02 December 2024 @ 12:15 pm
Nabbed from [profile] rionaleheart
TV questions: pick five TV shows you like (in no particular order) and answer the following questions. Don’t cheat!

1. Interview With The vampire
2. Wheel of Time
3. Sarah Connor Chronicles
4. Yellowjackets
5. The Mandalorian

Me and by goldfish brain having to scroll up to see what fandom each number is for every single question. )

+ Random icon button gave me a Star Wars icon, so that's today's fic pick for #Rec-Cember!

Star Wars
when you lay me down you'll only bury bones by [profile] onespaceace (18,959 words)
AU where Mando couldn't save Grogu at the Seeing Stone (Chapter 14: The Tragedy). This grabbed me beginning to end, both the POVs and the character interactions were *chef's kiss*

Luke jerks awake with a gasp, and immediately gags.

Artoo whistles a question behind him, but he can't give a better answer than the groan behind his clenched teeth. He shuts his eyes and swallows hard a few times until he's sure he isn't about to throw up in his lap.

There isn't much recorded about Force visions anymore - at least, not anywhere that Luke has looked - but he knows that what he saw wasn't a dream. Not really. Shaking, he presses a hand to his throat, running his fingertips over the unmarked skin there, where he swears he can still feel the impossible heat of blaster fire. There's no way of knowing if what he saw has already come to pass, but there's a twisting deep in his gut that tells him they're too late. He can't tell if it's the Force reaching out to him, or simply his own fears, but the cry for help that echoed across the galaxy to him had jolted him from meditation hours ago. There is every chance the child is long gone; their Mandalorian defender long dead.

But Luke, for all his faults, has never learnt to quit while he's ahead. Until he reaches Tython, until he finds the child, there's still a hope that he can't quite abandon.
Current Music: Mother Mother - Forgotten Souls
20 November 2024 @ 10:15 pm
+ I very much need to stop mentally writing DW posts. Those drafts don't transfer, brain! As in: hi! Long time no see?

+ Once again a failboat about getting my health certificate so I could go back to work. Actually had to borrow some money from my dad. But the doctor seemed very optimistic that if i stuck to the plan I'd be ready for the next trip in February, and luckily I did some work when the boat was docked for repairs, so a bit of wages incoming there.

Meanwhile, I'm on a strict low carb diet and walking every day.

+ To help with structure and meal times I decided to visit my mom, and I'll mostly be here until after Christmas. it's very nice to be back in her cozy house! And my nephew loves going out hunting for Pokemons with me. Today I stuck my chilly hands down the back of his sweater for fun, and he refused to come close to me the rest of his visit. Then after leaving, he came back in just to give me the hug he didn't want to give my cold ass when he was leaving. Without prompting lol. So adorable.

+ There's a bunch of Christmas markets coming up starting this weekend, hopefully I'll have some pics to share.

+ I'm only playing three low-stakes games rn, Marvel Snap,Pokemon Go, and Disney Dreamlight Valley. A safe way to avoid emotional overwhelm :p I will say Snap has delighted me with yet another fantastic Sera alternate card art, and the new DLC for DLV has a super cozy bookish land added and a bunch of cute origami birds I'm chasing, new outfits make of book pages, book nooks scattered all over the place, etc. *burrows down in cozy*

+ Hmm not sure if I have it in me to try for #Rec-cember this year. But I rarely read fic and rec even rarer still. Boo me.

+ Enjoyed Agatha All Along, but there were some internal inconsistencies that kept me from falling into it fully (so so happy to see all the icons it's getting though, and that a queer witchy show got such strong ratings). Right now we've just started watching the Ronja Robbersdaughter series on Netflix. Only one episode in, but I like the cast and adore the setting. Mossy woods and creepy beings yay! Babylon 5 co-watch is plodding along, we saw 2x09 The Coming of Shadows yesterday. Seriously such a strong three episode streak that I've enjoyed tremendously.

+ Since I'm on my brother's infinite internet now, I dove right back into tumblr last night and gorged on fanart. The Interview With the Vampire fandom is eating good. I was going to continue, then remembered I haven't watched Arcane yet and got my butt out of there.

But lusting for more arts, today I make a BlueSky account:

It then immediately started showing internal server errors whoops I broke it

+ Um have some icons?

Current Music: Metric - Just This Once
Nabbed from [personal profile] impala_chick: Put a song for every letter in your url!
Added by me: Challenge yourself and make it a fan-mix!

This is a general playlist for Yellowjackets. I had a bunch squirreled away, but the letters turned out less than cooperative.

