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Ominent Practical Technologies (OPT) AKA Ominent is a tech company that appears to have invented much of the tech seen in the labs across the Backyard. Along with this, they at one point were the employers of Dr. Wendell Tully before he was fired due to being too obsessive over his SPAC.R project. They are only seen to have a scientific and household goods divisions of the company, though it's likely more branches exists as well.

Story-Related Events[]

Ominent appears to have been the source of the labs and other mechanical devices such as the TAYZ.Ts or ARC.Rs, though it is likely this isn't the case. Due to Wendell being fired because of the head of the science department, Director Dalton Schmector at the time the game takes place, it's possible the labs themselves, and the equipment in them, were created from tech stolen from Ominent by Wendell. It's also possible the tech for the labs were made as Wendell was employed, and were abandoned as he was fired.
