My weekend

Mar. 1st, 2009 04:38 pm
karlht: Mu the giggling dragon, as drawn by Max Toth in 1992-ish (Default)
I have shaken hands with Ursula K. Le Guin. And had a few very brief, very meaningful (to me, at least) conversations with her. She was gracious, warm, very human.

Yeah, Potlatch was worth the price of admission.

I'm still floating; you can probably tell. All I can think of is "At least I got to tell her thank you, and know she heard me."

Thank you again to Molly and Mara for urging me to go. This was a lovely experience.
karlht: Mu the giggling dragon, as drawn by Max Toth in 1992-ish (Default)
As seen in a couple places on my FL:

We all have things about our friends that make us slightly envious.

Not in a bad way, but in a 'Wow! I wish I had that person's hair/eyes/money/relationship/toenails/whatever.'

So tell me what about me makes you envy me. . . then if you feel like it, post this in your LJ and see what makes me envious of you.
karlht: Mu the giggling dragon, as drawn by Max Toth in 1992-ish (Default)
I never knew how he did it. Maybe just his manner: all the good bits of Southern gentility, without the racism or pomposity. There were always at least four girls sitting with him at lunch, loudly razzing him, vying for his attention, or just soaking up his kindness. He didn't date much that year -- his sweetheart was a year older, already at college. But oh, how they loved him. And for one sweet, blessed year, I sat with them, trying like hell not to make a fool of myself as I learned what it was to be a gentleman.

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