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You may be looking for Random Events in GTA Online.

Random Events are encounters and short missions which spawn randomly throughout the state of San Andreas in Grand Theft Auto V.


Random events often allow the player to make a dynamic choice and decide whether to help or hinder a bystander. There are a total of 57 random events in GTA V (60 in the enhanced version), and completing any 14 of these contributes towards 100% Completion. The first 'set' becomes available after the mission Pulling Favors, with future 'sets' unlocking after completing certain future missions (e.g. Mr. Philips).

The type of encounter is often determined by the color of the dot that appears on the map. A light blue dot indicates a non-hostile encounter, a red indicates a hostile, while a flashing blue/red dot indicates the player can choose to help or hinder them. Of course, depending on the encounter and the player's actions, the color of the icon may change. Attacking the person will change it to red, whereas helping them will change the icon to light blue.

Many events will repeat throughout the game at random, though some events, such as those that lead to named event characters (like the Hitcher missions) or the Altruist Cult shootout will only appear once and will not respawn when completed. Events that do repeat include robberies, cop chases, shootouts, muggings, and others.

Certain types of encounters cannot be completed more than once per in-game week. This is particularly true for the Security Vans, the Border Patrols, the Abandoned Vehicles, and some other event types. In the case that the player has completed an event of a certain type, i.e. Security Vans, they will have to wait for 6-7 in-game days before they can encounter that type of event again.


Abandoned Vehicles[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Smoke Tree Road, Grand Senora Desert- All characters. A lone Surfer sits idling on a desolate dirt road near the airfield. As the player approaches the van, a man will appear behind the player and stun him. The screen will turn black, and the player will wake up wearing only underwear over a railway line with a train approaching him quickly. Alternatively, if the player as Trevor quickly activates his special ability, the player can shoot the man, to which he will defensively claim he was "Just playing."

No reward.

Alternative: A Stun Gun.

RON Alternates Wind Farm - All characters. The player will find a Journey parked on a dirt road in the wind farm, with a couple of male rednecks having sexual intercourse inside. If disturbed, they'll turn hostile, leave the vehicle and try to shoot the player. No reward. RandomEvents-GTAV-AbandonedVehicle2


Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Grapeseed, beside the O'Neil's farm - All characters. The player will find a cop chasing a criminal and will have the choice of either: shooting the leg of the criminal and help the cop in capturing him, or killing the cop and helping the criminal escape. $250 and 2 stars for helping the criminal, nothing if the player helps the police officer. RandomEvents-GTAV-Arrest1
Senora Freeway, RON Alternates Wind Farm, near Rex's Diner - All characters. The player will find a park ranger chasing a criminal and will have the choice of either: shooting the leg of the criminal and helping the cop capture him, or killing the cop and helping the criminal escape. $250 and 2 stars for helping the criminal, nothing if the player helps the police officer. RandomEvents-GTAV-Arrest2

ATM Robberies[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
At different ATMs around San Andreas - All characters. A random thief will steal a pedestrian's wallet while this pedestrian is withdrawing money from an ATM. The player needs to chase down the thief and then choose whether to return the wallet to the victim or keep it. Keep cash: Between $500-$2000. Return cash: Full Special meter and 10% of the wallet's cash. RandomEvents-GTAV-ATMRobbery
  • Note: Unlike the other random events, this event will continue to spawn around the map even after being completed, allowing the player to complete it multiple times. However, it only needs to be completed once, to count for the 57/60 random events.

Bike Thief City[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image

Little Bighorn Avenue, Rancho - All characters.

A random thief will steal the bike of a man, the player will need to chase the thief down and return the bicycle to the owner. +3 Stamina stat and an email from the guy, saying that he's placed $100,000 in Animal Ark stocks in our name on the website. RandomEvent-GTAV-BikeThief1
Bridge Street, Hawick - All characters. A random thief will steal the bike of a pedestrian. The player will need to chase the thief down and return the bicycle to the owner. +3 Stamina stat. RandomEvent-GTAV-BikeThief2
  • Note: This an easy way to make money as Michael or Franklin before The Jewel Store Job. Can be done after "Pulling Favors" but the email appears sometime later.

