singing, sleep, snuggling, spider robinson, sushi, tattoos, tea and sympathy, teddy bears, the band ghost, thinking, thomas dolby, tim burton, time well spent, tobias forge, tom smith, touch, touching, vampires, watercourse way, women, word jazz, xxxenophile, yarn
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Open Gives Access To (163):

amaebi, anagramofbrat, androdaixa, arabellaxo, arib, ashbet, auntie_m, autographedcat, baratron, baxil, beki_d, bergeronprocess, bibliothekara, bkwrrm_tx, bostoncalluna, britgeekgrrl, brushwolf, camobscura, carriedon_awolfsback, celluloid_jam, chalice35, chaoswolf, christophine, chronopunk, circular_time, cjsmith, claidheamhmor, clawfoot, cleverthylacine, cmdr_zoom, conuly, coyotegoth, crossfire, cymru, dafydd, dancingshaman, dauphine, daveover, desert_dragon, drewkitty, elderwitty, eleri, elf, elynne, erinptah, ex_flameandsong751, faithwallis, familyvalues, fangrrl_squees, feyandstrange, fidget, filkerdave, firecat, fjm, geeklite, gingicat, gridlore, griffen, grimmwire, gritsinmisery, guppiecat, guruwench, hfcougar, hitchhiker, hnybny, hopeforyou, hubbit, iamjw, ilinatha_author, ironriots, isomeme, jamapanama, jeffreycornish, jenett, jennileerose, jenny_evergreen, jimhines, joedecker, johno, kaidancer, kalloway, kalmn, karaokegal, karenbynight, karlht, kath8562, katster, kayla_allen, kayre, kelachrome, kevin_standlee, killing_rose, kinkyandpoly, kjpepper, kproche, kyburg, labelleizzy, ladykalessia, ladyotterfae, ladythmpr, lauradi7dw, laurenthemself, laurieopal, leiacat, lil_griffin, lilalanor, lizzibabe, mdlbear, meepettemu, meezergal, melchar, micheinnz, miintikwa, minoanmiss, murphymom, musyc, myschyf, netquiddler, ng_moonmoth, noelfigart, onelasciviousson, ororo, otherbill, ottergrrl, perlandria, plymouth, quixoticcat, racerxmachina, radar, ranunculus, rhoste, rmjwell, saoba, sbisson, scarlettina, scotis_man, shesingsnow, simonejester, sirilyan, skythrown, skywaterblue, sptmbrwind, squidgiepdx, squigglz, stonebender, subbes, subluxate, swankkat, teddywolf, the13thfairy, therobbergirl, travelswithkuma, tww1fa, univacgrl, unquietspirit, valiaderekin, vampwillow, vaxjedi, vex_verlain, wcg, wild_irises, wordweaverlynn
OpenID[] sarahendipity

Open Has Access To (182):

19_crows, amaebi, anagramofbrat, androdaixa, arabellaxo, arib, ashbet, asim, auntie_m, badbookworm, baratron, baxil, beki_d, bergeronprocess, bibliothekara, bkwrrm_tx, bostoncalluna, britgeekgrrl, brushwolf, camobscura, carriedon_awolfsback, celluloid_jam, chalice35, chaoswolf, christophine, chronopunk, circular_time, cjsmith, claidheamhmor, clawfoot, cleverthylacine, cmdr_zoom, conuly, coyotegoth, crossfire, cymru, dafydd, dancingshaman, datagoddess, dauphine, daveover, dendriteblues, desert_dragon, deyo, digitalsidhe, drewkitty, elderwitty, eleri, elf, elynne, erinptah, faithwallis, familyvalues, fangrrl_squees, fayanora, feyandstrange, fidget, figmo, filkerdave, firecat, fjm, freyjaw, geeklite, gingicat, gridlore, griffen, grimmwire, guppiecat, guruwench, heathermiller, hfcougar, hitchhiker, hnybny, hopeforyou, hubbit, iamjw, ilinatha_author, indyellen, ironriots, isomeme, jamapanama, jeffreycornish, jenett, jennileerose, joedecker, johno, johnpalmer, kaidancer, kalloway, kalmn, karaokegal, karenbynight, karlht, kath8562,, katster, kayla_allen, kayre, kelachrome, kengr, kevin_standlee, khittee, killing_rose, kinkyandpoly, kjpepper, kproche, kyburg, labelleizzy, ladykalessia, ladyotterfae, lauradi7dw, laurenthemself, laurieopal, leiacat, lil_griffin, lilalanor, lizzibabe, lucymorningstar, mdlbear, meezergal, melchar, micheinnz, mig, miintikwa, minoanmiss, murphymom, myschyf, netquiddler, ng_moonmoth, nightshade1972, noelfigart, onelasciviousson, ororo, otherbill, ottergrrl, parmanya, patgund, pbrim, perlandria, plymouth, quixoticcat, racerxmachina, radar, rhoste, rickvs, robinthefiddler, saoba,, sbisson, scarlettina, scotis_man, shesingsnow, simonejester, sirilyan, skythrown, skywaterblue, spiderdust, sptmbrwind, squidgiepdx, squigglz, stonebender, stupideffinbee, subbes, subluxate, swankkat, teddywolf, thatcrazycajun, the13thfairy, therobbergirl, travelswithkuma, tww1fa, univacgrl, valiaderekin, vampwillow, vaxjedi, vex_verlain, voidcookies, wcg, wild_irises, willwrite_fortea, wordweaverlynn, zeggynano

