King Courtney informs Mike that Cisco has been spotted at a restaurant and that this is his chance to get revenge for the deaths of Vinnie and Jonnie. Before he leaves, Mike tells King Courtney that he won't be taking more jobs from him. Mike then drives to the restaurant in Belleville Park. Mike then has the option to enter the restaurant from either the front or back entrance. If Mike enters the front entrance, he shoots his way past Colombian Cartel gang members and chases Cisco, who escapes through the back entrance, before Mike attacks him and forms an alliance. If Mike goes to back of the restaurant, Cisco leaves to smoke a cigarette and is attacked by Mike, before the two form an alliance. Following this Mike cuts his ties with Courtney.
Post Mission Page Script[]
Cisco: Come to mi casa, amigo. Cisco.
The reward for completing the mission is $10,000 and the mission Flying High is unlocked.
I won't lie to you, Mike. My men got caught in traffic is all. Urban sprawl, mon, and you pick rush hour to start your raid? Never mind, I've got a better plan. Cisco's been spotted at a restaurant nearby and you can have your revenge. Box his face into a bloody mess with your hands! He has some bodyguards out front so look for another way in.
King, this is the last mission I do for you. Cisco had better be the one or next time we meet, I'll be behind a barrel of a shotgun.
King Courtney:
Rest, mon! You've got to lower your stress and go easy! Step on out, Cisco's waiting.
Okay, loco! That King Courtney speaks nothing but lies! What the hell would I want with this bartender or this partner of yours?
My partner Vinnie had a lot of money on him. That would make him a valuable target. Besides, I heard that you've been connected to a lot of bombings of late.
Your ignorance is as obvious as a foul stench. I would have no involvement with such petty criminals, especially if they are as raggedly dressed as yourself.
Cut the crap and stick to the subject. Tell me who might be involved.
Amigo, there are two gangs that would deal in this matter - the Yardies and the Yakuza. But first, let me tend to my wounds and change to my evening clothes before dealing in more pleasantries with you. Follow me to my place.
Mike goes to back of the restaurant and spots Cisco leaving it to smoke a cigarette.
I'm going out for a smoke! No, I don't need you watching me like a baby! Well... Hello there, amigo, may I provide you with some assistance?
King Courtney seems to fear you but you don't look like too much to me, Cisco. Why don't you tell me a bit about my partner Vinnie and the bartender?
Who the hell you think you are? You a dead man, amigo, you just don't know it yet.
Mike beats Cisco.
Ah, your hands are made of iron, amigo. I think it must have been that King Courtney that sent you against me. I tell you in truth that I don't know you or have anything against you or your associates.
My partner Vinnie had a lot of money on him. That would make him a valuable target. Besides, I heard that you've been connected to a lot of bombings of late.
Your ignorance is as obvious as a foul stench. I would have no involvement with such petty criminals, especially if they are as raggedly dressed as yourself.
Cut the crap and stick to the subject. Tell me who might be involved.
Amigo, there are two gangs that would deal in this matter - the Yardies and the Yakuza. But first, let me tend to my wounds and change to my evening clothes before dealing in more pleasantries with you. Follow me to my place.
King Courtney informs Mike that Cisco has been spotted at a restaurant.
And that this is his chance to get revenge for the deaths of Vinnie and Jonnie.
King Courtney also informs Mike to avoid Cisco's bodyguards.
Driving to Belleville Park.
Mike spots Cisco's bodyguards.
Mike about to enter the restaurant.
Cisco leaves to smoke a cigarette and is attacked by Mike.
Attacking Cisco outside the restaurant.
Cisco praises Mike's strength and asks if it was King Courtney who sent him.
Cisco claims that it had nothing to do with the death of Vinnie and Jonnie.
He says there are two gangs that would deal in this matter - The Yardies and the Yakuza. After this conversation, the two form an alliance and Mike cuts his ties with Courtney.