Border Patrols[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Mount Haan Road, Grand Senora Desert - All characters. A group of Rednecks will appear driving motorcycles and ambush the player, mistaking him for a foreigner. The player will need to kill all of them to complete the random event. They will yell: "Hey you, Speaky English, Passaporto asshole!" $699 in total money drops. RandomEvent-GTAV-BorderPatrol1
Tataviam Mountains - All characters. A group of Rednecks will appear driving motorcycles and ambush the player, mistaking him for a foreigner. The player will need to kill all of them to complete the random event. They will yell: "Hey you, Speaky English, Passaporto asshole!" $699 in total money drops. RandomEvent-GTAV-BorderPatrol2
Raton Canyon - All characters. A group of Rednecks will appear driving motorcycles and ambush the player, mistaking him for a foreigner. The player will need to kill all of them to complete the random event. They will yell: "Hey you, Speaky English, Passaporto asshole!" $699 in total money drops. RandomEvent-GTAV-BorderPatrol3


Location/Characters Description Reward Image
North PointPaleto Bay, Blaine County - All characters. Two guys are trying to bury a woman alive. The player will need to kill the two men and then give the woman a lift to her destination. Up to $600 from each killed enemy, and a full special meter. The victim's family will also give the player $60,000 sometime later. RandomEvent-GTAV-Burial

Bus Tour[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Alta Street, Downtown Vinewood - All characters. It's simply a tour around the city, just wait until the tour is finished to complete the random event. No reward. RandomEvent-GTAV-BusTour
  • Note: Although listed as a random event, the tour is shown on the map with a unique icon that resembles a Tour Bus and appears regularly. It also appears from a greater distance than the usual blue or red dots. The tour is usually available during daytime hours, though once under way it will often continue well into the evening. It can be undertaken as many times as the player wishes, though there's a small fee for taking the tour.

Car Theft[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Great Ocean Highway, North Chumash, near the Hookies bar - All characters. A woman will have her car stolen from her. The player will need to chase down the criminal and return the car to the woman. A unique pink Peyote or +5 Driving skill. RandomEvent-GTAV-CarTheft1
Exceptionalists Way, Los Santos International Airport - All characters. A woman will have her car stolen from her. The player will need to chase down the criminal and return the car to the woman. A unique dark red modified Rocoto or +5 Driving skill, and an email from the woman saying that she's delivered a luxury suit to the player's wardrobe.* RandomEvent-GTAV-CarTheft2
  • Note: Regardless of the option taken (between taking the vehicle or returning it) the outcome is the same. The woman will respond differently in the email she sends the player, depending on the choice. Therefore, the player can take the vehicle and earn a new suit but will not earn +5 driving skill.

Chase Thieves City[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Hawick Avenue, Hawick - All characters. This group of Lost members will steal the takings of a store next to SubUrban and make their escape in a van. The player will need to kill them and choose to return the takings to the shopkeeper, or keep it for themselves.

Keep cash: $2,000.

Return cash: $200 and a full special meter. If the player kills the victim afterwards, they get another $452.

San Andreas Avenue, Textile City - All characters. This group of Lost members will steal the wallet of a pedestrian and escape on motorcycles. The player will need to kill them and choose to return the wallet to the pedestrian, or keep it.

Keep cash: $500.

Return cash: $50 and a full special meter. If the player kills the victim afterwards, they will get another $91.


Chase Thieves Country[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Grapeseed Main Street, Grapeseed - All characters. This group of Lost members will steal the wallet of a pedestrian and escape in a van. The player will need to kill them, and choose to return the wallet to the pedestrian, or keep it.

Keep cash: $250.

Return cash: $25 and a full special meter. If the player kills the victim afterwards, they will get another $76.

Route 68, Grand Senora Desert, near the Checkout! store - All characters. This group of Lost members will steal the wallet of a pedestrian and escape in a van. The player will need to kill them and choose to return the wallet to the pedestrian, or keep it.

Keep cash: $120.

Return cash: $12 and a full special meter. If the player kills the victim afterwards, they get another $30.


Crash Rescue[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Great Ocean Highway, Mount Chiliad - All characters. A getaway driver was the only survivor of a car crash following a robbery. The player will need to give her a lift to her destination. If you take too long she will die en route. Unlocks a new driver to use in the heists. RandomEvent-GTAV-CrashRescue

Construction Accident[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Calais Avenue, Little Seoul - All characters. A labourer will be trapped inside a Utility Truck after some pipes fall on top of the truck and block the doors. The player will then need to use a Dozer to push the pipes away from the doors and allow the man to escape, before the vehicle explodes. +2 Driving skill. RandomEvent-GTAV-ConstructionAccident

Countryside Gang Fight[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Marina Drive, Alamo Sea - Michael or Franklin only. A man will be confronted at gunpoint (later shot at if the player is too late to react) by a couple of members of The Lost MC. After saving him, follow the man to his car. A new group of Lost members will appear on motorcycles and start shooting. Kill all of them and wait until the man leaves in his car to complete the random event. $1,000 for saving the victim. RandomEvent-GTAV-CountrysideGunFight

