Sunday, January 30, 2011

Mossiface Hop Kilns

The hop kilns at Mossiface in East Gippsland, Victoria,  are rare surviving reminders of a once important industry that flourished in the Mitchell and Tambo Valleys. They were built in late 1881. 

The two kilns next to the brick store at the end of which
 another kiln used to be located

Both kilns are in good condition apart from the slowly 
disintegrating shingle roofs. 

This shingled gate to the kiln complex also caught
my eye

These old shingles have a certain charm

This cottage was tucked behind the brick store and I nearly missed it.
On the lower right hand side of the picture, the remains of a hardy rose
bush can just be seen - someone's little garden once.

Friday, January 21, 2011

This is on my mind Friday

Mum was right - do it once and they grow
back twice as thick !!

~ my contribution to the This is on my mind photo feature organised by Rhonda Jean on her 
Down to Earth  blogspot ~

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What am I trying to say?

"What are you trying to say with this photograph?" is the most fundamental of questions regarding creative photography." ~ Brenda Tharp (Creative Nature & Outdoor Photography... a gift from My Darling)

...... a quiet,  momentary feeling that time has stood still 

....... the occupants may still be asleep, but with the early morning sun
reflection it seems to me that  the house itself has decided
it's time to awaken

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Soggy Boggy Banana Loaf x 2 .... but we saved the day!

Hmmm, when I cut a couple of slices it did look rather "moist" .... oh yes, it was - and I'd made two of them! Aaaargh!

However, we both agreed it was very tasty indeed.  Popped the remainder, all sliced, into the freezer until I could think what to do with them - much too good for the chookies, but too moist ... ok, undercooked, for our liking ;-)

Had a brainwave (ouch!) and this evening thawed a couple of slices and put them in the Sandwich Press to toast - worked a treat, it cooked them off just nicely.  Delicious with a bit of butter - yum!!

Here's the recipe, it's really quick, easy and low in baddies ...

5 whole wheat biscuits - crushed
One and a Half cups self raising flour - sifted
Half cup brown sugar
1 cup finely chopped dates
2 ripe bananas, mashed
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 cup low fat milk
1 extra large egg, lightly beaten

Preheat oven to 180 deg C conventional/160 deg C fan forced.

Combine crushed whole wheat biscuits, flour, sugar, dates, banana and cinnamon in a large bowl. Mix in milk and egg until well combined.

Spoon into lined medium loaf pan and bake for 45 - 50 mins until cooked when tested with a skewer.
Serve warm or cold with butter.

(I cooked mine for around 50 mins and did the skewer test but only in one part of the loaves ... on reflection, with all the moisture from the huge bananas I had, I should have left them in the oven for a further 10 mins or so and tested in several spots)

Friday, January 7, 2011

This is on my mind Friday

I was indulging in a huge amount of self-doubt as to
whether the way I'd thought up to achieve shading
was a legitimate drawing method.
M(y) D(arling) told me that whatever I draw,
and however I draw it,
it's my art - and isn't subject to anyone else's rules!
and so it is.......of course... I know that now - bless him 

~ my contribution to the This is on my mind photo feature organised by Rhonda Jean on her Down to Earth  blogspot

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011 ... what a year it will be!

Happy New Year everyone! 
and may your bits of remaining fruit cake stretch for a few more cuppas yet.

Am off bloghopping this morning but first wanted to freshen up mine with a new post. 

This is most likely a very strange photo with which to welcome the new year. However, when I saw these little fellows the other morning it made me feel a little less frustrated with myself in regards to all I want to do this year.  Sometimes, I make just too many plans and projects and a lot fall by the wayside.  But, if I take it nice and steady and keep at it, a bit here, a bit there I can cover a lot of ground!   

click photo to enlarge
So, starting with the next few weeks, er... months,  I'll get on with making some bean bags for extra seating,  finish Penelope, keep at my drawing, bake those banana cakes, fish out that unfinished knitting, tidy up the wardrobes, re-arrange the kitchen cupboards, sew some new bears,  read my new photographic books and practice, practice, practice, finish the mulching and try to remember what else I had on my mental list of To Do s   ~ cheers :D