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Glen Morley III is a character who is mentioned in Grand Theft Auto III.



Morley is mentioned on the Liberty Tree website under the article Car Jacking Back in Vogue.

The article regards the rising trend of car jacking in Liberty City in February 2001. Up until February 2001, he had been a peaceful member of society, not having ever handled a gun before in his life. Glen Morley III also seems to confirm the problems of the Liberty City Police Department, who it is implied trained him in the use of guns.

In the article, he is quoted as saying: "I'd never handled a gun until yesterday, but thanks to a couple of beers with my local police officer last night, I now feel like the toughest guy alive. Hell, anyone tries and car jacks me and they'll be sorry. I'll blow their god-damn brains out."



[ ve ]Characters in Grand Theft Auto III
8-Ball | Catalina† | Marty Chonks† | Toni Cipriani | King Courtney | D-Ice | El Burro | Luigi Goterelli | Asuka Kasen† | Kenji Kasen† | Maria Latore | Joey Leone | Salvatore Leone† | Donald Love | Ray Machowski | Miguel
Leon McAffrey† | Ray Machowski's Partner† | Curly Bob† | Carl | Phil Cassidy | Chico | Lee Chong† | Mrs. Chonks† | Mrs. Cipriani | Mike Forelli† | Mickey Hamfists | Kanbu | Misty | Old Oriental Gentleman | Tanner† | Unnamed Accomplice† | SPANKed-up Madmen† | D-Ice's brother | Leone Bank Robbers | Bank Manager† | Reporter† | Sam | Shopkeeper | SPANK Dealer† | SPANK-ed Up Thief† | Unknown Forelli member
Radio DJsAndee | Andre the Accelerator | Stretch Armstrong | MC Codebreaker | Michael Hunt | Lazlow | Morgan Merryweather | Lord Sear | Toni | Horace Walsh
Radio guestsBob | Freddy | Jane | Janice | Jeff | Jerry | Martha | Fernando Martinez | Colonel James P. | Phil | Phil | Barry Stark | Reed Tucker
Barbara | J. Phil Higginbottom | Hans | Hugo | Jim-Jim | Joey | Joey | Oily Johnnie | Johnny | Queen Lizzy | Pogo the Monkey | Glen Morley III | Sam | Gary Schaffer | Chuck Schwartz | Tommy | Mr. Wong | Daryl Zolotowski | DJ Jelly Doughnut | DJ Pink Slip
Liberty Tree promotional website reportersAdam Tedman | Amy Salzburg | Andre Perkins | Peter Armstrong | Benjamin Mill | Bill Tautz | Johnnie Blain | Bob Jefferson | Bob Malkin | Brian Robinson | Chris Carruthers | Clint Glen | E. Crume | Frederic Pierce | Gregory Lau | Howard Child | Irene Kelly | Julius Cohen | Johnny Ryan | Joel Stahlman | Jeffrey Veselik | Jayne Kwiatowski | Kelly Sue DeConnick | Ken Dellamonica | Kristen Burns | Louie Schaffer | Mark Reed | Nicholas Morris | Paul Civille | Paul Marchiando | Paul Mill | Stan Wayridge | Thomas Jones | Thomas Shaw | Thomas Stewart | Trudy Fink | Walt Jefferson | Walt Karl | William Mazyck
Beta charactersThe Masks | Butler | Curtly | Darkel | JJ the Pimp | Major Hale | Tom Novy | Toshiro† | Trixie
† denotes Deceased, Italics denotes a status determined by the player's choice
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