Countryside Robbery[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Route 68, Harmony - All characters. A shootout between cops and a bunch of criminals will be happening. The player will have the option of either waiting until all the criminals are killed by the rangers and grab the two briefcases or, help the criminals kill the cops (gaining a three-star wanted level in the process) who will then leave some of the money for the player as they make their escape. The random event will only be completed after the player loses the wanted level in both cases. $5,000 per briefcase collected from the dead criminals, or up to $10,000 in dropped money if the criminals are helped. RandomEvent-GTAV-CountrysideRobbery
  • Note 1: There's a way of getting infinite money using this random event. First, wait for one or both of the robbers to die in the shootout, then grab just one of the briefcases and get out of the area. If done right, the player will get $5,000 and no wanted level. The random event will not be completed, meaning that he will spawn again, and as such, can be repeated indefinitely as long as the player does not get involved with the shootout, and does not grab both briefcases.
  • Note 2: Picking up two briefcases will not trigger any wanted level but the player would be warned by one of the officers. The player will immediately get a two-star wanted level if he tries to steal the getaway vehicle of the criminals.

Deal Gone Wrong[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, near the Great Ocean Highway - All characters. The player will find a group of mortally wounded gangsters (Aztecas or Triads), who appear to have been in a shootout during a drug deal, one of them will talk about a briefcase at the bottom of the hill before he dies. Grab the briefcase and leave the area. A short time later, a gang will appear trying to take the briefcase from the player; simply kill all of them or escape to complete the random event. $25,000 in the briefcase and up to $1,000 dropped from the pursuers. RandomEvent-GTAV-DealGoneWrong
  • Note 1: There's a way of getting infinite money using this random event. Once the briefcase is picked up, invest all of the money on the stock market. Then get killed by the pursuing gang; the investment will be retained and the random event will not be completed, allowing it to be repeated again later.


Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Didion DriveVinewood Hills - All characters. The player will find a man being kicked out his house by his wife. Wait at the kerb for the man to retrieve his golf club, then give him a lift to where he wants to go. $80 and the man becomes a new golf opponent with a Hard skill level. RandomEvent-GTAV-Domestic
  • Note: If playing as Trevor, he can take the man to the Altruist Cult instead and receive $1,000. However, this is not recommended as the player will permanently lose out on having Castro Lagano as a golf opponent.

Drug Shootout[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Mount Chiliad, Blaine County - Trevor only. At the end of a road, north of Grapeseed, the player will find a group of bandits protecting a small farm. Just kill them and grab a briefcase that's inside a nearby shed to complete this random event. Between <$10,000 - >$70,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-DrugShootout
  • Note 1: Despite originally being on a weekly cool-down, due to a patch that was released to solve a bug regarding money suitcases in general, this event is no longer re-playable, and will only spawn one time. After it is completed, it will not spawn again.
  • Note 2: On approach, this random event will be marked on the map by way of a marijuana-leaf-icon, as opposed to the usual blue-dot-icon.

Drunk Drivers[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Aguja Street, La Puerta - All characters. The player will find a man trying to take his drunk friend home. Just give the drunk guy a lift to his home in Alta Place, Hawick. $80. After being dropped off, he seems to drop dead and can be looted. Player can also keep the Baller. RandomEvent-GTAV-DrunkDriver1
Armadillo Avenue, Sandy Shores - All characters. The player will find a drunk couple trying to head back to their motel. Just give them a lift to the motel. $40. Player can keep the Emperor. RandomEvent-GTAV-DrunkDriver2
  • Note 1: If playing as Trevor, the player can take both the man and the couple to the Altruist Cult (but not at the same time as they're two separate events) instead and receive $1,000 for each of them. (The drunk couple also counts as if two people were brought to the cult, which means $2,000 will be paid out).
  • Note 2: If playing as Franklin he'll break the fourth wall and tell the player "See, kids, this why you shouldn't get wasted."

Escape Paparazzi[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Vinewood Boulevard, Downtown Vinewood - All characters. The player will find a celebrity surrounded by paparazzi and asking for help. Find a vehicle and lose the paparazzi, then just take her home.

If the player resorts to violence (run over the paparazzi or threat them with a gun), Lacey will call him crazy and run away.

If the player steals the Vader or the Cavalcade near the paparazzi, they will mistake him for a celebrity and surround him to take photos, depending on the character: Michael for Mitch Dexter, Franklin for MC Clip and Tony McTony, and Trevor for Jock Cranley. Tracey will use this chance to run away.

If the player refuses to help her, she will take the Rumpo or Vader parked nearby and drive away. If she crashes or stops for too long, she will abandon the vehicle and hijack a new one.

In all cases, the mission will be abandoned.

