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We don't owe nobody nothing and the police aren't on to us. It's time to make a new start.
Vinnie to his partner in crime, Mike

Jump Start is the first storyline mission in Grand Theft Auto Advance given to protagonist Mike by his associate Vinnie from the fishmarket in Chinatown, Portland, Liberty City.


Vinnie and Mike are close to having enough money to leave Liberty City, but need to do one last job. Vinnie has a meeting with the Mafia, likely the Leone Crime Family, and has Mike drive him to Momma's Restaurante in Portland Beach. When they arrive, Vinnie goes into the meeting and asks Mike to return to their hideout to make sure they're not being watched. Mike drives to the hideout and is paged by Vinnie, with instructions to return to the restaurant.

Post Mission Pager Message[]



There is no monetary reward for completing the mission. The mission Dirty Laundry is unlocked.


Mike and his friend Vinnie, are discussing their plan to leave Liberty City for good.
Vinnie: This is our big chance, Mike. We've almost got enough money to leave Liberty City for good. I'm tired of playing errand boy. We need to strike off on our own and lead the good life.
Mike: I've got your back, Vinnie. You got me off the streets and back on my feet.
Vinnie: I knew I could count on you. We don't owe nobody nothing and the police aren't on to us. It's time to make a new start.
Vinnie asks Mike to drive him to a meeting.
Vinnie: Hey Mike, you drive. I gotta get my head together for this meeting with the Mafia.
Mike: Vinnie, I thought you said we were done with these crooks. Let's just take our chances with the money we've got and make our break.
Vinnie: Hey, you trust me right? I've got information they need. Support me on this, and we'll be a whole lot richer and off this stinkin' island in no time.
Mike and Vinnie gets in the car.
Vinnie: The restaurant is on Portland Beach. Should be real easy to spot, too.
Mike and Vinnie arrives at the restaurant.
Vinnie: Check our hideout to make sure it's not being watched. Nothing's wrong but you can never be too sure with these guys. Come back to the restaurant and pick me up when you know it's clear.
Mike arrives at the hideout.
Mike: Things look good out front, I'd better check inside.




Video Walkthrough[]


[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto series
Grand Theft AutoProtagonists | Liberty City (and New Guernsey) | San Andreas | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: London
London 1969Protagonists | London | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
London 1961Protagonists | London | Manchester | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto 2Claude Speed/GBC Protagonists | Anywhere City (Downtown | Residential | Industrial) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IIIClaude | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityTommy Vercetti | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasCarl Johnson | State of San Andreas (Los SantosSan FierroLas VenturasRed CountyFlint CountyWhetstoneBone CountyTierra Robada) | Characters | Missions | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto AdvanceMike | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Soundtrack | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City StoriesToni Cipriani | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesVictor Vance | Vice City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IVNiko Bellic | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Episodes from Liberty City
The Lost and DamnedJohnny Klebitz | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
The Ballad of Gay TonyLuis Fernando Lopez | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsHuang Lee | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto VMichael De Santa | Trevor Philips | Franklin Clinton | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | State of North Yankton (Ludendorff) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Weapons | Vehicles | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto OnlineGTA Online Protagonist (Crews | Organizations | Motorcycle Clubs) | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | The Caribbean (Cayo Perico) | Missions | Jobs | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Reputation (Arena Points | LS Car Meet) | Content Updates | Events | Achievements/Trophies | Awards
Grand Theft Auto VILucia | Unnamed male accomplice | State of Leonida (Vice-Dale County | Kelly County | Leonard County) | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Collectibles | Multiplayer | Modifications | Controversy
[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto Advance
IntroductionJump Start
Vinnie Blips-GTAA-VinnieDirty Laundry | Hot Wheels | Ill-Gotten | Payback | Fake IDs | Getaway
8-Ball Blips-GTAA-8Ball
Part 1Twisted Metal | Ill Repute | Droppin' Bombs | Scorelli | Love Boat
Part 2Love of Money
Jonnie Blips-GTAA-JonnieTime's Up | Sober Driver | Happy Hour | Grand Opening | Pocket Rocket | Political Will | Show the Money
King Courtney Blips-GTAA-KingCourtneyRace to Run | Latin Coffee | The Big Score | Fine Dining
Cisco Blips-GTAA-Cisco
Part 1Flying High | Factory Wages | School's Out
Part 2Mystery Killer | Decoy Disaster | Truth Revealed
Asuka Kasen Blips-GTAA-Asuka
Part 1Kid's a Hero | Ante Up | Two-Hand Toss | Scorned Lover | Sue Me Sushi | Down the River | Bad Pimpin'
Part 2Assault Joint
Part 1 Blips-GTAA-CiscoTaking Revenge
Part 2 Blips-GTAA-KingCourtneySmackdown
Part 3Freedom Flies*
Side missionsParamedic | Firefighter | Vigilante | Taxi Driver
Races Blips-GTAA-RacesPortland Races | Staunton Races | Shoreside Races
Demolition Football Blips-GTAA-DemolitionFootball
Missions in GTA Advance (Category) | Missions | Beta Missions | Side Missions (Category)
* denotes the final story mission.