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A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul is the second Event Quest during the The Exquisite Night Chimes Event.


  1. Wait until the appointed time (08:00 – 10:00 two days later)
  2. Head to Yujing Terrace and talk to Ganyu
  3. Go to Mt. Aocang
  4. Swim to the center of the pool
  5. Follow Shenhe to her cultivation place
  6. Head to the designated location
  7. Return to Liyue Harbor and talk to Madame Ping
  8. Talk to Dvorak
  9. Go to Wangsheng Funeral Parlor
  10. Go to Mt. Hulao
  11. Return to Liyue Harbor

Gameplay Notes[]

  • In Step 4, approaching the center of the pool in a different way, such as through freezing the water or Hanega: Song of the Wind, will still trigger Paimon's dialogue even though the character isn't swimming.


UI Quest Quest Description

You and Ganyu had agreed to look separately for clues about the woman in Dvorak's story. Now, it's time to meet up...
(Pass time)
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Looks like it's about time for us to meet up with Ganyu! Let's head to Yujing Terrace.
(Approach Ganyu)
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: *yawn* ...Greetings, Traveler and Paimon. Uh... what time is it?
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Are you okay, Ganyu? You were nodding off there... Didn't you sleep well last night?
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: Ah, I'm fine, don't worry about me. Let's discuss the matter at hand.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: Since last time, I've been thinking a lot about the story Paimon told me.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: In essence, someone rescued a drowning man and performed some music. If that were all there was to it, it could have been many people — human or adeptus.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: But the tune was allegedly so wonderful that the drowning man forgot about everything else, even his own impending death, and only came to his senses after being brought to shore...
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: Perhaps there was adeptal power at work in that music that he, as a mortal, could not perceive. Or perhaps he sensed a power surrounding him, but lacked the words to describe it, not knowing where it came from.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: Either way, if this part of the story is true, then the rescuer has to have been an adeptus.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: You really think so? But this story's all the way from Fontaine... Isn't this a bit of a long shot?
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Also, Paimon's really curious about how people from Fontaine think this fairy lady looked...
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe they imagined her having wings.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 05a 1.ogg Paimon: Ooh, like a Crystalfly's wings? That would be pretty cool, but Paimon definitely can't imagine any of the adepti looking like that.
Icon Dialogue Talk Maybe they gave her horns.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 05b 1.ogg Paimon: Then she'd look just like Ganyu! ...Hmm, guess that does technically make sense.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Actually, Ganyu — if you had to save a drowning person, how would you go about it?
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 08.ogg Ganyu: Huh? Me...?
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 09.ogg Ganyu: Um... well, I'd get them to the shore, and then I'd probably hide behind a tree and watch them for a while...
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 10.ogg Ganyu: Once I was sure that they were going to be okay, I'd slip away without a sound...
Icon Dialogue Talk So stealthy...
Icon Dialogue Talk So cute...
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Got it! So basically, Ganyu's the type of person who doesn't like taking credit for her good deeds.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 11.ogg Ganyu: No, it's not like that... I'm just not very good at explaining things, and I also find it really awkward accepting other people's gratitude...
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Well, what if this adeptus in the story had a similar attitude? That would explain why she just left without saying a word.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: She was probably thinking something like... *clears throat* "Hmph! One was merely passing by, and saw fit to address this egregious disruption to one's graceful zithering at once. You may keep your thanks to yourself."
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 12.ogg Ganyu: Haha, that was actually a very good impression of Cloud Retainer, Paimon.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 13.ogg Ganyu: As far as I'm aware, Cloud Retainer isn't the most musically gifted... Still, we can't completely rule her out just yet.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 14.ogg Ganyu: Umm... if we set off now, we could head to Mt. Aocang and ask her about it.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 15.ogg Ganyu: You'll be able to confirm either way if it's her, and I can... um...
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 16.ogg Ganyu: ...I've been in Liyue Harbor for so long now that I'm just not as familiar with the adepti anymore. If there's anything we want to know about them, she's the best person to ask.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Sounds great! And we're pretty close with Cloud Retainer by now, so we probably don't even need to bring her food this time, right?
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 17.ogg Ganyu: I've prepared a gift for her to mark the festival, just in case. However...
Icon Dialogue Talk You still have some reservations?
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 18.ogg Ganyu: Um... Cloud Retainer spends most of her days studying mechanisms in her abode. She's on her own so much of the time that the moment she has someone to chat with, she just...
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 19.ogg Ganyu: ...Never mind. I promised I'd help Mr. Dvorak, and now that I've made the contract, I can't be having second thoughts.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 ganyu 20.ogg Ganyu: Traveler, Paimon, let's set off for Cloud Retainer's abode.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Seems like this was a tough decision for Ganyu, but she's made up her mind now.
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Paimon gets why she'd be so anxious... Okay, how about this: If Cloud Retainer tries to start telling stories about her again this year, we should pipe up and change the topic...
Media:vo eqhdj202 1 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Wait, did she leave already? Hey, Ganyu, wait up!

(Approach the marked area)
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whew... Paimon's so tired from trying to keep up. Don't either of you need to take any breaks? *pant*
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: I can't believe it... Cloud Retainer is not here.
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Huh? Did we miss her?
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: She doesn't like to travel, so in the past, it's always been the other adepti who come to visit her during the festivals...
Icon Dialogue Talk Could she be busy with something else right now?
Icon Dialogue Talk Could she have run into trouble?
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 03b 1.ogg Paimon: Somehow Paimon doubts that anything could cause serious trouble for her...
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: True... now that I think about it, Cloud Retainer would be quite capable of taking care of anything on her own... there's no need to worry about her.
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: Since she's not here... I guess the next step is to check all the other adepti abodes, one by one.
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Uh-oh... Will it involve a lot more traveling?
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Um... Ummm...
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Got it! Paimon has a great idea!
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: Please go on, Paimon.
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Our goal here is to find the adeptus that helped Dvorak's ancestor, right?
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: We can't hear any music right now, but if she's really as nice as the story suggests, she'd definitely come to help anyone who was drowning, right?
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: Yes, I think that's fair to say...
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Sooo, all we have to do is get (TravelerTraveler) to pretend to fall into the water, and the adeptus will come to the rescue!
Icon Dialogue Talk If you're so sure, why don't you try?
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: You know perfectly well that Paimon can't swim! Paimon would sink like a rock!
Icon Dialogue Talk Hmm, I just think it's a bad idea...
Icon Dialogue Talk Ugh, I guess I can give it a try...
Media:vo eqhdj202 2 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Ugh, just trust Paimon! The water's pretty deep over there. Quick, swim to the very center!
(Approach the center of the lake)
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Help! Heeeelp! Someone's drowning!
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: If only there was a kindhearted adeptus here to save us... Oh no, whatever will a Paimon do?
Someone carries you ashore, so quickly that you don't catch who it is...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 xiao 01.ogg Xiao: What is going on?
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: How do you feel right now?
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: Uh... Shenhe, and the Conqueror of Demons...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Wh—Why don't you say something...? *sigh* Please don't make Paimon explain it...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 xiao 02.ogg Xiao: ...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Okay fine! Paimon will explain.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: We're looking for an adeptus who's good at being a lifeguard and playing music.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: But if the adepti aren't gonna stay at home, then how are we supposed to find them?
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 xiao 03.ogg Xiao: It wasn't me.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Uh, yeah, so this adeptus is most likely a woman...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: And I am not an adeptus. As you both already know, (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Heh... Okay, so this is Paimon's fault...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: No way Paimon would've suggested this idea if she'd known how awkward this was gonna be...
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm fine.
Icon Dialogue Talk Sorry for troubling you both.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 xiao 04.ogg Xiao: Glad you're okay.
Icon Dialogue Talk You're leaving already?
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 xiao 05.ogg Xiao: As far as I know, the one you seek is no yaksha. And one last thing...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 xiao 06.ogg Xiao: ...Your actions here caused others a great deal of worry. Do not repeat them again in the future.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: As ever, the Conqueror of Demons comes and goes just like the wind.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: R—Right... I didn't dare to say a word just now.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: How's your training going, Shenhe? Have you made any plans for Lantern Rite? We could spend it together in Liyue Harbor, if you'd like?
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: I had planned to spend the festival with Master this year, however...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: Oh, speaking of Cloud Retainer, when did you see her last?
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: Earlier this morning. She set off for Mt. Hulao at dawn.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: I noticed she was using an adeptus art of some kind to protect a mechanism that looked like a boiler. Maybe it was a gift for Mountain Shaper... I did not inquire.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: Ah, so we just missed her...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: Please excuse me for a moment. I think I'll leave the gift in her abode.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: Sure. Thank you.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: It sounds like Ganyu and Shenhe have gotten a lot closer recently!
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: Yes. During the summer and winter, I continue to train with Master. In the other months of the year, I have been learning to adapt to human life in Liyue Harbor.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 09.ogg Shenhe: Ganyu arranged accommodations for me in the city, and also recommended several work positions for me...
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 10.ogg Shenhe: But when I try to blend in by referring to her as "Ms. Ganyu" or "Lady Ganyu" like the others, she says I mustn't address her like that.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 11.ogg Shenhe: Sometimes I'm supposed to copy other people, sometimes I'm not... It's a little difficult to keep track of everything.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ganyu just doesn't want you to be too courteous around her.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ganyu gets embarrassed when people call her "Lady Ganyu."
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 12.ogg Shenhe: Oh, is that what it is... Noted.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 13.ogg Shenhe: So, you came looking for Master today because you wanted to ask her about the mystery adeptus, is that right?
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Yep.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Oh, speaking of that, have you ever heard any music while out training in the mountains?
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 14.ogg Shenhe: Music...? What is that?
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: It's... a kind of happy or relaxing sound! Or, uh... a nerve-wracking sound... or even a terrifying one.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: Okay, I'm done. I also left her a note so that she knows where to find us. We won't miss her again.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Yay! That's really helpful, thanks!
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 shenhe 15.ogg Shenhe: We were just talking about this thing called "music." And based on Paimon's description... I do believe I hear it every day. Please follow me.
Media:vo eqhdj202 3 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: Ooh, really? Great, let's go!