Open Subscriptions (166):

amaebi, anagramofbrat, androdaixa, arabellaxo, arib, ashbet, auntie_m, autographedcat, baratron, baxil, beki_d, bergeronprocess, bibliothekara, bkwrrm_tx, blackmare, bostoncalluna, britgeekgrrl, brushwolf, camobscura, carriedon_awolfsback, celluloid_jam, chalice35, chaoswolf, christophine, chronopunk, circular_time, cjsmith, claidheamhmor, clawfoot, cleverthylacine, cmdr_zoom, conuly, copperbadge, cosmolinguist, coyotegoth, crossfire, cymru, dafydd, dancingshaman, dauphine, daveover, desert_dragon, elderwitty, eleri, elf, elynne, erinptah, faithwallis, familyvalues, fangrrl_squees, feyandstrange, fidget, filkerdave, firecat, fjm, geeklite, getting_it_done, gingicat, gridlore, griffen, grimmwire, gritsinmisery, guppiecat, guruwench, hfcougar, hitchhiker, hnybny, hopeforyou, hubbit, iamjw, ilinatha_author, indyellen, ironriots, isomeme, jamapanama, jenett, jennileerose, jenny_evergreen, jimhines, joedecker, johno, kaidancer, kalloway, kalmn, karenbynight, karlht, kath8562, katster, kayla_allen, kayre, kelachrome, kevin_standlee, killing_rose, kinkyandpoly, kjpepper, kproche, kshandra, labelleizzy, ladykalessia, ladyotterfae, ladythmpr, lauradi7dw, laurenthemself, laurieopal, leiacat, lil_griffin, lilalanor, lizzibabe, lucymorningstar, mdlbear, meepettemu, meezergal, melchar, micheinnz, miintikwa, minoanmiss, murphymom, musyc, myschyf, netquiddler, ng_moonmoth, noelfigart, onelasciviousson, ororo, otherbill, ottergrrl, perlandria, plymouth, quixoticcat, racerxmachina, radar, ranunculus, rhoste, rmjwell, saoba, sbisson, scarlettina, scotis_man, seanan_mcguire, shesingsnow, simonejester, sirilyan, skythrown, skywaterblue, sptmbrwind, squidgiepdx, squigglz, stonebender, stupideffinbee, subbes, subluxate, swankkat, teddywolf, the13thfairy, therobbergirl, travelswithkuma, tww1fa, univacgrl, unquietspirit, valiaderekin, vampwillow, vaxjedi, vex_verlain, wcg, wild_irises, wordweaverlynn

Open Subscribers (176):

19_crows, amaebi, anagramofbrat, androdaixa, arabellaxo, arib, ashbet, auntie_m, badbookworm, baratron, baxil, beki_d, bibliothekara, bkwrrm_tx, bluegreen17, bostoncalluna, britgeekgrrl, brushwolf, camobscura, carriedon_awolfsback, celluloid_jam, chalice35, chaoswolf, christophine, circular_time, cjsmith, claidheamhmor, clawfoot, cleverthylacine, cmdr_zoom, conuly, cosmolinguist, coyotegoth, crossfire, cymru, dafydd, dancingshaman, dauphine, daveover, dendriteblues, desert_dragon, deyo, digitalsidhe, drewkitty, elderwitty, eleri, elf, elynne, faithwallis, familyvalues, fayanora, feyandstrange, fidget, figmo, filkerdave, firecat, fjm, freyjaw, frogqua, froodle, geeklite, gingicat, gridlore, griffen, grimmwire, guppiecat, guruwench, heathermiller, hfcougar, hitchhiker, hnybny, hopeforyou, iamjw, ilinatha_author, ironriots, islandchild, isomeme, jamapanama, jeffreycornish, jenett, jennileerose, joedecker, johno, johnpalmer, kaidancer, kalloway, kalmn, karaokegal, karenbynight, karlht, kath8562,, katster, kayla_allen, kayre, kelachrome, kengr, kevin_standlee, khittee, killing_rose, kinkyandpoly, kjpepper, kshandra, kyburg, labelleizzy, lady_laetitia, ladykalessia, ladyotterfae, ladythmpr, lauradi7dw, laurenthemself, leiacat, lil_griffin, lilalanor, lizzibabe, lucymorningstar, mdlbear, meezergal, melchar, micheinnz, mig, miintikwa, minoanmiss, murphymom, musyc, myschyf, netquiddler, ng_moonmoth, nightshade1972, noelfigart, onelasciviousson, ororo, otherbill, ottergrrl, parmanya, pauamma, plymouth, quixoticcat, racerxmachina, radar, ranunculus, rhoste, robinthefiddler, saoba,, sbisson, scarlettina, scotis_man, simonejester, sirilyan, skythrown, skywaterblue, spiderdust, sptmbrwind, squidgiepdx, squigglz, stonebender, stupideffinbee, subbes, subluxate, swankkat, teddywolf, thatcrazycajun, therobbergirl, travelswithkuma, tww1fa, univacgrl, valiaderekin, vampwillow, vaxjedi, vex_verlain, voidcookies, wcg, wild_irises, willwrite_fortea, wordweaverlynn
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