8-Ball informs Mike that he is late with a shipment and needs Mike to deliver it to someone in Hepburn Heights. He warns Mike that the delivery is 'volatile' and says that if there were to be an accident he would not want to be one the same block. Mike drives the vehicle to the customer in Hepburn Heights, who tells Mike to tell 8-Ball if the shipment is that late again he will slit 8-Balls throat.
Alternatively, if the player is fast enough, the customer will compliment Mike and 8-Ball for the fast delievery. Then, 8-Ball will text to Mike, saying that he will need three Diablo Stallion in three minutes, with the drop-off point being close to 8-Ball's bomb shop. Mike steal and deliever those vehicles and get back to 8-Ball. There, 8-Ball will say that he was in heavy debt with the same client, that have a particular fondness for Diablos; 8-Ball thanks Mike again for the help.
8-Ball informs Mike that he is late with a shipment.
And he needs Mike to deliver it to a customer in Hepburn Heights.
He warns Mike that the delivery is volatile.
Getting in the car.
Driving to Hepburn Heights.
Delivering the shipment to the customer.
If the player is fast enough, 8-Ball will text to Mike, saying that he will need three Diablo Stallions in three minutes to the mansion in Portland Beach.
Delivering the cars to the mansion.
Mike asks 8-Ball what was that all about.
8-Ball will say that he was in heavy debt with the same client.
He explains that the customer have a particular fondness for Diablos.
I got another job for you. I am late with a shipment of supplies and there's a very unhappy customer out there. Do me a favor and deliver these goods to him. Just be careful - this stuff is pretty volatile. The car out back is all packed and ready to go.
You're fast - I like that! Here's your chance to prove it again for some extra cash. Drop off three Diablos in mint condition at the mansion in Portland Beach. I'll explain later. - 8-Ball
Better head over to Harwood and get this over quick. The Diablos aren't exactly the type you want holding a grudge against you.
Thanks Mike. That was getting to be a thorn in my side.
What was that all about, 8-Ball?
Damn guy's been breathing down my neck for some money I owed him. We settled on merchandise instead - he has a particular fondness for Diablos. You saved my ass, I owe you extra this time.
The reward for completing the mission is $6,000. The mission Scorelli is unlocked by completing the mission. Alternatively, if the player deliever the bomb and the vehicles needed (3 Diablos), the reward is $12,000.
Post Mission Pager Message[]
Come to my pad, Mike. I need you for a muscle job. 8-Ball.