(Approach the marked location)
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 01.ogg Shenhe: This is the place. I enjoy training here to the sound of music.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Hmm...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Mm... hmm...?
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ahh, aaah!
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Oh no, Paimon's gone deaf! Paimon can't hear anything!
Icon Dialogue Talk Me too...
Icon Dialogue Talk My condolences, Paimon.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 05b 1.ogg Paimon: Oh, phew! Paimon hasn't gone deaf after all! Paimon heard you when you just spoke!
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 05b 2.ogg Paimon: ...Anyway, uh... where is this music?
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 02.ogg Shenhe: The faint sound of birdsong, the quiet murmur of the streams... These are relaxing sounds. Are they not the music of which you speak?
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh... heh... Paimon wasn't quite done with the description...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Okay fine, it's all Paimon's fault! What we're looking for are not the sounds of nature, but melodies played on special instruments.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 03.ogg Shenhe: And a melody is...?
Icon Dialogue Talk Go on, Paimon, sing us a nursery rhyme!
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 08a 1.ogg Paimon: Hey, don't you patronize Paimon! Hmph, let's get one thing straight: Paimon knows plenty of nursery rhymes, but Paimon does not sing on demand! ...Without payment.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ganyu, why don't you sing that folk song you sing to Glaze Lilies?
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 01b 1.ogg Ganyu: Uh... Huh!?
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Hey, why don't you just sing that one melody Shenhe's heard before? It'll probably help her to understand what we're talking about...
Icon Dialogue Talk Alright.
Icon Dialogue Talk Fingers crossed this won't attract any Whopperflowers.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 hero 01.ogg Media:vo eqhdj202 4 heroine 01.ogg (TravelerTraveler): ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪... ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 04.ogg Shenhe: Was that... from the opera that Yun Jin sang?
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Mm-hmm! That was a melody, and melodies can be called music!
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 05.ogg Shenhe: ...It felt like I was transported back to the past. In my mind's eye, I could see the Xiao Lanterns lighting up the night sky again...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 06.ogg Shenhe: ...We're all there, raising our glasses and drinking to our hearts' content on the Jade Chamber...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 07.ogg Shenhe: As I watched Yun Jin's performance, I felt a warm sensation in my heart... And as the drink reached my stomach, it went from warm to hot...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 08.ogg Shenhe: When you hummed that melody just now, feelings from a whole year ago came right back to me, as strong as they were on that day.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 09.ogg Shenhe: ...So that's the power of music.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Wow, Shenhe... that was so deep!
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Music definitely has the power to bring up memories. It's like a time capsule with all the special moments from our life squished inside!
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: What about you, Ganyu? Are there any melodies that have left a deep impression on you?
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: Um... I don't remember if my parents ever sang any lullabies to me.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: I know some local folk songs. And a few other things come to mind, too...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: The songs of the sailors down at the docks, the little ditties that the vendors call out in front of their beloved shops, the tunes of folk artists performing on the streets...
Icon Dialogue Talk All the sounds of Liyue Harbor...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: Yes, that's right.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: In the past... whenever I heard the sound of those tunes, I always felt that they were worlds apart from me.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: Many in Liyue probably view me as a non-human... and they are right, in the sense that I never could connect with humans' artistic expression and their sentiments. So I haven't been able to integrate into their community, and be a part of their lives.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 08.ogg Ganyu: At least, that's the view I held in the past. Only more recently did I start to realize that... the only barriers are ones that I have erected with my imagination.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 09.ogg Ganyu: The way those melodies make me feel isn't all that different from other people after all. They're about mundane details of everyday existence, life's ups and downs, joys and sorrows...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 10.ogg Ganyu: Even though we come from different backgrounds, and have different stories to tell... when it comes down to the most common things that we see and experience around us each day in the city...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 11.ogg Ganyu: ...In that sense, we're all the same.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: You go, Ganyu! You're really making progress! You have loads of friends in Liyue Harbor when you think about it, like ...Hmm, okay, maybe some of them are more like coworkers and bosses, but at the very least, Keqing and Shenhe are your friends now, right?
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 10.ogg Shenhe: Yes. I am.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 11.ogg Shenhe: Technically speaking, we should refer to each other by the conventional forms of address used among fellow disciples. But now that I know what constitutes a friendship... I do believe we are more friends than co-disciples.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 12.ogg Ganyu: ...Thank you, everyone.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 12.ogg Shenhe: Once the days are warmer, I would like to host you at my home in the city. Please invite Keqing as well.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 13.ogg Shenhe: I've planted many types of flowers. I'm sure some of them will be to your taste.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 13.ogg Ganyu: Ah... you are too kind, I couldn't possibly...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 14.ogg Shenhe: Nonsense. You are my friend.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 15.ogg Shenhe: I have cultivated and cared for the flowers just as you taught me. Once you've seen them for yourself, I am sure you can advise me how to do an even better job next time.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 16.ogg Shenhe: I will save some for decoration. We can feast on the rest.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 14.ogg Ganyu: Then... thank you in advance. Wait, what is that saying again? "If you insist"?
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 17.ogg Shenhe: ...Do people say that? I'm not completely sure, either.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: It doesn't matter, okay! You got the point across, no need to split hairs. Paimon's more concerned about your idea of a girls' night out... Eating flowers? Really? ...Does this have anything to do with you both being the disciples of that illuminated bird?
Icon Dialogue Talk I doubt Keqing will be munching on any flowers...
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 cloudretainer 01.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hmph! Who dares refer to one not by one's adeptus title, but merely as "that illuminated bird"?
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 18.ogg Shenhe: Master.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 15.ogg Ganyu: Our greetings, Cloud Retainer.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Aaah, there it is! The illuminated bird has landed!
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 cloudretainer 02.ogg Cloud Retainer: Double hmph! Now she has the gall to use "it" rather than "she"! Even after being chastised once already! Huh, barely a moment has passed since we last met, and yet your impertinence has reached new heights. Very well, if you refuse to learn your lesson, one shall scold you no further.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 cloudretainer 03.ogg Cloud Retainer: One has received your message from Ganyu. On the matter of the adeptus you seek, one suspects to know their identity.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 cloudretainer 04.ogg Cloud Retainer: Well? Shall one lead the way?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes please, Cloud Retainer.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 19.ogg Shenhe: I still have to complete my training for today, so I will bid farewell to everyone here.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 cloudretainer 05.ogg Cloud Retainer: Very well. Await my arrival at one's abode later this night. On this special occasion, you should indulge yourself with some savory dishes.
Icon Dialogue Talk Happy Lantern Rite, Shenhe.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 ganyu 16.ogg Ganyu: If you want to release a Xiao Lantern, come and find us anytime.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 20.ogg Shenhe: Thank you, everyone. Happy Lantern Rite to you too.
Media:vo eqhdj202 4 shenhe 21.ogg Shenhe: ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪... ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪...

