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Yakan Offering is Yae Miko's Level 1 Constellation.



  • Yakan (Japanese: 野干 lit. "wild jackal") originally referred to the Indian jackal but became a synonym of yako (Japanese: 野狐 "wild fox"), the lowest ranking fox spirits in the Japanese folklore.
  • There are two possible readings for the Japanese name 野狐供真編.
    • It could be Yako Gu Shinpen, meaning "Yako Offering: True Edition."
    • Alternatively, it could be Yako Kushin Hen, meaning "Book on Yako Kushin." It is a possible reference to "Touzan Kushin" (Japanese: 洞山供真), the name of a story involving the Chinese Zen monk Dongshan Liangjie (Touzan Ryoukai in Japanese), who founded the school of Caodong (Soutou in Japanese).
      • Having a large temple commonly called Toyokawa Inari as one of its major holy sites, the Soutou school played an important role for the development of the kitsune legends, because the temple is regarded as the most sacred Japanese Buddhist temple that worships Dakini as its primary deity, by whom the kitsune matriarch Hakushin in the game is likely inspired.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishYakan Offering
Yěhú Gòng Zhēnpiān‍[!][!]
Yako Offering: True Edition‍[※][※]
Yěhú Gòng Zhēnpiān‍[!][!]
Yako Gu Shinpen‍[!][!]
Yako Offering: True Edition[• 1]
Korean여우의 제물
Yeo'u-ui Jemul
Offering of Fox
SpanishOfrenda de los yakoOffering of the Yako
FrenchOffrande des yakanOffering of the Yakan
RussianПодношения яко
Podnosheniya yako
Yako Offerings
ThaiYakan Offering
VietnameseBiên Niên Sử Hồ LyChronicle of Fox Spirit[• 2]
GermanYakan-OpferYakan Sacrifice
IndonesianYakan Offering
PortugueseOferenda YakanYakan Offering
TurkishYako AdağıYako Offering[• 3]
ItalianOfferta di YakanYakan Offering
  1. Japanese: See the Etymology section.
  2. Vietnamese: Perhaps the translation Biên Niên Sử "Chronicle" interprets a part of the Chinese name 供真篇 as Gōngzhēn Piān, or "Book That Provides Truth."
  3. Turkish: "Yakan" was changed to "Yako" in the turkish translation, because Yakan lit. "burning" is an existing word in the turkish language.

Change History[]