Gouge Away by The Pixies [x]
Gouge away
You can gouge away
Stay all day
If you want to

Omen by Mother Mother [x]
Upon a path of old primrose
Beyond the smoke and smoldering chrome
And the Pentagon and the fall of Rome
There lies a place I might call home
With a couple of sticks and a couple of stones
I’ll dig a pit and lay my bones

Only When I by Alice Phoebe Lou [x]
Even if we're done for
Even if it's really sore
I'll take it all, take it all, take it all

Disco//Very by Warpaint [x]
Only in the sound of the voices I scream
Only in the sound of your voice did I scream
Only in the sound of the voices I scream

Blend by Aldous harding [x]
Can't seem to let you off the chain
That is our name
A few of your letters came from Limoges
She's gonna struggle day to day
But she deserves a place
You and walking in the sand
And you're the perfect man

Your Body Changes Everything by perfume genius [x]
Your brow, it is mine to beat
Can you feel my love?
Can you feel the sun, like honey?
The camera cut away

Enemies by Hannah Georgas[x]
It's too deep of a cut to mend
And there is no way we can go back, go back again
And this is what we've got
This is what we've got to live with

Black Horses by Rufous Nightjar [x]
Oh Lord have mercy for how I loved her
Oh then take pity, my mortal soul
I’d move the earth for to keep her by me
Her name is carved on my heart in gold

In Lightning by Feist [x]
Flashes flash to show our natural age
And the lightning lights me up
To be as God as I say
Then to lightning I belong
Like electricity
And if I’m frightened it’s just because
Of the power vested in me

Roots by Emilie Nicolas[x]
Right under my toes, ah
There should be roots, ah
So why don't I feel it?

Dog Eyes by Wye Oaks [x]
Soft eyes, hard hands
To shovel the garden
A deep hole, a secret
In order to feed it
The season of calling

I'd likely swap around the order of these, but hey, fanmix! *jazzhands*
Current Music: The Ting Tings - Estranged
06 November 2023 @ 12:03 pm
I was lucky enough to win [personal profile] tafadhali in the Women's Place vid auction, it was just posted and IS BANANAS GOOD. Stop, drop, and watch immediately.

Immaculate vibes.
24 July 2023 @ 10:10 am
+ Well I just logged off twitter. Oh scuse me, I logged off X. That will be run by AI. I hate it here. Truly.

+ Back to bumping up against my 500 open tabs limit. That's what happens when y'all start posting so many fic recs! It's been like a flash from the past this week, so many rec posts *rolls around in them*

+ Boat is docking this Friday. Since it's not going back out until Monday, I may be here until Saturday, idk. Either case: HOME. That's where the bathtub lives.

+ Now I'll just have to make sure I finish saving all my icons so they don't go poof from imgur. I believe they went after the biggest images first, since my screencaps went, then the smaller thumbnails for said screencap posts. ([community profile] capshare will be a ghost town now 🫤) First picked up the fandoms I'd iconned most at [community profile] forsquares, before attempting to save my [community profile] spankulert posts in order, to preserve comments accuracy. I only made it through three posts before my brain threw in the towel. I could lose the Xena icons and then I'd have to cry about it.

After, it'll be time to spam y'all with some master posts hehe.

Copy Image URL button when, Dreamwidth? 🙏🙏🙏

+ (there's an icon land community happening soon and 🎶I am exciiiited 🎶)

+ Finished the episodes I had of The Mandalorian. Which turns out was not all of them. *dons clown makeup*

Season three ruined its streak of joyful episodes by being shitty to droids.
Read more... )

+ My [community profile] fandomgiftbasket is here. Sarah Connor Chronicles, Our Flag Means Death, Yellowjackets.

+ There's a charity vid auction happening!!
Current Music: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fleez
20 July 2023 @ 08:11 pm
+ Just signed up for [community profile] fandomgiftbasket. It closes tonight!

+ Yellowjackets fanart recs posted, and also I posted about wanting an Annihilation AU bc that would be the stufff.

+ Affiliated [community profile] disneyplusshows with [community profile] tv_talk, asked if the community would be open to organized re-watches. Could be a good place to tackle TSCC if so.

+ Signed up to cover episode three and four at [community profile] tar_valon's Wheel of Time season one (re)watch.
Episode 1 starts July 31st, come by and join in!