(Approach the marked location)
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Is this... Guili Plains?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Cloud Retainer, why did you bring us here?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 01.ogg Cloud Retainer: Ganyu is of course familiar with the name "Guizhong," but have you ever heard of her?
Icon Dialogue Talk I've definitely heard it somewhere.
Icon Dialogue Talk I'm not sure.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 02.ogg Cloud Retainer: Guizhong is another name of Haagentus, the God of Dust. She was extroverted in nature, and adored social gatherings and inventions alike.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 03.ogg Cloud Retainer: Long ago, this region was yet a prosperous assembly. Guizhong often invited her friends to visit her home, reserving for us seats around the largest stone table.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 04.ogg Cloud Retainer: Sea Gazer would always bring out his latest treasure and place it upon the table. *sigh* He could be quite the braggart... Though usually a mild-mannered fellow, when it came to those collectibles he was so fond of, he always loved to show them off.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Paimon remembers that name! So that's what Sea Gazer was like...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 05.ogg Cloud Retainer: He was an old friend and a former rival. One has many memories of him...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 06.ogg Cloud Retainer: Once he had brought out the treasure, it would predictably become the center of attention. Neither Guizhong nor one was content to let him just steal the spotlight, so we would then also present our proudest mechanical creations.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 07.ogg Cloud Retainer: As adepti, we were each gifted in our own ways, and naturally proud of our accomplishments in our respective fields of expertise. As a result, one often quarreled with Sea Gazer.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 08.ogg Cloud Retainer: His treasures were not even of his own making. He just used his exploration skills to dig them out of the ground! How, pray tell, could he compare to me, when every single one of one's accomplishments was crafted by one's own hand!?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: Cloud Retainer, you are getting competitive again...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 09.ogg Cloud Retainer: ...Ahem, one digresses. Regardless, every time an argument occurred, Guizhong would come over to watch us during our mutual lambastings. On some occasions, she would join in, and on others, she'd take one of us by the limb, and start uttering the most ridiculous nonsense.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: What kind of nonsense?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 10.ogg Cloud Retainer: No kind of nonsense were we spared. Sometimes, she would brazenly opine "Ahh, why argue between yourselves when neither of you could ever hope to beat me?" Other times, she would make unsolicited suggestions such as "Once you two are done arguing, let's go to the foot of the mountain and grill some meat..."
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 11.ogg Cloud Retainer: She always sought to make everyone happy, and one must say, she had quite the gift for it — no matter what nonsense she said, one never felt bothered or offended.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 12.ogg Cloud Retainer: ...It also helped that she never referred to one as "that illuminated bird" or "lady bird."
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: You...! Come on, get over yourself!
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 13.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hah. Anyway, just as our impassioned arguments would reach the apex of acrimony, Marchosius would bring his delectable dishes to the table.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 14.ogg Cloud Retainer: Who would dare snub the Stove God and his wondrous creations? At the sight of him, we would all immediately drop the argument, and prepare the table for a night of feasting and drinking...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 15.ogg Cloud Retainer: Heh, back then, one was always bothered by how the cups Rex Lapis brought were always too square for one's taste. Can you see yourselves ever enjoying a drink from a square cup?
Icon Dialogue Talk That does sound annoying.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 16a 1.ogg Cloud Retainer: Precisely! So as you can see, even one as great as Rex Lapis was not immune to making the occasional blunder.
Icon Dialogue Talk I don't think I'd really mind.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 16b 1.ogg Cloud Retainer: Then you are most tolerant. But that is its own virtue.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 17.ogg Cloud Retainer: Even one could never find fault with Marchosius' cooking. As we ate, Guizhong would continue to find topics for conversation, filling the table with humor and laughter.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 18.ogg Cloud Retainer: Each of those old fossils had their character flaws and points of obstinacy. So why was it that whenever we dined together, we always had a marvelous time?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 19.ogg Cloud Retainer: We would drink together from a spot high in the mountains, until the moon set and the sun rose, and only then would the banquet finally come to an end.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 20.ogg Cloud Retainer: Streetward Rambler would often remain to admire the flowers with Guizhong before returning to her own abode. The Glaze Lilies were far more abundant back then... entire fields of them would appear to the eye as a veritable sea of flowers...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Streetward Rambler...?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: That would be Ping. You probably know her as "Madame Ping."
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Oh, okay... Wait, this is a lovely story and everything, but didn't we come here to find that adeptus from Mr. Dvorak's story?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Or are you saying that... it was Guizhong? Didn't she, um... already, um...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 21.ogg Cloud Retainer: Alas... Long has one avoided this place for precisely that reason. The sights here are a reminder of a time long gone, and evoke much sorrow.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 22.ogg Cloud Retainer: One should have guessed that you would disrupt one's poignant moment of mourning with your incessant questioning!
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 23.ogg Cloud Retainer: No matter... one will share the whole story with you now.
(A cinematic plays)
Cloud Retainer: In times gone by, one quarreled oft with Guizhong concerning mechanical principles
Cloud Retainer: We each had our ideals, and neither would yield
Cloud Retainer: Under the pretext of a social gathering
Cloud Retainer: One invited the impartial Rex Lapis
Cloud Retainer: To judge the quality of our creations...
Cloud Retainer: But Rex Lapis declared
Cloud Retainer: That Guizhong's Obscuro Vulpes Mechanism was superior
Cloud Retainer: Though one was too proud to acknowledge it, in one's heart, one knew
Cloud Retainer: That Guizhong was indeed the superior talent in the mechanical arts...
Cloud Retainer: As for the story between Guizhong and Streetward Rambler
Cloud Retainer: That begins with a certain bell
Cloud Retainer: In Guizhong's opinion, while mechanisms were no substitute for human composers
Cloud Retainer: They were yet capable of producing simple but fine melodies
Cloud Retainer: But Streetward Rambler believed music to be an expression of the soul
Cloud Retainer: An emotional enterprise that could never hope to be replicated by machinery
Cloud Retainer: They argued endlessly, until one asked Rex Lapis to intercede
Cloud Retainer: He confiscated the bell, and designated it for ceremonial use
Cloud Retainer: Thereafter, one would often find them convening in the mountains
Cloud Retainer: Discussing music, mechanics, and all the affairs of the mortal world
Cloud Retainer: But these good times were not to last
Cloud Retainer: War broke out between the gods, and soon engulfed the Guili Plains
Cloud Retainer: Guizhong was overpowered by the enemy, and fell in battle
Cloud Retainer: When Streetward Rambler and I arrived at the scene at long last, all that remained among the ruins... was her lifeless body
Cloud Retainer: After this, at Streetward Rambler's request
Cloud Retainer: Rex Lapis granted her the Cleansing Bell for safekeeping
Cloud Retainer: To honor our friend's memory
Cloud Retainer: One made a few finishing touches to her ballistic device...
Cloud Retainer: Many Lantern Rites have passed since then... many greetings and goodbyes
Cloud Retainer: Upon what do you gaze? The Guili Plains?
Streetward Rambler: No, it's... everything
Streetward Rambler: We think of human life as like a lantern that's lit one minute and extinguished the next, but are we adepti so different?
Streetward Rambler: Perhaps, as dust settles after a storm
Streetward Rambler: We too must one day return to the world below
(Cinematic ends)
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 25.ogg Cloud Retainer: One has always been austere and private by nature, and has never relished socializing. One's dealings with Guizhong were borne out of discussions on the discipline of mechanics.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: What? You have loads of friends! And you seem pretty chatty...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 26.ogg Cloud Retainer: Just because one is not ignorant of social graces does not mean one is fond of them! One is perfectly capable of partaking in conversation despite being introverted.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 27.ogg Cloud Retainer: But in the end, one is nothing like Streetward Rambler. She is dauntless but thoughtful, not to mention eloquent and wise. Moreover, her friendship with Guizhong was far greater than one's own...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 28.ogg Cloud Retainer: Back when they were rivals, they would often compete against one another in the realm of musical composition.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 29.ogg Cloud Retainer: That Cleansing Bell was one of Guizhong's proudest works, having the ability to both compose and perform...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Wait, that's weird. Didn't Madame Ping say she pestered an old friend for that bell?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: And she also said something about being a vain beauty when she was young, or something.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 30.ogg Cloud Retainer: Streetward Rambler, a vain beauty? Hah... My foot.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 31.ogg Cloud Retainer: That bell has a sad history. Clearly, she refrained from sharing with you the truth of its origins, since the right time had not yet come.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 32.ogg Cloud Retainer: As for her "old friend"... who else could it be?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 33.ogg Cloud Retainer: As soon as Streetward Rambler heard that a certain "Zhongli" wished to borrow the Bell, she realized that the man was none other than Rex Lapis, and that he had made an enormous decision.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 34.ogg Cloud Retainer: After all, we all have known each other for several millennia. Some things between us are implicitly understood.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Whoa, so they were talking in secret code? Paimon did not see that one coming...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 35.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hmph, enough of your intrusions... Where was one up to? ...Ah, yes. One remembers now.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 36.ogg Cloud Retainer: The Cleansing Bell is powered by a mechanical art, and can be used to great effect as an accompanying instrument. After the passing of its creator, it was used on numerous occasions during rites of parting.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 37.ogg Cloud Retainer: But Streetward Rambler did not acquire it from Rex Lapis for the purpose of producing further funerary tunes. No, each time she rang it, it was to play the tune that Guizhong composed on it.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 38.ogg Cloud Retainer: The two once clashed over their beliefs about the meaning of music. Who would have thought that with Guizhong's passing and Streetward Rambler's mourning, two tunes composed in discord would eventually become one harmonious composition...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: ...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 39.ogg Cloud Retainer: Once upon a time, Streetward Rambler also loved gatherings, liquor, and music. But after Guizhong passed, she preferred her own company. She could often be found sitting alone at a mountain summit, contemplating and reminiscing with her zither.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 40.ogg Cloud Retainer: The music would go from mournful, to soothing, to impassioned...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 41.ogg Cloud Retainer: Many years passed before she finally composed a melody to her satisfaction. In celebration, she played the tune to the clouds. Regrettably, one has only ever heard her play that tune once.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 42.ogg Cloud Retainer: Which brings one back to the matter you've been investigating... Perhaps it was during that performance that the ancestor of your Fontaine friend fell into the water, and was saved by Streetward Rambler.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: But... if she was so happy with the melody, why would she only play it once?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 43.ogg Cloud Retainer: One was also greatly perplexed by this. After suppressing one's curiosity for a long while, one finally approached her, and asked why she would retire the tune after having spent so long on it.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 44.ogg Cloud Retainer: In response, she said...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 45.ogg Cloud Retainer: "Though the strings that played that melody survive, the one who inspired it is gone. Tell me, Cloud Retainer... when the one attuned to my soul is no longer here, who else could hope to understand this tune?"
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Aw... Poor Madame Ping...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: I just remember being taken care of by you when I was young. Once the Archon War came to an end, I stayed behind in Liyue Harbor to honor my contract.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: Although I met Guizhong a few times, I never knew anything of this particular story...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 46.ogg Cloud Retainer: Guizhong was quite the visionary, but tragically passed before her time. Her manuscripts still lie unfinished in the Realm of Clouds... the blank pages give one cause for contemplation on what might have been.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 47.ogg Cloud Retainer: Had you not decided to search for that mystery adeptus, perhaps these stories, too, would have been lost to the sands of time.
Icon Dialogue Talk ...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 48.ogg Cloud Retainer: As of now, you know the truth: That the adeptus who rescued the drowning man was none other than Streetward Rambler.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 49.ogg Cloud Retainer: Do you intend to discuss this with her?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: Do you mean... Ping might find the topic too distressing?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 50.ogg Cloud Retainer: Precisely. The passing of our old friend is a heavy topic that both of us are usually careful to avoid.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: If I may be so bold... Cloud Retainer, could it be that this is just your own personal opinion?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 51.ogg Cloud Retainer: Oh? How so?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 08.ogg Ganyu: I've been in Liyue Harbor for quite a long time now, and I've witnessed many farewells along the way. So I, too, am well acquainted with the pain of the passing of a loved one.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 09.ogg Ganyu: But this doesn't bring the city or its people to a standstill. They have to keep moving forward.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 10.ogg Ganyu: Someone as perceptive and wise as Ping will surely have come to understand and embrace this.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 11.ogg Ganyu: Though these immortal mountains have lost an adeptus, the harbor of mortals has gained a wise elder.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 12.ogg Ganyu: No loss can ever be undone, but there is always much that can still be gained.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 13.ogg Ganyu: Ping has helped countless people, and will guide many others in the years to come. And all to whom she extends a helping hand become her friends. People she can admire flowers and discuss music with.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 14.ogg Ganyu: Though it is heartbreaking to lose a kindred spirit, life goes on... because there are new friends waiting for you further down the road.
Icon Dialogue Talk Ganyu is right.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: We even asked Madame Ping what she thought about adding a music festival to this year's Lantern Rite!
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: When we get back, why don't we just ask her if she'd like to perform? Maybe we could even get her up on stage!
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 52.ogg Cloud Retainer: ...Hah, you youngsters and your imaginations.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 15.ogg Ganyu: Why don't you come with us?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 16.ogg Ganyu: It's been a long time since you last spoke with Ping. And Liyue Harbor is always decorated so beautifully during the festival period...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 53.ogg Cloud Retainer: Is not every Lantern Rite the same in this regard? Were there ever anything new to discuss, one and Ping could meet any day of the year.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 17.ogg Ganyu: I disagree. Each new day and each new year is different from those that have come before. How long will you simply let them pass you by?
Icon Dialogue Talk If nothing else, do it for Ganyu.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 54a 1.ogg Cloud Retainer: ...Hmm, the edibles she brought this time were indeed quite delectable...
Icon Dialogue Talk Do it as a favor for me?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 55.ogg Cloud Retainer: ...Very well.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 56.ogg Cloud Retainer: Then one will be off. If the other old fossils have sneaked away into the city to amuse themselves, one shall soon find out...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 18.ogg Ganyu: Alright, we should be getting back to the harbor as well. We don't want to keep her waiting.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 19.ogg Ganyu: *sigh* Once the Guili Assembly, now the Guili Plains...
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 20.ogg Ganyu: Say... if we planted flowers there and cared for them carefully enough, do you think that one day, we'd be able to recreate the sea of Glaze Lilies?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 57.ogg Cloud Retainer: Allow one to take back one's praise from a moment prior. You are still far too given to flights of fancy, child.
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 ganyu 21.ogg Ganyu: What...!? Cloud Retainer? Y—You were still listening?
Media:vo eqhdj202 5 cloudretainer 58.ogg Cloud Retainer: One observed that you were making no effort to leave and returned to chasten and hasten you! This time, one is departing in earnest.

