Showing posts with label Dolphins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dolphins. Show all posts

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sogginess and then Surprises at Shaving Point !

It was a very rainy, grey day on Thursday. It'd been raining for a few days and the whole Gippsland area was very soggy.  I'd just brought in the dripping washing from outside,  gave it a spin dry and found spots inside for it to dry.

MD suggested a drive - lovely idea... even if it's a miserable day, we're always up for a drive!

Passing the Bruthen Flats, the water is
lapping very near the road 

Looking back over towards Bruthen,
there's suddenly a lake

Those are hay bales floating away...
we felt so sorry for the farmers.

We continued on to Metung which is another lovely village on our list of places we visit. It's tucked away in a peaceful corner of the Gippsland Lakes system.  Through the main street and out on to Shaving Point.
The rain had eased so we got out to enjoy the calm stillness of this lovely little spot.

Some swans... ok, I'm a sucker for swan shots....

Hang on, go back to the swan photo and have a close look .... there's a long sort of ripple way over in the background....

An excited call from MD ..... "Look - over there"


A pod of 30 to 40 dolphins were swimming and frolicking over a large area of the lake.  We were beside ourselves - what a sight!

Their babies were sticking close to them.

It'd started raining quite heavily but we didn't care... we walked along the sand and were enthralled.  Some purposely came in close.

I can't convey with my photos just how many there were.  They all took turns at appearing and disappearing, flopping on their backs, showing off.
I'd point the camera every which way trying to anticipate where one would pop up next.
It was so exhilarating to have such beautiful creatures seemingly having fun with us.

.... lol, even the swans were included in the delightful playful dolphins' fun.

The village of Metung
The arrow is where we saw the dolphins at Shaving Point

We spoke to some locals and were told that this pod had been visiting regularly for quite a while.
The name 'Shaving Point' is because the land quickly shaves off into 30 metre deep water, which the dolphins like.
(I sort of envisioned it was where old sailors would go and sit, have a shave and swap yarns .... ha ha,  a lot of free-range presumption goes on in 'Susan-land' sometimes ;-))


It's now Saturday and the rain has eased over here in East Gippsland. The water is receding.