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All items (162)
- Cherubic Sea Hare
- Consecrated Fanged Beast
- Consecrated Flying Serpent
- Consecrated Horned Crocodile
- Consecrated Red Vulture
- Consecrated Scorpion
- Coral Defenders
- Crackling Axe Mitachurl
- Crackling Thunder Manifestation
- Cryo Abyss Mage
- Cryo Hilichurl Grenadier
- Cryo Hilichurl Shooter
- Cryo Regisvine
- Cryo Samachurl
- Cryo Whopperflower
- Electro Abyss Mage
- Electro Hilichurl Grenadier
- Electro Hilichurl Shooter
- Electro Regisvine
- Electro Samachurl
- Electro Whopperflower
- Enraged Millennial Pearl Seahorse
- Eremite Axe Vanguard
- Eremite Crossbow
- Eremite Daythunder
- Eremite Desert Clearwater
- Eremite Floral Ring-Dancer
- Eremite Galehunter
- Eremite Linebreaker
- Eremite Ravenbeak Halberdier
- Eremite Scorching Loremaster
- Eremite Stone Enchanter
- Eremite Sunfrost
- Eremite Sword-Dancer
- Fatui Cryo Cicin Mage
- Fatui Electro Cicin Mage
- Fatui Pyro Agent
- Fatui Skirmisher - Anemoboxer Vanguard
- Fatui Skirmisher - Cryogunner Legionnaire
- Fatui Skirmisher - Electrohammer Vanguard
- Fatui Skirmisher - Geochanter Bracer
- Fatui Skirmisher - Hydrogunner Legionnaire
- Fatui Skirmisher - Pyroslinger Bracer
- Frost Operative
- Frostarm Lawachurl
- Frostshrieker Bathysmal Vishap
- Resurgent Cryo Regisvine
- Revived Primo Geovishap
- Rimebiter Bathysmal Vishap
- Rimebiter Bathysmal Vishap Hatchling
- Rock Shield Hilichurl Guard
- Rock Shieldwall Mitachurl
- Rocky Avildsen
- Ruin Cruiser
- Ruin Destroyer
- Ruin Drake: Earthguard
- Ruin Drake: Skywatch
- Ruin Grader
- Ruin Guard
- Ruin Hunter
- Ruin Scout
- Ruin Serpent
- The Call of Ice and Thunder
- The Knave
- Thunder Manifestation
- Thunderhelm Lawachurl
- Treasure Hoarders: Boss
- Treasure Hoarders: Carmen
- Treasure Hoarders: Crusher
- Treasure Hoarders: Cryo Potioneer
- Treasure Hoarders: Electro Potioneer
- Treasure Hoarders: Gravedigger
- Treasure Hoarders: Handyman
- Treasure Hoarders: Hydro Potioneer
- Treasure Hoarders: Liuliu
- Treasure Hoarders: Marksman
- Treasure Hoarders: Pugilist
- Treasure Hoarders: Pyro Potioneer
- Treasure Hoarders: Raptor
- Treasure Hoarders: Scout
- Treasure Hoarders: Seaman
- Treasure Hoarders: Wallenstein