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Metastable Jadeplume Terrorshroom is an enemy encountered in the Specially-Shaped Saurian Search event.



Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Dendro66%Orb ×1
33%Orb ×1
0%Particle ×1; Orb ×1


State Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Base 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 80% 30% 30%
Shielded 70% 70% 70% 70% 70% 160% 70% 70%
Stunned 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 50% 0% 0%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling

Note that HP and ATK values may change in Co-Op Mode, some Quests, and certain Domains (including Spiral Abyss and Imaginarium Theater). For more details, see Enemy/Level Scaling § Other Multipliers.


Most ability names are unofficial.

Dendro Shield
Upon starting the battle, the Jadeplume Terrorshroom gains a Dendro shield, which grants it increased RES while active. The shield can be destroyed using Elemental Reactions, and is weakest to Electro. Unless the Jadeplume Terrorshroom is paralyzed, it will refresh its shield after it is destroyed. It will also refresh the shield after recovering from paralysis or using Volatile Spore Cloud.
Ward Data
GU Required to Break


Majestic Dance
Performs up to two attacks consisting of a sweeping bite and a head slam, dealing 75% ATK, 85% ATK as Dendro DMG.
Briefly imbues itself with a Dendro aura, swings its tail to the left, right, and down via a front flip, launching a barrage of projectiles with each swing. Each projectile deals 30% ATK as Dendro DMG on hit. Repeated hits have their DMG reduced according to the Damage Sequence. This attack can be chained up to 3 times.
Furious Charge
Imbues itself with a Dendro aura, and charges at the player twice, dealing 100% ATK as Dendro DMG on hit.
Proliferating Spores
Scatters 5 spores around itself, each dealing 30% ATK as Dendro DMG upon landing and transforming into a Boom Blossom. The Boom Blossoms explode after a delay if a player is in close vicinity or when hit by a player attack, dealing 50% ATK as Dendro DMG to both players and the Jadeplume Terrorshroom.
Rapid Pecks
Aimlessly swings its beak 3 times, dealing 90% ATK as Dendro DMG with each swing. Repeated hits have their DMG reduced according to the Damage Sequence. Then, leaps high into the air and slams down at the player's location, dealing 100% ATK as Dendro DMG. This attack is always used twice in a row.


Radical Vitality
The Jadeplume Terrorshroom's Fury bar will fill by 2% when hit by an Electro attack, fill by 15% when an Aggravate reaction is triggered on it, and reduce by 100% when hit by a Pyro attack.
When the Fury bar is fully filled, the Jadeplume Terrorshroom will become Activated and perform Feather Spreading, then become paralyzed for 20 seconds with reduced RES to all DMG.
Feather Spreading
Performs 2 jumping slams, each dealing 100% ATK as Dendro DMG, then imbues itself with a Dendro aura, scatters countless spores into the air that home towards the player, each dealing 45% ATK as Dendro DMG on hit. Repeated spore hits will have their DMG reduced according to the Damage Sequence.


Volatile Spore Cloud
If the Jadeplume Terrorshroom is hit by a Pyro attack while it is not in the Activated state, it will become Scorched. The Jadeplume Terrorshroom can only enter the Scorched state once every 18 seconds. While Scorched, creates a large spore cloud around itself which deals 6% ATK as Dendro DMG to players within it every 0.3 seconds. The Jadeplume Terrorshroom then produces sparks from its beak to ignite the cloud, causing an explosion and two subsequent shockwaves that expand outward, each dealing 100% ATK as Dendro DMG. Also briefly imbues itself with Dendro when the cloud explodes. After this attack, refreshes its shield and exits the Scorched state.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishMetastable Jadeplume Terrorshroom
Masshuraputoru - Metasuteiburu
Mushroomraptor - Metastable
Korean준안정 상태 공포의 취령 버섯
Junanjeong Sangtae Gongpoui Chwiryeong Beoseot
SpanishEspantohongo Plumaverde MetaestableMetastable Greenplume Terrorshroom
FrenchChampieffroi panaché métastableMetastable Mixed-Color Mushterror
RussianМетастабильный Пернатый плесенник
Metastabil'nyy Pernatyy plesennik
ThaiMetastable Jadeplume Terrorshroom
VietnameseNấm Thúy Linh Nửa Bền Vững
GermanMetastabile gefiederte PilzbestieMetastable Feathered Shroombeast
IndonesianMetastable Jadeplume Terrorshroom
PortugueseTerrorgumelo Emplumado Metaestável
TurkishYarı Kararlı Yeşimkuyruk Mantar Kuşu
ItalianFungostro Cresta di giada metastabile

Change History[]