$750. RandomEvent-GTAV-EscapePaparazzi

Gang Intimidation[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
El Rancho Boulevard and Fudge Lane, El Burro Heights - All characters. The player will find a woman asking for help. Follow her and it turns out to be an ambush by a bunch of armed criminals. Kill all of them to complete the random event. Between $200-$500 in dropped money. RandomEvent-GTAV-GangIntimidation
  • Note 1: If the player shoots the woman as well, the player receives a wanted star.
  • Note 2: If the player reaches the woman while armed, she will run away, and the event will not be completed.

Getaway Driver[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Corner of Strawberry Avenue and Forum Drive, Strawberry - All characters. The player will find two robbers (Patrick McReary and an unnamed accomplice) trying to find a vehicle to escape, after robbing a drug store. They ask for the protagonist's help. The player can either help them, if so he will need to lose a two-star wanted level and then take the robbers to their destination, or just kill the pair, finishing the random event much quicker. If crooks are helped: $1,000 and a special character to use as a gunman during heist missions. If the crooks are killed: Between $800-$2,000 per enemy in dropped money. RandomEvent-GTAV-GetawayDriver
  • Note 1: If playing as Trevor, he can take the pair to the Altruist Cult instead and receive $1,000. (the robbers also count as if two people were brought to the cult).
  • Note 2: If the player shows up in a police car or with a wanted level, the robbers will exclaim "It's the boys in blue!" and run away.
  • Note 3: Heist crew member Patrick McReary is rendered permanently unavailable if the crooks are killed or taken to the Altruist Cult.
  • Note 4: The accomplice may be killed after dropping him off, dropping money and an AP Pistol.

Hitch Lifts[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Ineseno Road, Banham Canyon - All characters. The player will find a man at the side of the Great Ocean Highway with his broken-down car. Just take him to his destination in less than 2 hours in-game (2 minutes in real life) to complete the random event. +5 Driving skill and $100. Also, the man will give a tip about the Tinkle stocks, that can be used to make profit of 30% on the website. RandomEvent-GTAV-HitchLift1
North Calafia Way, Mount Chiliad - Franklin or Trevor only. The player will find a woman asking for a lift home. Just simply comply with her request. +5 Driving skill and a new Booty Call option. RandomEvent-GTAV-HitchLift2
East Joshua Road and San Chianski Mountain Range - All characters. The player will find a girl asking for a lift at the side of the road. Just give her a ride to her destination. When the player reached the destination, the player will meet her boyfriend and her boyfriend will start attacking the player, now the player can get away from him or beat him to complete the random event. +5 Driving skill. RandomEvent-GTAV-HitchLift3
Route 68, Great Chaparral - All characters. The player will find a bride running away from her wedding. She asks the protagonist for a lift home. Halfway through the drive, the groom will appear to attack the player, just lose him out of sight, or get out of the car and beat him (but don't kill him) and take the bride to her house. +5 Driving skill. RandomEvent-GTAV-HitchLift4
  • Note 1: If playing as Trevor, he can take the three last characters to the Altruist Cult instead and receive $1,000.
  • Note 2: In order to benefit from the Tinkle stock tip, the player should ideally have already invested all available funds into Tinkle before picking up the Ineseno Road hitcher. Tinkle stocks sit at around $4.80 per share in single player until the event is completed and increases to $6.25 immediately afterward. If the player wait a few times, the stock may go up to around $6.40; selling at this price yields the most profit.
  • Note 3: If Trevor takes Ursula to the Altruist Cult, the player will permanently miss out on having her as a Booty Call option.
    • If Trevor takes Ursula to the Altruist Cult, they can still have her as a booty call by manually dialing her phone number, and meeting her for a booty call. This works for both Trevor and Franklin.
  • Note 4: If Trevor takes the Girl Hitchhiking to the Altruist Cult and she is the fourth person he delivers in order to activate the Altruist Shootout event, a glitch may occur where despite the Altruist Shootout still happening, the game will not consider the Hitch Lift 3 Random Event complete and the Rockstar Social Club icon for the event will not be unlocked. The event will later respawn and be available to do normally in order to complete it. This glitch is present in all versions of the game, including the Expanded and Enhanced versions, and has never been fixed through a patch.

Luring Girl Into Alley[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Supply Street, La Mesa - All characters. The player will find a girl asking for help. Follow her and it turns out it was an ambush created by her and another guy. Kill both of them to complete the random event. Between $10-$50 in dropped money. RandomEvent-GTAV-LuringGirlIntoAlley


Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Chamberlain Hills, Strawberry Avenue - All characters. A random thief will steal the wallet of a pedestrian. Chase the thief and return the wallet to the victim, or keep it.