(Approach Madame Ping and Cloud Retainer)
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Whoa! Madame Ping, and Cloud Retainer...?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 01.ogg Cloud Retainer: It appears you made haste after all. One arrived but moments before you.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 01.ogg Madame Ping: Bless my soul, to what do I owe the honor? How nice of you all to come and visit me...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Miss Illuminated Bird, haven't you said anything yet?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 02.ogg Cloud Retainer: Said what, precisely? And why should one be tasked with saying it?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: 'Cause you're the one who's known Madame Ping the longest!
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 03.ogg Cloud Retainer: ...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 04.ogg Cloud Retainer: Streetward— Ahem, or rather... presumably, you would prefer to be addressed as "Ping"?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 02.ogg Madame Ping: Ohoho... Cloud Retainer, you are uncommonly polite today.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 05.ogg Cloud Retainer: One... Uh... Hmm...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 06.ogg Cloud Retainer: Given that Lantern Rite is almost upon us, the weather in the city is most pleasant, and a sweet floral fragrance lingers in the air...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 07.ogg Cloud Retainer: Ahem... Ganyu, please continue from here!
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 ganyu 01.ogg Ganyu: Huh!?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 ganyu 02.ogg Ganyu: A—Alright...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 ganyu 03.ogg Ganyu: So, this all started because we were trying to help Mr. Dvorak find the adeptus who saved his ancestor's life...
Ganyu recounts the story to Madame Ping...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 ganyu 04.ogg Ganyu: Cloud Retainer informed us that the one who played that melody and rescued the drowning man was none other than yourself.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 03.ogg Madame Ping: Ah... let me think... Yes, I do believe I recall that encounter...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 08.ogg Cloud Retainer: ...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 04.ogg Madame Ping: What a long time ago that was... I'm surprised that you still remember it.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 05.ogg Madame Ping: Even more astonishing, perhaps, is the fact that this story has survived this long at all, when mortal lives are so very brief...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 06.ogg Madame Ping: Hehe... It appears that she has proven herself right once again.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Who's "she"...?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 07.ogg Madame Ping: We like to call her "Guizhong." From the look in Cloud Retainer's eyes, I sense that she has already told you all about her.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 09.ogg Cloud Retainer: *sigh*... Albeit reluctantly, one might add.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 08.ogg Madame Ping: Hehe, there is no harm done.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 09.ogg Madame Ping: After all, Lantern Rite's very purpose is to commemorate the heroes who gave their lives for Liyue.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 10.ogg Madame Ping: Although Guizhong did not live to see the splendid sights of today, she was as much a hero as any other.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Uh... so how has she proven herself right again, exactly?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 11.ogg Madame Ping: Once upon a time, she said to me that humans were a weak form of life that she wished to protect with her wisdom.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 12.ogg Madame Ping: But as she interacted more and more with them, her opinions on them began to change.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 13.ogg Madame Ping: She marveled at the beautiful complexity of their spirits... the sheer splendor of all they could accomplish through their hard work and intelligence.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 14.ogg Madame Ping: She told us that to underestimate human potential would be to make a grave mistake...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 15.ogg Madame Ping: With the smallest amount of guidance, enormous power can be unleashed in them...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 16.ogg Madame Ping: And a human who has reached their full potential may well be her equal. Someone who could have as much to teach an adeptus as to learn from them.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 10.ogg Cloud Retainer: Hmph, she always had a way with words.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 11.ogg Cloud Retainer: That her mechanical accomplishments were judged superior to one's own was, one suspects, in large part due to her sheer eloquence.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 17.ogg Madame Ping: Speaking of mechanics, Cloud Retainer, do you still remember that potted plant mechanism? The one that the two of you gave me as a gift.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 12.ogg Cloud Retainer: Of course. Guizhong and one both put an immense amount of effort into that gift. It would be no overstatement to call it a testament to each of our individual technical genius...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 18.ogg Madame Ping: As Guizhong once said: "It takes every blade of grass and every flower to make a homeland."
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 19.ogg Madame Ping: ...When I see the sight of Liyue Harbor before us today, I am reminded of this.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Madame Ping looks very emotional right now...
Icon Dialogue Talk Well, she's been through a lot in her time...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 20.ogg Madame Ping: *sigh*... Of all of us, it was Guizhong who was the fondest of these grand and exciting occasions.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 21.ogg Madame Ping: If she were still with us, I'm quite sure she would still be trying to best Cloud Retainer's finest works at every opportunity...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 13.ogg Cloud Retainer: Liyue Harbor is always filled with the sound of music at this time of the year... If she were here, one is certain that she would seek you out to discuss and debate the virtues of various melodies.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Oh, yeah! Music!
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: We've been dying to ask: What was the melody that you played back then?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Oh, also, with you being such a music expert and all, why don't you join the concert as a performer?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 ganyu 05.ogg Ganyu: I can make arrangements right away!
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 22.ogg Madame Ping: Oho... As much as I don't wish to dampen your enthusiasm...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 23.ogg Madame Ping: It's been a long time since I played this zither. My fingers don't have the dexterity they once did...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 24.ogg Madame Ping: And whenever I play that tune... it always reminds me of her. I start wondering what she would think of the changes I've made to her melody...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 25.ogg Madame Ping: There was a period of time whenever I started strumming, it almost felt like she was back again, sitting right there on the stone stool next to me, chatting away. Skybracer and Sea Gazer, too... looking just like they did in the old days.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 26.ogg Madame Ping: No matter how much time goes by, the moment that melody starts playing, it transports me right back to that time in my memory...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 ganyu 06.ogg Ganyu: So the past still weighs heavily on your heart?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 27.ogg Madame Ping: I would be lying to myself if I claimed to have completely moved on.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 28.ogg Madame Ping: But that is not to say that grief doesn't get easier with time.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 29.ogg Madame Ping: ...Despite the sadness, I have found many things that bring me joy in life. It is simply the nature of the world in which we live that even if one wished to mourn for an eternity, it would be a nigh-impossible feat.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 30.ogg Madame Ping: Just look at this potted plant. Isn't it stunning?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 14.ogg Cloud Retainer: It takes an honest and open mind to confront and conquer grief. You have indeed made progress.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 31.ogg Madame Ping: Hehe...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 32.ogg Madame Ping: Be that as it may, I shall leave the Lantern Rite stage to the youth of today.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Well, if you're sure...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 yanfei 01.ogg Yanfei: Granny!
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 yanfei 02.ogg Yanfei: Whoa, what's everyone doing here? Did something bad happen?
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 33.ogg Madame Ping: Ah, and now we've spooked Yanfei. No, no, everyone's just here to give me their regards for the holiday...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 yanfei 03.ogg Yanfei: Oh? That's wonderful! I'm glad.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 yanfei 04.ogg Yanfei: Well, in that case: Happy Lantern Rite everyone.
Icon Dialogue Talk Happy Lantern Rite.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 ganyu 07.ogg Ganyu: Happy Lantern Rite. Oh! I... I just remembered that I have some, uh... work to do at Yuehai Pavilion that I need to discuss with Yanfei. I haven't been able to find a chance until now...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 ganyu 08.ogg Ganyu: I will leave Mr. Dvorak in your capable hands. Cloud Retainer, Ping, we will be off for now.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 yanfei 05.ogg Yanfei: Huh? Does it have to be right now? Which case is this again? Hey, Ganyu...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 34.ogg Madame Ping: Ahh... It seems Ganyu still has much to learn when it comes to the art of deception.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 15.ogg Cloud Retainer: What a pity... she has learned nothing of one's ability to carry a conversation.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 35.ogg Madame Ping: Since it's been so long, Cloud Retainer, why don't you stay? I'll make a cup of tea, and we can chat a while.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 cloudretainer 16.ogg Cloud Retainer: Gladly. This was one's intention as well.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 36.ogg Madame Ping: When you next see the Fontaine musician, please give him my regards. I'd like to wish him the very best with the concert.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: You got it, Madame Ping!
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 37.ogg Madame Ping: Thank you all... I think you've listened to enough of my nattering for one day.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 38.ogg Madame Ping: As for that melody, I will play it for you all another time. Goodness knows I need to practice it first.
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Wow, that'd be great! We'll look forward to it!
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 39.ogg Madame Ping: Hehe...
Media:vo eqhdj202 6 madameping 40.ogg Madame Ping: When that time comes, wherever her spirit may be among the countless grains of sand and specks of dust between the harbor and the mountains... perhaps she will look at the Liyue of today, and steal a smile when she sees the prosperous land that it has become.
(After the cutscene)
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Alright, let's go tell Mr. Dvorak the news!
(Talk to Cloud Retainer or Madame Ping, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 cloudretainer 01.ogg Cloud Retainer: Ping, what say you to convening more often in the future?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 madameping 01.ogg Madame Ping: That would be quite wonderful. But I must say, after all this time, I've grown quite accustomed to the harbor... When we are to meet, I shall have to trouble you to make the journey to the city.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 cloudretainer 02.ogg Cloud Retainer: You sound just like Shenhe. The child is constantly telling one all sorts of stories from the city, as if one was partial to them...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 madameping 02.ogg Madame Ping: Have you ever considered moving to the city, Cloud Retainer? There are plenty of people here to talk to. I think you would find it quite the antidote to the monotony of solitude.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 madameping 03.ogg Madame Ping: And if you looked around, I suspect you would find some young minds with an interest in the mechanical arts — some of them even worth training.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 cloudretainer 03.ogg Cloud Retainer: Haha. We shall see.

