Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Drawing and painting


I hope this finds each of you faring well - considering 😊💖

What a state our world is in!  Well, I reckon that there's been so much said about it that all I'd like to say is - Keep Smiling. 

I've been throwing myself into art again now.  Started the other day and very nearly haven't stopped.
Went back on Instagram and I found a group on facebook "Isolation Art Challenge" - a 14 painting a day challenge based on particular words.  Never thought I'd do that (tie myself down to a painting a day) but am enjoying it.  They're just quick sketches and I don't second-guess myself... what gets done, gets done! Makes my brain work if nothing else 😊

Here's what I've done so far:
Day 1 - Edible:
A pot of vegetable soup - using up leftover vegies

Day 2: Time
I titled this "Time is Precious" and painted it from Mum's clock that used to hang in her room.
Thanks for being such lovely blog-friends.  
See you soon, Sue xx