Keep cash: $200.

Return cash: $20 and a full special meter. If the player kills the victim afterwards, they will get another $91.

Meteor Street, Hawick - All characters. A random criminal is attacking a woman in a alley. Simply kill him before he kills the woman. If saved, the victim says she can get the player Corkers tickets but she simply flees and no reward is received. RandomEvent-GTAV-Mugging2
Vespucci Boulevard, Pillbox Hill - All characters. A random criminal will steal the wallet of a pedestrian. Chase the criminal and return the wallet to the victim, or keep it.

Keep cash: $2000.

Return cash: $200 and a full special meter. If the player kills the victim afterwards, they get another $390.


Prisoner Lifts[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Grand Senora Desert, north of Bolingbroke Penitentiary - Michael or Franklin only. A prisoner is asking for a lift. Take him to his destination and lose the cops who appear halfway through the drive. +3 Driving skill. RandomEvent-GTAV-PrisonerLift1
Grand Senora Desert, south of Bolingbroke Penitentiary - All characters. A prisoner is asking for a lift. But it turns out to be an ambush, and he steals the player's vehicle. Just kill him before he runs away. No reward. RandomEvent-GTAV-PrisonerLift2

Note 1: If the prisoner is run over after the event is finished, The Lost MC members will start attacking the protagonist.

Rogue Altruists[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Baytree Canyon Road, Grand Senora Desert - Michael or Franklin only. A girl is being attacked by members of the Altruist Cult. Kill the altruists and give the girl a lift home to complete the random event. $80. RandomEvent-GTAV-RogueAltruists

Shop Robberies[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Eastbourne Way, Rockford Hills - All characters. The player enters the Bob Mulét barber shop and discovers that the place is being robbed. Wait until the robbers leave the premises and chase after them. They will try to escape in a car. Shoot them through the window or destroy the car to kill them. Retrieve the bag of money and return it to the shop, or keep it.

Keep cash: $2,000.

Return cash: No reward.

Prosperity Street Promenade, Del Perro - All characters. The player enters the SubUrban clothing store and discovers that the place is being robbed. Wait until the robbers get out of the shop and go after them. They will try to escape on foot, where all the player needs to do is shoot them all. Grab the bag of money and return it to the shop, or keep it.

Keep cash: $2,000.

Return cash: 25% off the next purchase at SubUrban.


Simeon Yetarian[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Adam's Apple Boulevard and Power Street, Strawberry - Michael or Franklin only. Enter the Premium Deluxe Motorsport car dealership. Simeon will notice the protagonist and will send some goons to kill him. Just kill all the goons to complete the random event. Simeon can also be killed. No reward. RandomEvent-GTAV-SimeonYetarian


Location/Characters Description Reward Image
South Mo Milton Drive, Vinewood Hills - All characters. A girl is being kidnapped by members of The Lost MC. Kill the members to rescue the girl. Then give her a lift to her destination and be sure to kill all of the Lost members that will appear in the way. No reward. RandomEvent-GTAV-Snatched

Sport Bike Thief[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
North Rockford Drive, Richman - All characters. A random criminal is stealing the sports bike of a pedestrian. Just chase him and return the bicycle to the victim, or keep it. A Bati 801 or +5 Driving skill. RandomEvent-GTAV-SportBikeThief

Stag Do Running Man[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Route 68, Great Chaparral - All characters. The player finds a groom tied to an electric post at the side of the road. Free him and take him home. After this, go to the Hookies bar and then to his wedding in Paleto Bay. All in under 5 hours in-game (ten minutes in real life). A white Super Diamond. RandomEvent-GTAV-StagDoRunningMan

Security Vans[]

Security vans can be found throughout Los Santos, either in static locations or on the roads. They will reappear throughout the game at random for all characters.

