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For other appearances, see Taxi Driver.
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Taxi Driver is a taxi-based side mission available in Grand Theft Auto Advance.


The player can earn money by delivering pedestrians to their predetermined destination within a time limit. Once a pedestrian enters the vehicle, the destination is marked by a pink blip on the radar and a blue marker at the destination itself. The allotted time given is calculated roughly from the distance to the destination, and an additional 2 minutes (10 seconds for other 3D Universe games) is granted upon completing a fare to find another one. If the player runs out of time, exits the vehicle, or damages their vehicle too badly, the passenger will flee, ending the mission. Although missing rear doors save disembark/embark time, spending the time detouring to a Pay 'n' Spray en-route can be a valuable restoration investment when the cab becomes difficult to control or before it begins to reject new fares.


Unlike other games, the destination name is never displayed on the mission objectives. The destination markers are placed in random locations around the map, including parking lots, dirt tracks and in front of unnamed buildings and stores.


  • The Borgnine cab spawns at the Portland Hideout (50 fares)
    • The player gets the reward after 50 fares, however they will need to complete 100 fares for the mission to count as completed.



See Also[]


[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto Advance
IntroductionJump Start
Vinnie Blips-GTAA-VinnieDirty Laundry | Hot Wheels | Ill-Gotten | Payback | Fake IDs | Getaway
8-Ball Blips-GTAA-8Ball
Part 1Twisted Metal | Ill Repute | Droppin' Bombs | Scorelli | Love Boat
Part 2Love of Money
Jonnie Blips-GTAA-JonnieTime's Up | Sober Driver | Happy Hour | Grand Opening | Pocket Rocket | Political Will | Show the Money
King Courtney Blips-GTAA-KingCourtneyRace to Run | Latin Coffee | The Big Score | Fine Dining
Cisco Blips-GTAA-Cisco
Part 1Flying High | Factory Wages | School's Out
Part 2Mystery Killer | Decoy Disaster | Truth Revealed
Asuka Kasen Blips-GTAA-Asuka
Part 1Kid's a Hero | Ante Up | Two-Hand Toss | Scorned Lover | Sue Me Sushi | Down the River | Bad Pimpin'
Part 2Assault Joint
Part 1 Blips-GTAA-CiscoTaking Revenge
Part 2 Blips-GTAA-KingCourtneySmackdown
Part 3Freedom Flies*
Side missionsParamedic | Firefighter | Vigilante | Taxi Driver
Races Blips-GTAA-RacesPortland Races | Staunton Races | Shoreside Races
Demolition Football Blips-GTAA-DemolitionFootball
Missions in GTA Advance (Category) | Missions | Beta Missions | Side Missions (Category)
* denotes the final story mission.