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Sapientia Oromasdis is Nahida's Constellation.


Constellation The Seed of Stored KnowledgeThe Seed of Stored Knowledge
  • Description
  • Gameplay Notes

When the Shrine of Maya is unleashed and the Elemental Types of the party members are being tabulated, the count will add 1 to the number of Pyro, Electro, and Hydro characters respectively.

  • This Constellation will still add 1 to each buff type even if that element does not exist in the current party.
Constellation The Root of All FullnessThe Root of All Fullness
  • Description
  • Gameplay Notes
Opponents that are marked by Seeds of Skandha applied by Nahida herself will be affected by the following effects:
  • To apply the DEF debuff, a Catalyze reaction must be triggered on a target already marked by Seed of Skandha. However, it will last for its full duration even if Seed of Skandha expires during it.
Constellation The Shoot of Conscious AttainmentThe Shoot of Conscious Attainment
Increases the Level of All Schemes to Know by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Constellation The Stem of Manifest InferenceThe Stem of Manifest Inference
When 1/2/3/(4 or more) nearby opponents are affected by All Schemes to Know's Seeds of Skandha, Nahida's Elemental Mastery will be increased by 100/120/140/160.
Constellation The Leaves of Enlightening SpeechThe Leaves of Enlightening Speech
Increases the Level of Illusory Heart by 3.
Maximum upgrade level is 15.
Constellation The Fruit of Reason's CulminationThe Fruit of Reason's Culmination
  • Description
  • Gameplay Notes
  • Advanced Properties
  • Preview

When Nahida hits an opponent affected by All Schemes to Know's Seeds of Skandha with Normal or Charged Attacks after unleashing Illusory Heart, she will use Tri-Karma Purification: Karmic Oblivion on this opponent and all connected opponents, dealing Dendro DMG based on 200% of Nahida's ATK and 400% of her Elemental Mastery.
DMG dealt by Tri-Karma Purification: Karmic Oblivion is considered Elemental Skill DMG and can be triggered once every 0.2s.
This effect can last up to 10s and will be removed after Nahida has unleashed 6 instances of Tri-Karma Purification: Karmic Oblivion.

Internal CooldownPoise
Stagger EffectBlunt
TagTagTypeTypeS. L.S. L.H. F.H. F.V. F.V. F.
Karmic Oblivion1UNahida C62.5s/3 Hits30Light2000
Each Constellation activation requires one Nahida's Stella Fortuna Nahida's Stella Fortuna.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishSapientia OromasdisLatin: Wisdom of Ahura Mazda
Keeper of Wisdom Constellation
Chie no Nushi-za
Master of Wisdom Constellation
Korean지혜의 주인자리
Jihye-ui Juin-jari
Owner of Wisdom Constellation
SpanishSapientia Oromasdis
FrenchSapientia Oromasdis
RussianГоспожа Мудрости
Gospozha Mudrosti
Lady of Wisdom
ThaiSapientia Oromasdis
VietnameseCung ChủChủ Trí TuệTrí TuệKeeper of Wisdom Constellation‍[※][※]
GermanSapientia Oromasdis
IndonesianSapientia Oromasdis
PortugueseSapientia Oromasdis
TurkishHürmüz'ün BilgeliğiWisdom of Oromasdis
ItalianSapientia Oromasdis

Change History[]

