What’s the best infusion combo for the infused club?
What’s the best infusion combo for the infused club?
“Murder, death, mayhem!” -ImCade
Ok! So the best possible overall is club: elem. up best, life steal. Trinket: elem. up best, implant weakness: elem, finale fury. Trust me, this is carrying me to +14 and beyond and I consistently first-to-third try the bosses and also focus on healing and HP everything else is now basically irrelevant
Got it
Can I save-scum?
Also use a spicy ax and a salty hammer instead of the club it has more utility and exploits more weaknesses use a salt club for the mantis and wasp queen and my load out is parry master, coup de grass, trapper peep.r, shocking dismissal, and dissection expert for club/chopper for ax/smasher for hammer and my run-around-like-a-dum-dum is natural explorer, antbassador, cardio fan, meat shield, dissection expert and for Javamatic, replace both up bests or one up best and one impl. with defense event attack on a sour club and swap coup de grass and trapper peep.r with natural explorer and guard dog
Trust me bro. This build is broken! And use eyepatch/lucky hat, mother demon/termight, aphid/fire ant put these in your hot pouch for different cenarios
Para ha a vid on infused weapon farming but the mant will take a long time so one stack of salt up best will do just fine
What do you think?