Timur (Russian: Тимур) is a main character and the tertiary antagonist of The Ballad of Gay Tony.
He is voiced by Glenn Fleshler.
He is the personal bodyguard, right-hand man and best friend of Ray Bulgarin.
Events of The Ballad of Gay Tony[]
When Luis begins working for Ray, Timur accompanies Luis with Ray on his first job and as a chopper pilot when he is tasked with raiding the MeTV building. He claims that he wants to help Luis with the mission but he cannot do so because Marki Ashvilli knows his family back in "Old Place".
Timur is Ray Bulgarin's right hand man and despite his violent and pragmatic demeanour, Timur is eternally loyal and obedient to his boss. Timur is a skilled guitarist, and he and Ray often play rock music together in their spare time. Timur's over-serious attitude, however, annoyed Luis who instantly disliked Timur and to some extent, Ray.
Mission Appearances[]
The Ballad of Gay Tony[]
- Timur means "iron" in Old Turkish/Turkic languages and "east" in Bahasa Indonesia and Bahasa Malaysia. It is a popular name across much of Eurasia, and particularly in Central Asia and the Caucasus. Timur is also the name of a 14th century Turkic ruler who conquered much of Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East.
- The guitar Timur plays during the cutscene of Dropping In is a prototype of the famous Gibson Flying V guitar, and the guitar effect Timur uses for his guitar is called heavy distortion. Also, Timur says that the guitar cost $50,000, while the original Flying V costs about $2,000–$3,000.
- Timur, like many characters added in the DLCs, doesn't have a record in the LCPD database, in spite of his criminal background. This is probably because he wasn't arrested in the United States and likely arrived with Bulgarin only temporarily.