(Approach Dvorak and Keqing)
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Mr. Dvorak!
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Ah, and Keqing's here too... Thanks for helping set all of this up.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 keqing 01.ogg Keqing: Welcome back. Did everything go well?
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Really, really well! We found the person Mr. Dvorak was looking for!
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 dvorak 01.ogg Dvorak: A—Are you serious!?
You recount the true story of the "fairy lady" to Keqing and Dvorak...
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 dvorak 02.ogg Dvorak: I see... So, the melody my ancestor heard was an adeptus remembering her late friend...
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 dvorak 03.ogg Dvorak: That certainly explains why it was such a powerful and poignant tune...
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Huh. That's a really interesting first reaction. Guess that comes with having a musical mind.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 dvorak 04.ogg Dvorak: ...I have to say, though, it's hard to believe that the fairy from the tale is now an elderly granny...
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: Oh, Paimon knows exactly what you mean! Normally, adepti don't age at all!
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: But Streetward Rambler, or "Madame Ping" as we know her, probably only became old because it's what she wanted for herself.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 keqing 02.ogg Keqing: Madame Ping possesses vast knowledge and great wisdom. Whatever physical form she may decide to take, her mind and wits are as sharp as they come.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: Yep, Keqing summed it up perfectly! That's exactly what Paimon was trying to say.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 dvorak 05.ogg Dvorak: I think... Yes, I must thank her in person.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 dvorak 06.ogg Dvorak: That can wait until after the concert though. For now, I need to devote all my emotional energy to the performance.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: Ah, speaking of, Madame Ping wishes you all the best with the music festival!
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: Paimon has a sneaking suspicion that she'll stay in her usual spot, but listen to the performances from afar!
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 dvorak 07.ogg Dvorak: ...Wait, are you serious?
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 dvorak 08.ogg Dvorak: Huh... Oh no, now I'm starting to get nervous...
Icon Dialogue Talk Relax.
Icon Dialogue Talk Just treat it like any other performance.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 dvorak 09.ogg Dvorak: Okay, alright...
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 dvorak 10.ogg Dvorak: Nope! Another rehearsal is in order. Please excuse me, everyone...
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Mr. Dvorak! ...Ah, he's already gone. Paimon wasn't even finished telling him everything...
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 12.ogg Paimon: Before we set off on our search with Ganyu, he asked us about what music means to people. After our recent adventure, Paimon thinks we have a lot more to say about that now.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 keqing 03.ogg Keqing: Please, share your insights with me.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 13.ogg Paimon: Uh, well... we found out that music can be used for good, but also for bad.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 14.ogg Paimon: Um... It can make people happy and moved, but it can also be sad and bittersweet...
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 15.ogg Paimon: And music is like a kind of memory written in people's hearts. It can put you in touch with feelings from a totally different time and place.
Icon Dialogue Talk Pretty much. Though there was more to it than that.
Icon Dialogue Talk That was a broad summary, but not the most detailed.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 keqing 04.ogg Keqing: It sounds like you had an eventful trip... Don't worry, I'm sure Ganyu will fill me in on all the details shortly.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 16.ogg Paimon: Wait, does that mean you're gonna carry on working?
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 keqing 05.ogg Keqing: Mm-hmm. Just a few things to wrap up. All the groundwork is done.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 keqing 06.ogg Keqing: As long as everyone enjoys the festival activities, all our efforts are worthwhile.
Icon Dialogue Talk Happy Lantern Rite.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 keqing 07.ogg Keqing: Happy Lantern Rite to you as well.
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 17.ogg Paimon: Whew... that should be everything taken care of, right? Oh no, wait...
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 18.ogg Paimon: Paimon feels like she's forgetting something... Ugh, what was it? Ugh, it feels like it was a while ago!
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 19.ogg Paimon: Ah, shoot! Latent— Wait, no... anyway, uhh, fancy Bamboo Shoots!
Icon Dialogue Talk Bamboozle soup!
Icon Dialogue Talk Made from "Nascent Bamboo Shoots"!
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 20.ogg Paimon: Zhongli said he wasn't in a hurry, so if we went now, there's probably still time, right?
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 21.ogg Paimon: Anyway, even if we don't make it, it's not our fault! He could've totally picked them by himself...
Media:vo eqhdj202 7 paimon 22.ogg Paimon: Ugh, anyway, let's go check with him at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor.