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
La Puerta, between Innocence Boulevard and Alta Street - All characters The security van will be parked at a filling station, approach the van quickly and kill the guard before he puts the briefcase in the van, then just pick up the briefcase and lose the cops. Between $3,000-$8,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-SecurityVan1
Little Seoul, near Vespucci Boulevard - All characters The security van will be parked at a restaurant called Lucky Plucker, approach the van quickly and kill the guard before he puts the briefcase in the van, then just pick up the briefcase and lose the cops. Between $3,000-$8,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-SecurityVan2
Paleto Bay - All characters The security van will be parked by the west end of Paleto Boulevard, approach the van quickly and kill the guard before he puts the briefcase in the van, then just pick up the briefcase and lose the cops. Between $3,000-$8,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-SecurityVan3
Little Seoul, near Adam's Apple Boulevard - All characters The security van will be parked in a small parking lot, approach the van quickly and kill the guard before he puts the briefcase in the van, then just pick up the briefcase and lose the cops. Between $3,000-$8,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-SecurityVan4
Vespucci Canals, Prosperity Street - All characters The van will be driving north along Prosperity Street, approach the vehicle by the rear and throw a Sticky Bomb onto the back doors, detonate it, then grab the briefcase, and just lose the cops. The player can also steal the van, take it to a safe place then just shoot the back doors until they open. Between $3,000-$8,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-SecurityVan5
Little Seoul, San Andreas Avenue - All characters The van will be driving east along San Andreas Avenue, near the Hit 'n' Run Coffee, approach the rear of the vehicle and throw a Sticky Bomb to open the back doors, detonate it, grab the briefcase, and then just lose the cops. The player can also steal the van, take it to a safe place and just shoot the back doors until they open. Between $3,000-$8,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-SecurityVan6
San Chianski Mountain Range, Chianski Passage - All characters The van will be driving north along Chianski Passage, near the guard post in the middle of the road, approach the rear of the vehicle, throw a Sticky Bomb to open the back doors, detonate it, grab the briefcase, and then just lose the cops. The player can also steal the van and take it to a safe place and just shoot the back doors until they open. Between $3,000-$8,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-SecurityVan7
Tongva Hills, Great Ocean Highway - All characters The van will be driving south along Great Ocean Highway, near the Route 68. Approach the rear of the vehicle, throw a Sticky Bomb to open the back doors, detonate it, grab the briefcase, and then just lose the cops. The player can also steal the van, take it to a safe place and then just shoot the back doors until they open. Between $3,000-$8,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-SecurityVan8
Cypress Flats, El Rancho Boulevard - All characters The van will be driving west along El Rancho Boulevard, near Orchardville Avenue, approach the rear of the vehicle, throw a Sticky Bomb to open the back doors, detonate it, grab the briefcase and then just lose the cops. The player can also steal the van, take it to a safe place and just shoot the back doors until they open. Between $3,000-$8,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-SecurityVan9
La Mesa, Supply Street - All characters The van will be driving south along Supply Street, near Popular Street, approach the rear of the vehicle, throw a Sticky Bomb to open the back doors, grab the briefcase and then just lose the cops. The player can also steal the van, take it to a safe place and then just shoot the back doors until they open. Between $3,000-$8,000. RandomEvent-GTAV-SecurityVan10
  • Note: Unlike the other random events, this event will continue to spawn around the map even after being completed, allowing the player to complete it multiple times. Cooldown is 2-3 ingame days (or 9 times sleep as Franklin).

Altruist Cult Shootout[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Chiliad Mountain State Wilderness, Altruist Camp - Trevor only After delivering four victims to the Altruist Cult, the Altruists will take Trevor hostage upon receiving the fourth victim and try to use him as a sacrifice. Trevor will then need to kill all the Altruists and make his way out of the camp. $25,000 in four different briefcases around the camp (total of $100,000). N/A
  • Note 1: This event is unable to be completed if the player runs out of victims to deliver.
  • Note 2: Aside from the money, the camp also has an RPG that respawns every few minutes. Sticking around after killing the cultists is a good way to obtain an RPG early in the game, and build up a cache of otherwise-expensive ammo.
  • Note 3: This random event does not count for the 57/60.

Exclusive Random Events for Returning Players to the Enhanced Edition[]

Random Events that are exclusive for returning players to the Enhanced Edition.


Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Route 68, Grand Senora Desert - All characters A Duke O'Death will be parked near a gas station west of the ownable Los Santos Customs. Take the car and a gang of rednecks will immediately attack the protagonist. They will be driving two Phantoms and three Rancher XLs. Kill all of them or escape to complete the random event. Two Duke O' Deaths will spawn in the map, one in El Burro Heights and the other in Grand Senora Desert. RandomEvent-GTAV-Duel
  • Note 1: This random event can only be done after the mission Pulling Favors.
  • Note 2: If The player decides not to take the car the first or the second time the event appears, the event will very rarely spawn back. To fix this, replay Pulling Favors, then hopefully the event should spawn in, if not then replay it again or replay Mr. Philips.

Sea Plane[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Cave in the cove, east of RON Alternates Wind Farm - All characters A Dodo Seaplane will be inside the cave and a group of random gangsters (possibly the Armenian Mob or Aztecas) will be guarding the plane in two Squalos or Tropics. Kill all of them before taking the plane. Once the protagonist is inside, a new group of gangsters will appear, once the player kills the enemies or escapes, the event is complete. Two Dodo Seaplanes will spawn in the map, one is docked at a lake in Vinewood Hills, next to Franklin's House and the other is at the Alamo Sea docked at Galilee. RandomEvent-GTAV-SeaPlane
  • Note 1: This random event can only be done after the mission Nervous Ron.
  • Note 2: The Dodo Seaplane will be available on the Elitás Travel website for $500,000 after completing said random event.

