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Aeonblight Drake (Heavy Assault Pack) is an event-exclusive enemy encountered during the Feast of the Departed Warriors event.



Energy Drops
TypeHP ThresholdDrop(s)
Non-Elemental66%Orb ×1
33%Orb ×1
0%Particle ×2


State Physical Pyro Hydro Electro Cryo Dendro Anemo Geo
Base 70% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
Beginning of Fight 170% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110%
Airborne State 170% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110% 110%

Toggle Levels

Level Scaling
  • Gains 60% RES to absorbed element.

Weak Point Location[]

  • Chest weak point is only exposed during Missile Barrage and Earthshake.
  • Thruster weak points are only exposed while airborne and intact.
  • Head weak point is only exposed during Energy Surge, Grounded Charge, and Airborne Charge.


Most ability names are unofficial; This section is based on the highest-difficulty version available in the event. Some information may be inaccurate in lower difficulties.

ATK Bonus
The Aeonblight Drake (Heavy Assault Pack) has a 25% ATK Bonus at all times. This stacks additively with other sources of ATK% buffs or debuffs.
Energy Surge
Charges before scattering a great number of bombs into the air, dealing 100% ATK when they land as Physical DMG or Elemental DMG matching the Aeonblight Drake's currently absorbed element.
  • During charging, the Aeonblight Drake's head Weak Point is exposed.
  • Upon initiating this attack, the Aeonblight Drake will absorb the element that it has received the most amount of DMG from since the beginning of the battle or the last time it performed this attack.
  • The absorbed element will be used for this instance of Energy Surge. It also gains 60% RES to the absorbed element.
  • If the Aeonblight Drake has not received any Elemental DMG the beginning of the battle or the last time it performed this attack, or if it has received more Physical DMG than any other Elemental DMG, it will stay in or return to its Physical state.
  • After the absorption is complete, the Aeonblight Drake will change states.
    • If it changes from Airborne to Grounded, it will also deal 30% ATK as Physical DMG where it lands.
  • Depending on the element absorbed, also produces additional effects after the attack:
    • Anemo: Creates 3 Vacuum Fields that last for 25 seconds, dealing 25% ATK as Anemo DMG every second and continuously pulling players towards the center.
    • Cryo: Creates 4 Cryo fields that last for 25 seconds, dealing 50% ATK as Cryo DMG every second.
    • Dendro: Creates 4 Dendro fields that last for 25 seconds, dealing 50% ATK as Dendro DMG every second.
    • Electro: When the bombs land, they cause smaller sub-explosions that deal 50% ATK as Electro DMG.
    • Geo: Unleashes 4 expanding waves that deal 50% ATK as Geo DMG on hit.
    • Hydro: Creates 4 Hydro fields that last for 25 seconds, dealing 50% ATK as Hydro DMG every second.
    • Pyro: Creates 4 Pyro fields that last for 25 seconds, dealing 50% ATK as Pyro DMG every second.
Exposes its head and chest weak points while charging a devastating explosion that deals 100% ATK as Physical DMG across a wide area.

Grounded State[]

Grounded Combo 1 (Enhanced)
Attacks twice with its nose, dealing 60% ATK, 60% ATK as Physical DMG and follows up with a Tail Sweep. With each nose attack, also launches forward 3 rocks that deal 80% ATK as Physical DMG upon landing.
Grounded Combo 2 (Enhanced)
Performs a tail sweep, dealing 75% ATK as Physical DMG, then smashes the ground twice with its thrusters, dealing 75% ATK, 75% ATK as Physical DMG. With each smash, also causes a shockwave around the impacted area that deals 100% ATK as Physical DMG.
Grounded Charge
If the player is far away, charges at high speed towards the player, dealing 75% ATK as Physical DMG on hit. If this attack successfully hits, follows up with a tail sweep, dealing 75% ATK as Physical DMG. While charging, the weak point on its head is exposed.

Airborne State[]

When airborne, gains a shield that increases its RES to all DMG by 100%. Every time the player hits one of the Aeonblight Drake's Weak Points, the shield will reduce by 25%. Once the shield is broken, the Aeonblight Drake will fall to the ground and become paralyzed for a period of time. While airborne, the thruster Weak Points become exposed. However, they each can only be hit once.
Machine Gun Volley
Fires off a volley in front of it, dealing 60% ATK as Physical DMG.
Missile Barrage
Locks onto the player and fires a barrage of missiles, each dealing 80% ATK as Physical DMG. During this attack, the weak point on its chest is exposed.
Airborne Charge
If the player is far away, charges at high speed towards the player, dealing 60% ATK as Physical DMG on hit. If this attack successfully hits, follows up with a tail sweep, dealing 60% ATK as Physical DMG.

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishAeonblight Drake (Heavy Assault Pack)
Zhòng-wǔzhuāng Zhàozǎiyǒngjié Lóngshòu
Zhòng-wǔzhuāng Zhàozǎiyǒngjié Lóngshòu
Chousaiyougou Doreiku - Juusoubi
Korean중무장 영겁의 드레이크
Jungmujang Yeonggeop-ui Deureikeu
Heavily Armed Eternal Drake
SpanishDragón Aciagoeterno - Arsenal pesadoDragon of Eternal Fate - Heavy Arsenal
FrenchDragon cataclysmique blindéReinforced Cataclysmic Dragon
RussianТяжёлый дракон вечных бедствий
Tyazhyolyy drakon vechnykh bedstviy
Heavy Aeonblight DrakeAeonblight DrakeAeonblight DrakeAeonblight DrakeTooltip for Aeonblight DrakeAeonblight Drake
ThaiAeonblight Drake (ติดอาวุธหนัก)
VietnameseRồng Điềm Báo Vạn Kiếp Vũ Trang
GermanSchwer bewaffneter OmendracheHeavily Armed Omen Dragon
IndonesianAeonblight Drake (Heavy Assault Pack)
PortugueseDragão Calamitoso: Arsenal Pesado
TurkishSonsuz Felaket Ejderi (Ağır Taarruz Donanımı)
ItalianDrago cataclismatico (corpo d'assalto pesante)Cataclysmatic Dragon (Heavy Assault Corps)

Change History[]