(Approach Wangsheng Funeral Parlor)
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 01.ogg Hu Tao: Mm hmm! Da-da, da-da, da-da, da-da.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 02.ogg Hu Tao: Dah-da-da-dah, dah-da-da-dah, oh!
(If the player has not met Hu Tao yet, an introductory note appears on screen)
Hu Tao IconHu Tao — Fragrance in Thaw
Liyue's Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is a very old name in the funerary business, and its directorship is now up to its 77th generation, with the current Director being a young lady named Hu Tao.
This young director is known for her sharp intellect, but in some peoples' eyes, Hu Tao might be a little too smart for her own good.
Indeed, the quirky and eccentric Hu Tao is not what people expect from a solemn title like that of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's director.
However, Hu Tao has a unique outlook on life and death, and though she is surrounded by death every day, her optimistic outlook has never changed. Quite an odd duck, this one.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 yunjin 01.ogg Yun Jin: Alright, let's take a break here.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 03.ogg Hu Tao: Oh wow, look who it is! Are you here to hang out with everyone's favorite funeral director?
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: So you're just... casually practicing your rapping skills at the entrance to your funeral parlor... in broad daylight... Uhh, okay...
Icon Dialogue Talk You're, uh... freaking me out a little.
Icon Dialogue Talk I... uh... wow.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 04.ogg Hu Tao: Heheh, after everything we've been through... you don't see me for a hot minute, and you're back to being scared of your own shadow.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 05.ogg Hu Tao: We have all this open space, a clear view of the mountains behind and the sea in front... not to mention we have several invisible audience members enthusiastically cheering us on! It's the perfect spot to rehearse!
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Invisible audience members...?
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Gotta say, it took me a few days to get used to Director Hu's way of talking.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 yunjin 02.ogg Yun Jin: Xinyan was pretty spooked too when she first got here! Just like when she sees a frog. But a giant frog. With sharp teeth!
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: C'mon, knock it off.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 06.ogg Hu Tao: What's wrong? I've never seen someone look so confused before. Well, don't worry, because Director Hu's here to explain it all!
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 07.ogg Hu Tao:
There once was a Fontaine musician
Who went around town on a mission
He came door to door
For his Iridescence Tour
Looking for acts to audition
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 08.ogg Hu Tao: With my words, Xinyan's chords, and Yun Jin as our mentor...
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 09.ogg Hu Tao: We'll take the stage by storm, with flames roaring, and the whole audience calling for more!
Icon Dialogue Talk Heck yeah!
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: For sure! The whole dance floor will be yelling "encore, encore"! ...Ugh, now Paimon's rhyming along... Um, but when you say "flames roaring"... are you sure this'll be safe?
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 xinyan 03.ogg Xinyan: Ah, don't you worry about that! I'm pretty experienced on the stage, and I've already informed the Yuheng of all the pyrotechnics we're planning on using.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Huh... Guess we'll just have to trust Xinyan on this one.
Icon Dialogue Talk Have you seen Zhongli, Director Hu?
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 10.ogg Hu Tao: Oh, Zhongli? He took one of those fancy meal boxes and set off for the mountains. Said he wanted to pay a visit to some old friends.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 yunjin 03.ogg Yun Jin: It's a real pity that he couldn't be around for this. As well as being a true connoisseur of traditional art forms, he's able to appreciate Xinyan's performances, too...
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 xinyan 04.ogg Xinyan: Yeah, that's right! Matter of fact, he was the one who first invited me to perform here.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 xinyan 05.ogg Xinyan: To tell the truth, though, I never thought I'd really find myself rehearsing here one day...
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 11.ogg Hu Tao: Hehe, well, now you know: The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor is a great location! All of you are always welcome to come and hang out here, especially if you're in the mood to try something new!
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 yunjin 04.ogg Yun Jin: I can speak to that. Hu Tao is always full of fun surprises!
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 xinyan 06.ogg Xinyan: ...And jump scares.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 yunjin 05.ogg Yun Jin: Actually, Xinyan, I have some lyric ideas for your part. Do you wanna go through them together?
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 xinyan 07.ogg Xinyan: Sure thing! I'm all ears.
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 12.ogg Hu Tao: Oh, (TravelerTraveler) and Paimon, I believe Zhongli was heading to Mt. Hulao. So, make sure you're hiking up the right hill!
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 13.ogg Hu Tao: When you see Zhongli, please pass on this message to him: It's up to him whether he wants to support us at the performance tonight... but I expect him to make time for the upcoming banquet we're planning. No excuses!
Media:vo eqhdj202 8 hutao 14.ogg Hu Tao: You should join us too! It'll be a riot. If there's one thing I've learned from being a funeral director, it's how to throw a party!
(Talk to Hu Tao, Xinyan, or Yun Jin, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 yunjin 01.ogg Yun Jin: Okay, everyone, I think that's a long-enough break. Let's take it from the top, shall we?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 hutao 01.ogg Hu Tao: Ms. Yun is such a strict mentor! These breaks aren't even long enough to have a sip of tea.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 yunjin 02.ogg Yun Jin: Hah, well, you were desperate to get involved, and this is what it takes. If I gave you half the chance, you'd be sipping tea till nightfall.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Hey, how about I treat us all to some late night snacks once we're done! Hu Tao, whatcha cravin'?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 hutao 02.ogg Hu Tao: Hmm... how about some Stir-Fried Filet with a side of Crab Roe Tofu?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Hehe... Where are we gonna find Crab Roe Tofu so late at night?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 hutao 03.ogg Hu Tao: We could always just go pester Masterful Chef, Xiangling.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 hutao 04.ogg Hu Tao: Mmm, now I'm hungry. Alright, let's knock this out and then go grab some food!