Monkey Mosaic[]

Location/Characters Description Reward Image
Near the Los Santos Customs in Burton - All characters Once the blue dot appears, approach it quietly to see the street artist painting another mosaic in a wall, he will be wearing a monkey mask and a hoodie. Just get close enough to him to photograph him and he runs away to complete the event. The Go Go Monkey Blista will be available in all the protagonist's garages, after the player receives a text message from the Space Monkey company, thanking the player for photographing the mosaics. RandomEvent-GTAV-MonkeyMosaic
  • Note 1: This random event can only be done after all the 50 monkey mosaics have been photographed (see Monkey Mosaics for more information).
  • Note 2: Purchase all three garages, to increase the chances for the random event to spawn.



  • In Construction Accident, if the player were to destroy the Utility Truck before triggering the cutscene, the vehicle will fly into the air when it is approached.
  • There is a bug in the Hitch Lift 3 and Domestic Random Events, where the player can do them again even if the player has delivered the victims to the Altruist Camp. The random event will not be counted as completed until the player does them in the regular way. [1]


  • An internet article from Daily Rag after the mission Complications, says that there's a wave of ATM robberies happening in Los Santos and that people should be careful while they are approaching any ATM machine. This is a reference to the ATM Robberies random event, that keep spawning in the map even after the player completed one of them.
  • Certain events, such as the Altruist Camp event and the Simeon Yetarian event, will not appear in the map for the player, as these can be easily missed, thus rendered impossible to engage in events that will not appear before and after.
  • The 'Duel' random event may be a reference to the film of the same name by Steven Spielberg. The movie is about a driver getting harassed by another driver in a truck similar to the Phantom.
  • The 'Deal Gone Wrong' event is possibly a reference to the movie No Country for Old Men, which has a similar scene involving dead gang members and a money briefcase.
  • There was a random event which was cut from the final game in which a character called Kyle P. Slater was going to ask the player for a ride back to Fort Zancudo; he would then give the player his phone number as a reward. While his random event is no longer in the game, his phone number and the conversation still are. If you call 328-555-0145, he will reply with "You've reached First Lieutenant Kyle P. Slater. Leave the where, the when and the how after the tone."