(Thanks to [personal profile] linky for keeping me on my toes 😘)

I'd love to get my hands on Moiraine's blue outfit, it looks like a sensory dream. They shaved Rand's head 🤯! More on-screen lesbianing!! In conclusion: EXCITE

In other fun and exciting news, Yellowjackets now has a community! Come party at [community profile] yellowjackets_fans 🥳
Current Music: Mother Mother - Alone and Sublime
17 July 2023 @ 11:26 am
+ Reccing a (somewhat older) fic and it received three new comments that day, feelgood juice right there 🤝

+ Shauna, Jackie, and Those Sapphic Gazes on Yellowjackets. Very good article.

I am bothered by all the recs for Yellowjackets being all Shauna/Jackie omg!! and not at all mentioning the actual canon pairing that is Very Much On Screen?? Lots of fun pairings, I get it, but that's so weird to me.

Also someone please make a community? I simply cannot allow myself to make any more specific fandom communities. Sad times.

I am trawling twitter now. And there's nothing to be found, outside of some nice fanarts. Nobody's really talking about the show.

+ I gobbled up two and a half more episodes of The Mandalorian s3. SO GOOD.
Current Music: Warpaint - Disco/Very
11 July 2023 @ 09:53 am
+ Today's [community profile] poetry_fiction prompt is perfect for Yellowjackets.

+ I learned there's going to be a bonus episode between s2 and s3.

+ My potential fanmix list now has 25 songs on it, but scattered across several characters, ships, and a general show one. Will have to look around more when I get home.

Meanwhile, in toootally unrelated news, I am very much enjoying Siouxie and the Banshees, a band I've never really listened to before. It clearly should have been a thing in high school! I have been cheated hrrmph.
Current Music: Meg Myers - Parade
30 June 2023 @ 01:54 pm
+ Still close enough to shore that 4G pops in here and there. Currently trying to nab The Witcher and Nimona. I'd be sad about there only being five episodes, but nothing but bad vibes rn so maybe for the best.

Not even bothering with Secret Wars. First episode bored me, pissed me off, and Fury is completely de-toothed. Cherry on top was that fugly AI series intro. Way to suck extra, Disney.

+ ND Stevenson On Nimona, Bearing Your Queerness, And Staying Hopeful. I wasn't aware Stevenson had transitioned!
It feels so vulnerable to see that part of myself up on screen, and then to see that reaction to that character and the way people are finding their own stories within it. It’s really healing, like I’m sending back this little beacon of hope to who I was first coming up with Nimona.

+ Who's Afraid of Liv Hewson? Also didn't know Hewson was non-binary!
I am not going to entertain anybody's disgust over my body. It's my body, it’s healthy and strong and beautiful, and there’s nothing wrong with it. Point blank.

In terms of “What if you feel regret?”: Is the idea that nobody ever feel regret about anything? Aside from the fact that we have complete statistical information about regret rates of gender- affirming surgery and this is an absolute nonstarter, what? Are you also going to legislate against people getting tattoos? It's just control: “I want you to make decisions based on my level of comfort with your existence.” That is completely irrational.

+ I am so very tempted by the LoTR set for Magic the Gathering. Why did they have to commission such pretty art? And the land cards! With foil!! *cries about it*
([ profile] DevenRue on creating the set)

Longingly browsing the starter set + some boosters. But like, remember the Star Wars collectible card game, Self? Did you have anyone to actually play with? No you did not.

In either case, I'll hold off until ~The One Ring~ is found. Outside of starters, the prices are ridonkulous rn.

+ Will have to start looking into France in December to see if a holiday trip is feasible for me and my mom. Really want to visit some of the Christmas villages, they look so cozy and chock full of CHRISTMAS. But all depends on pricing and the availability/ease of public transport.
20 January 2023 @ 11:48 pm
It's been a long loooong time since a vidsong has just jumped out and smacked me in the face like that. My hand flew up to my mouth at one part from the emotional hit.

eta wtf just went to buy it, and the album has the singer crawling on the floor of an airplane, and sand is covering the front half
Current Music: Caroline Polachek - Welcome To My Island
02 January 2023 @ 02:37 pm
* [community profile] snowflake_challenge has started up again! There’s a lovely intro post where the mods have written about what the challenge means to them, and Challenge 1 is already up.
Snowflake Challenge promotional banner with image of snow-covered mushrooms and green moss. Text: Snowflake Challenge January 1-31.

* I’ve bought so many Christmas ornaments on sale 😬 I am now snooping around for a new tree lol.

* Made a tiny post of leftover icons for 2022, though I may have missed some hah.


* And a friending meme for the new year is happening!
Click the banner to join us and make some new friends!