(Approach Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper)
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 01.ogg Paimon: Paimon sees them! It's Illuminated Deer and Illuminated Bird number two.
Icon Dialogue Talk Greetings, everyone. Long time no see.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 xueyue 01.ogg Moon Carver: Hmm... A familiar face. Have you come from Liyue Harbor? How is the city nowadays?
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 02.ogg Paimon: Everything's great! But you know, if you're so curious, you can always go and check it out for yourself.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 01.ogg Zhongli: In fact, Moon Carver has been taking many walks on Mt. Tianheng in recent times. I believe the sights of the city are quite familiar to him.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 03.ogg Paimon: Zhongli! Here you are. We've brought the Bamboo Shoots you wanted.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 02.ogg Zhongli: Impeccable timing.
Zhongli puts the nascent Bamboo Shoots into the cooking mechanism next to him. Moon Carver and Mountain Shaper power it using their Adeptus Arts...
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 03.ogg Zhongli: Traditionally, Bamboo Shoot Soup ought to be slow-cooked for many hours on low heat. Using Adeptus Arts to hasten the process is something of a shortcut.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 04.ogg Paimon: Wait, that mechanism... Is that...
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 04.ogg Zhongli: Indeed. Cloud Retainer kindly lent me her supreme cuisine machine.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 05.ogg Paimon: Can we not just call it a "cooking machine"? ..Ugh, actually never mind.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 06.ogg Paimon: She seems to take a lot of pride in her mechanical gizmos, so it's probably best if Paimon doesn't go changing the name willy-nilly.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 05.ogg Zhongli: I trust that you found the answers you were seeking during your recent journey?
Icon Dialogue Talk Yes.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 06.ogg Zhongli: Excellent.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 07.ogg Zhongli: The past should be remembered, but not overly dwelt upon. Our journeys should be seen as a means to take on more from the world around us.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 08.ogg Zhongli: When the Bamboo Shoot Soup is ready, I must insist that you try some for yourself.
Icon Dialogue Talk Of course!
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 07.ogg Paimon: Oh, Zhongli, Hu Tao told us to tell you something!
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 08.ogg Paimon: She said: "It's up to him whether he wants to support us at the performance tonight... but I expect him to make time for the upcoming banquet we're planning. No excuses!"
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 09.ogg Paimon: When she says "performance," she must mean the Lantern Rite music festival!
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 10.ogg Paimon: As for the banquet, uh... she didn't tell us anything more about that, but she invited us to come as well.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 09.ogg Zhongli: As you can see, I have a prior engagement with two adepti friends of mine tonight. Please give Director Hu my best wishes for the performance.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 10.ogg Zhongli: As for the banquet... Hmm, since the Director insists, far be it from a mere consultant like myself to refuse.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 paimon 11.ogg Paimon: Yay! Then we'll see you there?
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 11.ogg Zhongli: Absolutely.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 moutainshaper 01.ogg Mountain Shaper: Rex Lapis, the Bamboo Shoot Soup is ready.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 12.ogg Zhongli: Thank you. I will examine it right away.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 13.ogg Zhongli: The appearance is exquisite, and the aroma rich and intense. The craftsmanship of this machine is commendable indeed.
Media:vo eqhdj202 9 zhongli 14.ogg Zhongli: Since you came all this way, you should not leave empty-handed. Please take some soup. It tastes most exquisite while still warm.
(Obtain Piping-Hot Bamboo Shoot Soup Piping-Hot Bamboo Shoot Soup)
(Talk to Zhongli again, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 zhongli 01.ogg Zhongli: I intend to reminisce with my old friends for a while longer. You ought to get back to Liyue Harbor. There is a performance you do not want to miss.
(Talk to Moon Carver or Mountain Shaper again, optional)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 moutainshaper 01.ogg Mountain Shaper: Had one known that Cloud Retainer was in possession of such eminently useful devices, one would have sought to borrow one from her long ago...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 xueyue 01.ogg Moon Carver: And yet, since you share my lack of enthusiasm for mechanisms and fine dining, it would have become a mere decorative ornament in your abode.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 moutainshaper 02.ogg Mountain Shaper: Not so. Had one had such a device to make up for one's lack of culinary prowess, Shenhe would not have had to rely on flowers and herbs alone for sustenance while under one's care...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 xueyue 02.ogg Moon Carver: Hmm... in that case, shall we rendezvous with Cloud Retainer one day soon, and request to borrow one more supreme cuisine machine?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj202 moutainshaper 03.ogg Mountain Shaper: A fine idea... a fine idea indeed.

(Approach the marked area)
(A cinematic plays)
Xinyan: I'm honored to be here on the Iridescence Tour stage!
Xinyan: Alright, without further ado, I'm Xinyan, this is Hu Tao...
Xinyan: And this is a li'l something called:
Xinyan and Hu Tao: "The Blaze Lilies!"
(Xiangling, Guoba, Chongyun, Xingqiu joins the crowd)
Xinyan: I'm up here blazin' trails through the midnight sky, lightin' up the world below
Xinyan: And when the crowds all hear my voice, they'll meet the spirit of rock n' roll
(Xiangling's group waves hello to the Traveler, Paimon and Yun Jin, who were already in the crowd)
Hu Tao: Let's go! / Hey you, butterfly / You too, buzzin' by / Guidin' your way / To the afterlife
Hu Tao: Openin' the path without a fright / Oh!
Hu Tao: I'll light the fire / Watch it blaze / 'cross the universe
Hu Tao: I'll spit my rhymes / Watch your step / Or you'll get burned
(Ningguang, Keqing, Beidou watch from a nearby pavilion)
Ningguang: Does anyone have any plans tomorrow?
Ningguang: With another year behind us, I think we deserve a celebration of our own
Ningguang: My treat, interested?
Beidou: The Tianquan footing the bill? I can't miss out on that
(Yaoyao, Madame Ping, Yanfei, and Ganyu watch from Yujing Terrace)
Yao Yao: ...
Yao Yao: Master, Master! Listen!
(Zhongli, Moon Carver, and Mountain Shaper celebrate on Mt. Aocang)
Moon Carver: May the year ahead be a blessed one
Zhongli: I believe it shall be
(Shenhe and Cloud Retainer rest at the entrance of Cloud Retainer's abode)
Shenhe: Master, the Xiao Lanterns... I...
Cloud Retainer: Ha!
Cloud Retainer: Elementary
Cloud Retainer: One shall fashion for you a Xiao Lantern the likes of which the world has never seen
Cloud Retainer: Then, you must take it to Liyue Harbor, to display its magnificence for all
(Dvorak notices a zither starting to play along and stops conducting)
Paimon: Listen! That must be Madame Ping!
(Cinematic ends)

Post-Quest Dialogue[]

After completing this quest Baizhu, Dvorak, Madame Ping, Qiqi, Xinyan, Yanfei, Yaoyao and Yun Jin can be found in the open world.

Xinyan and Yun Jin[]

(Talk to Xinyan or Yun Jin near the main stage)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 xinyan 01.ogg Xinyan: Okay, now I need to get a move on and write my next song!
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yunjin 01.ogg Yun Jin: Listen to you, you only just fulfilled one lifetime dream. Are you really thinking about your next goal already?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 xinyan 02.ogg Xinyan: Don't try to tell me you ain't the same way. I bet you've already thought up a name for your next opera, haven't ya?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yunjin 02.ogg Yun Jin: Hehe... You know me too well, Xinyan.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yunjin 03.ogg Yun Jin: "The Adeptus-Seeking Voyage"... How does that sound?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 xinyan 03.ogg Xinyan: Aw, man! Yeah, I can already picture it!
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yunjin 04.ogg Yun Jin: I've also got just the finishing line for it! I will close with: "And the celestial melody echoed through the clouds forevermore."