[ ve ]Grand Theft Auto series
Grand Theft AutoProtagonists | Liberty City (and New Guernsey) | San Andreas | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: London
London 1969Protagonists | London | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
London 1961Protagonists | London | Manchester | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto 2Claude Speed/GBC Protagonists | Anywhere City (Downtown | Residential | Industrial) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IIIClaude | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice CityTommy Vercetti | Vice City | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: San AndreasCarl Johnson | State of San Andreas (Los SantosSan FierroLas VenturasRed CountyFlint CountyWhetstoneBone CountyTierra Robada) | Characters | Missions | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto AdvanceMike | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Soundtrack | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City StoriesToni Cipriani | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City StoriesVictor Vance | Vice City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto IVNiko Bellic | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Episodes from Liberty City
The Lost and DamnedJohnny Klebitz | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
The Ballad of Gay TonyLuis Fernando Lopez | Liberty City | Alderney | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown WarsHuang Lee | Liberty City | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto VMichael De Santa | Trevor Philips | Franklin Clinton | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | State of North Yankton (Ludendorff) | Characters | Gangs | Missions | Weapons | Vehicles | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Grand Theft Auto OnlineGTA Online Protagonist (Crews | Organizations | Motorcycle Clubs) | Southern San Andreas (Los Santos (County) | Blaine County) | The Caribbean (Cayo Perico) | Missions | Jobs | Gangs | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Reputation (Arena Points | LS Car Meet) | Content Updates | Events | Achievements/Trophies | Awards
Grand Theft Auto VILucia | Unnamed male accomplice | State of Leonida (Vice-Dale County | Kelly County | Leonard County) | Characters | Missions | Vehicles | Weapons | Radio stations | Achievements/Trophies | Cheats
Collectibles | Multiplayer | Modifications | Controversy
[ ve ]Missions in Grand Theft Auto V
IntroductionPrologue | Franklin and Lamar
Simeon Yetarian Simeon-HUDIconRepossession | Complications
Tonya Wiggins Blips-GTAV-66-RandomCharacter-FranklinPulling Favors
Lamar Davis FranklinGreen-HUDIcon FranklinRed-HUDIcon
Part 1Chop | The Long Stretch
Part 2Hood Safari
Michael De Santa MichaelBlue-HUDIcon MichaelGreen-HUDIcon MichaelRed-HUDIcon
Part 1Father/Son | Marriage Counseling | Daddy's Little Girl
Part 2Mr. Philips
Part 3Fame or Shame
Part 4Did Somebody Say Yoga?
Part 5Minor Turbulence
Part 6Bury the Hatchet
Part 7Reuniting the Family
Part 8Meltdown
Lester Crest LesterBlue-HUDIcon LesterGreen-HUDIcon LesterRed-HUDIcon
Part 1Friend Request | Casing the Jewel Store
Part 2The Hotel Assassination | The Multi Target Assassination | The Vice Assassination | The Bus Assassination | The Construction Assassination
Part 3Surveying the Score
Part 4Cleaning out the Bureau
Part 5Planning the Big Score
Heists HeistBlue-HUDIcon HeistGreen-HUDIcon HeistRed-HUDIcon
Option AThe Jewel Store Job (Loud) | The Merryweather Heist (Freighter) | The Bureau Raid (Fire Crew) | The Big Score (Subtle)
Option BThe Jewel Store Job (Smart) | The Merryweather Heist (Offshore) | The Bureau Raid (Roof) | The Big Score (Obvious)
No OptionsBlitz Play | The Paleto Score
Option A Heist Setup
HeistSetupBlue-HUDIcon HeistSetupGreen-HUDIcon HeistSetupRed-HUDIcon
The Jewel Store JobCarbine Rifles
The Merryweather HeistMinisub
The Bureau RaidFire Truck | Getaway Vehicle
The Big ScoreStingers | Gauntlet - Pillbox Hill | Gauntlet - Rockford Hills | Gauntlet - Mission Row
Option B Heist Setup
HeistSetupBlue-HUDIcon HeistSetupGreen-HUDIcon HeistSetupRed-HUDIcon
The Jewel Store JobBugstars Equipment | BZ Gas Grenades
The Merryweather HeistCargobob | Minisub
The Bureau RaidN/A
The Big ScoreDriller | Sidetracked | Getaway Vehicle
Heist Setup (No Options)
HeistSetupBlue-HUDIcon HeistSetupGreen-HUDIcon HeistSetupRed-HUDIcon
Blitz PlayMasks | Boiler Suits | Trash Truck | Tow Truck | Getaway Vehicle
The Paleto ScoreMilitary Hardware
Trevor Philips TrevorBlue-HUDIcon TrevorRed-HUDIcon
Part 1Nervous Ron
Part 2Friends Reunited
Part 3Scouting the Port
Part 4Predator
Part 5Derailed
Part 6Hang Ten
Tao Cheng Chinese-HUDIconTrevor Philips Industries | Crystal Maze
Part 1Dead Man Walking | Three's Company | By the Book
Part 2Paleto Score Setup
Part 3Monkey Business
Part 4The Wrap Up
Devin Weston DevinBlue-HUDIcon DevinGreen-HUDIcon DevinRed-HUDIcon
Part 1I Fought the Law... | Eye in the Sky
Part 2Deep Inside
Part 3Pack Man
Solomon Richards Solomon-HUDIcon
Part 1Mr. Richards
Part 2The Ballad of Rocco | Legal Trouble
Martin Madrazo MadrazoBlue-HUDIcon MadrazoRed-HUDIconCaida Libre
Franklin Clinton FranklinGreen-HUDIcon FranklinRed-HUDIconFresh Meat | Architect's Plans | Lamar Down
Option A TrevorRed-HUDIconSomething Sensible
Option B MichaelBlue-HUDIconThe Time's Come
Option C FranklinGreen-HUDIconThe Third Way
Optional missions
Amanda De SantaThe Good Husband
Tracey De SantaDoting Dad
Jimmy De SantaParenting 101
Dr. Friedlander Shrink-GTAV-RadarIcon
Part 1Chaos
Part 2Evil
Part 3Negativity
Part 4Fucked Up
Part 5Abandonment Issues
Side MissionsTaxi Jobs | Private Taxi Fares | Towing | Hao Street Races | Offroad Races | Sea Races | Triathlon | Arms Trafficking Air | Arms Trafficking Ground | Hunting | Property Management | Flight School | Random Events | Strangers & Freaks | Stock Car Racing [E] | Wildlife Photography Challenge [E]
Missions in GTA V | Missions | Storyline mission | Side missions

[E] - Enhanced Version only missions

Mission Protagonist:
Michael De Santa | Franklin Clinton | Trevor Philips | Michael & Trevor | Michael & Franklin | Franklin & Trevor
All | Player's Choice