(Talk to Dvorak next to the paper theater)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01a 1.ogg Dvorak: Magnificent... Absolutely magnificent...
Icon Dialogue Talk You mean, the show?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01a 2.ogg Dvorak: Yes... When I heard the music coming from up in the clouds, I was so stunned, I could barely think or move.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01a 3.ogg Dvorak: I felt like it had a special kind of hold over me... Hmm, or maybe it was the adeptal power within the music?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01a 4.ogg Dvorak: And the ensemble at the end was truly sublime! I felt like I would have started to cry if I hadn't been one of the performers on the stage.
Icon Dialogue Talk What are your plans for the future?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01b 2.ogg Dvorak: Well, Lady Ningguang, the Tianquan of the Liyue Qixing, has invited me to visit her again at Yujing Terrace to discuss a long-term collaboration plan.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01b 3.ogg Dvorak: I do hope everything goes well, and that we have more opportunities to collaborate in the future.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01b 4.ogg Dvorak: The next time we have another performance, you'll have to come! I will save the best seat for you.
Icon Dialogue Talk About the "fairy lady"...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01c 1.ogg Dvorak: Haha... I have already given her my thanks in person.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01c 2.ogg Dvorak: This is what she said: "It is only natural to lend a hand when we see someone in distress. The wonderful music you brought to Liyue is worth far more than gratitude."
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01c 3.ogg Dvorak: Truly, I felt so honored...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01c 4.ogg Dvorak: But I've also made a decision for myself: I will strive to create even more wonderful, original music for this era... our era!
Icon Dialogue Talk See ya.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 dvorak 01d 1.ogg Dvorak: We couldn't have accomplished all of this without you, (TravelerTraveler). Please accept my most heartfelt thanks again!

Baizhu and Qiqi[]

(Talk to Baizhu or Qiqi in the building near the main stage)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 baizhu 01.ogg Baizhu: The Lantern Rite celebrations are getting better by the year. Such wonderful music...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 qiqi 01.ogg Qiqi: Dr. Baizhu, I've brought the herbs. Who are they for?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 baizhu 02.ogg Baizhu: The singers.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 baizhu 03.ogg Baizhu: Performing at a music festival is very demanding. Using these herbs in good time will protect their voices from damage.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 qiqi 02.ogg Qiqi: Oh... that's why you were preparing them all night.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 baizhu 04.ogg Baizhu: Hehe, I dared not neglect the Yuheng's request. Her messenger was quite insistent that it should take top priority.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 baizhu 05.ogg Baizhu: Let me double-check again... This one is for...

Yanfei and Madame Ping[]

(Talk to Yanfei or Madame Ping in Qingce Village)
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yanfei 01.ogg Yanfei: Granny, you play so beautifully! Do you think you could teach me?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 madameping 01.ogg Madame Ping: Oh, child, you simply never stop, do you?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 madameping 02.ogg Madame Ping: This festival is a rare chance to rest and relax, but here you are pestering me to teach you this, that, and the other...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yanfei 02.ogg Yanfei: Don't worry, Granny, I'm a fast learner!
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yanfei 03.ogg Yanfei: And anyway, the sooner I start learning, the sooner we'll be able to perform a duet together.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yanfei 04.ogg Yanfei: A musical duo is only as good as its weakest link, so you gotta teach me all your secrets, okay?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 madameping 03.ogg Madame Ping: Alright, alright... Well, you can start by making me some more tea, and leaving it to cool on the side.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yanfei 05.ogg Yanfei: Sure, Granny!


(Talk to Yaoyao in Qingce Village)
Media:vo eqhdj203 5 yaoyao 01.ogg Yaoyao: I'm so happy! And all the grandmas and grandpas in Qingce Village had a great time, too.
Icon Dialogue Talk Why Qingce Village?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01a 1.ogg Yaoyao: You mean... what am I doing here? Well, just now, I did a performance for everyone!
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01a 2.ogg Yaoyao: Although I can't play an instrument anywhere near as well as Master, I can still sing.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01a 3.ogg Yaoyao: Even Granny Ruoxin said I did a great job. She also gave me some candies, hee-hee!
Icon Dialogue Talk About your Master...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01b 1.ogg Yaoyao: Master's told me a lot of stories about the adepti!
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01b 2.ogg Yaoyao: There was Skybracer with the giant deer horns, and Sea Gazer who loved to collect treasure...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01b 3.ogg Yaoyao: Sometimes, Master talks and talks for a long time, until her voice starts to sound sad. But then she always breaks into a smile again, and tells me all of the things each of them loved best about Liyue...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01b 4.ogg Yaoyao: I love everything about Liyue!
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01b 5.ogg Yaoyao: Some of the adepti are gone now, but it's okay, because I'm gonna help take care of everyone in their stead!
Icon Dialogue Talk About Dvorak...
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01c 1.ogg Yaoyao: I'm happy that Mr. Dvorak found the fairy lady from his story. And I'm also happy that it turned out it was Master all along.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01c 2.ogg Yaoyao: Also, I helped out this time too, didn't I? So that means I was... paying "ho-ma-ge" to my master?
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01c 3.ogg Yaoyao: Oh, oh, also, Mr. Dvorak got one of his friends to bring me a toy from Fontaine! I like it a lot!
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01c 4.ogg Yaoyao: At first... I didn't know whether I was supposed to accept it or not... But then Master said it was okay, so I did!
Icon Dialogue Talk See you.
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01d 1.ogg Yaoyao: See you! Make sure you take good care of Paimon!
Media:vo dialog eqhdj203 yaoyao 01d 2.ogg Yaoyao: Oh, and please come play with me if you ever have the time!


No.Soundtrack NameAlbumPlayed In
03Relaxation in LiyueJade Moon Upon a Sea of CloudsA Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul
Locations, Event Gameplay
35The Fading StoriesJade Moon Upon a Sea of CloudsA Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul, The Formula for a Miracle
Locations, Serenitea Pot
62Slumbering LoreJade Moon Upon a Sea of CloudsA Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul, The Funeral Parlor Has No Master, Yujing Terrace Calls the Troops
Locations, Serenitea Pot
64Lone DrifterJade Moon Upon a Sea of CloudsA Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul
49The Blaze LiliesThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul (cutscene)
50First Blossom of SpringThe Shimmering Voyage Vol. 3A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul (cutscene)


  • Due to an oversight on part of the developers, after completing this quest until the end of this event, Madame Ping can be found in both Qingce Village and Liyue Harbor, with the latter instance having her regular dialogue set.


Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishA Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul
Yī Qǔ Yáoqín Yǔ Shéi Tīng
A Melody on a Jade-Adorned Guqin, With Whom Is It Shared?
Yī Qǔ Yáoqín Yǔ Shéi Tīng
Kono Youkin wo Dare ni Kikaseyou‍[!][!]
This Jade-Adorned Guqin, Who Listens to it?[• 1]
Korean누구를 위해 연주하나
Nugureul Wihae Yeonjuhana
Playing for Whom
SpanishUna balada para un alma irremplazableA Ballad for an Irreplaceable Soul
FrenchHarmonie unique pour une âme irremplaçableUnique Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul
RussianЕдинственная гармония для незаменимой души
Yedinstvennaya garmoniya dlya nezamenimoy dushi
A Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul
Thamnong Ni Fang Kap Phudai Lao
This Rhythm, Who Listens to it?
VietnameseKhúc Hòa Âm Cho Ai
GermanWo bleibt der wahre Zuhörer?Where is the True Listener?
IndonesianHarmoni Bagi Jiwa Yang Tak TergantiHarmony for an Irreplaceable Soul
PortugueseUma Única Harmonia Para Uma Alma Insubstituível
TurkishEşsiz Bir Ruh İçin Tek Bir Ahenk
ItalianUna sola armonia per un'anima insostituibileA Single Harmony for an Irreplaceable Soul
  1. Japanese: The kanji is usually used to refer to the koto, but in this situation, it is most likely referring to the guqin.

Change History[]
