Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki


 I am the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine. The purpose of my visit is to monitor your every move, for such is the order of the shrine... Oh, come on, don't be so nervous. It's only officialese, for goodness' sake. I couldn't just go gallivanting around for no reason at all, could I? Now, come on, do something amusing for me.
Chat: Creative Writing
 Traveling to other worlds is all that anyone seems be [sic] writing about these days. Huh, goodness knows what they find so disappointing about their own world.
Chat: Stories
 Most humans could have the entirety of their fleeting lives chronicled in but a few short lines... Their stories really make for terribly dull reading.
Chat: Mortal World
 Personally, I think the idea of things staying the same forever is quite beautiful. *sigh* But alas, that is simply not the way the world works.
When It Rains
 If this rain keeps up, my fur will be dripping wet...
When Thunder Strikes
 Many people dread the sound of thunder... To me, it sounds fondly familiar.
When It Snows
 I always see these non-sentient kitsune pouncing headfirst into the snow, scavenging for food... Hmm? You'd like to see me do that? Hah! I'm sure you would.
Good Morning
 Morning. You look awfully drowsy, didn't you sleep well? Tsk-tsk, come on then, what is it? What mischief were you up to last night, hmm?
Good Afternoon
 Hmm... ugh, what a headache. What should I have for lunch? Not Fried Tofu again, I'm in the mood for something a little lighter today. Ah — I know. I haven't seen the Yashiro Commission girl in a while. Let's get her to make us a little something.
Good Evening
 The moon is simply magnificent tonight. We mustn't squander it. Come, join me for a moonlight stroll — I won't take no for an answer.
Good Night
 I suppose I should get some sleep. Hmm, I must say, I do find it hard to doze off peacefully without the soothing sound of thunder booming in the background.
About Yae Miko: Eternity
 Eternity means never having to let go of what you already have. But on the other hand, it also means giving up on all other possibilities. That's just the way of the world... No one can have everything.
About Yae Miko: Interests
 Humans are just fascinating creatures, that's why I'm so fond of them. They live such short lives, but for the time they're around, they shine as bright as the midday sun. There are some whose light never grows dim, even over great stretches of time... These are the lives that make for real page-turners.
About Us: Authorship
 Boring. Utterly boring... Ugh, what could have possibly persuaded these people to become authors? Say, why don't you write out your story and submit it to Yae Publishing House? I'm sure that would keep me amused— Ahem, I'm sure it would be a best-seller.
About Us: Erosion
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 6
 Sealing yourself away from the rest of the world may only serve to accelerate the effects of erosion... Imagine, a world consisting of you and you alone, with no one else to reflect you back at yourself... how awful that would be. Whenever we are together, it is vital that we always shine a light for each other, okay? It's rather difficult to remain enlightened in the dark.
About the Vision
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 You're saying... you like how I wear my Vision? You certainly have an eye for a priceless treasure. Well then, I bet you'd like to pet it.
Something to Share
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Heat oil on a medium-high flame in a pot. Add the tofu and reduce the heat to a low flame. Cook until golden-brown, take it out, then serve piping hot. There you have it, Fried Tofu. There is nothing more delicious in this world. Well, I've told you how to make it, have I not? Why are you still standing there?
Interesting Things
 Though I occasionally get a little weary of the sight of it — I can't exactly avoid seeing it at the Grand Narukami Shrine, after all — my fate is intimately intertwined with the Sacred Sakura.
About the Raiden Shogun
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Locking herself away in the Plane of Euthymia when she clearly wants to be out — it's just willful self-torture, really... On the other hand, it's also rather stubborn-but-cute, don't you think?
About Kamisato Ayato
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 The Yashiro rascal... he's always been an unpredictable one, even as a child. Don't be taken in by his warm smile. There's no knowing what devious scheme might be brewing inside his head — it's really quite maddening... What do you mean, "sly as a fox"? Hmph, if you're trying to insinuate that he and I are anything alike, you are sorely mistaken.
About Kamisato Ayaka
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 I'm very fond indeed of the Yashiro Commission girl. She adroitly handles every matter that comes before her. Unfortunately, it's often thankless work. Pity. Were she not a member of the Kamisato Clan, I would have long since snatched her up for the Yae Publishing House.
About Kujou Sara
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Not the sharpest tengu in the forest — she certainly didn't inherit the brilliant mind of daddy tengu, that's for sure. *sigh* How shall I put this? I suppose being blunt and dispensing with tact has its own advantages... But I do hope that the next time she visits the shrine, she keeps to herself. I've got better things to do than answer her incessant questions about Ei.
About Yoimiya
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Naganohara fireworks are well worth the wait every year. Word is that she caused quite an uproar among the Tenryou Commission recently by setting off fireworks all over the place. Heh, I'm sure the members of the Kujou Clan must've turned purple with rage... A pity that I couldn't be there to see it for myself.
About Ganyu
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Hmm, now that you mention it, it's been a while since I last saw Ganyu. Before the Sakoku Decree came into effect, the two of us would often meet to discuss bilateral relations between our two nations. I always found her quite reliable. The next time you go to Liyue, take her some more fresh Sea Ganoderma for me.
About Sangonomiya Kokomi
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 These Divine Priestesses seem to be getting cuter every generation. I wonder how she looks performing the Dance of Divine Peace... Perhaps even little schools of fish swish around her while she spins. If she's ever looking for a more experienced head shrine maiden to learn from, I'd be quite happy to share a few tips with her... Hehe, as long as she asked me nicely, of course.
About Kunikuzushi
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 I thought it was a disaster waiting to happen at the time, but she insisted that she wasn't going to lift a finger against the object of her own creation. Had I known how things would unfold, I would have simply disposed of it without her knowing. Hmm? What about now? Hehe... Well, we're no longer waiting for the disaster to happen, are we?
About Arataki Itto
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Ah, the oddball oni. Heh, I hear that he's been quite a pain for the Kujou Clan. The Tenryou Commission wanted to remove his messages on the bulletin board, claiming that they were "harmful to public order." I made quite sure they stayed put, haha. He's an entertaining character... you don't often see oni like him in this day and age.
About Gorou
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 He certainly has a beautiful tail. Although... mine's a little softer.
About Sayu
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 Ah yes, the little ninja child... If there's one thing she can do, it's stay hidden. Kano Nana constantly complains to me about it. Apparently, she now spends so much of her time searching for Sayu that she barely has any time to read anymore. If you ask me, I'd say that Sayu has a secret ally who is helping her hide all the time...
About Kuki Shinobu
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 I've heard a lot about Miyuki's little sister. Quite the character, I'm told. Although she comes from a family of shrine maidens, she's gone her own way in life — tried her hand at many different trades, studied abroad in Liyue, even ended up joining the Arataki Gang... Fascinating girl. Maybe I should have Miyuki introduce me. Yes, that'll work — Miyuki wouldn't dream of refusing my request.
About Kirara
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 More youkai have expressed an interest in the human world lately. I wonder if that's a good thing or not. You want to know what I think? Hehe, I would tell them to live for the moment. Besides, how could I ever dislike a little youkai who would willingly take us out to dinner and pay for the meal?
About Yumemizuki Mizuki: Business Rivalry
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 "Anxiety and exhaustion strip people of the emotional energy for novels"? Hmph, well, I suppose Yae Publishing House needs to work harder, then. Apparently, we haven't published a single volume to Miss Mizuki's liking. I'll give my editors and writers more time... If we still can't satisfy her, then as the Editor-in-Chief, I suppose I'll have to write one myself. Hm..."The Baku Chronicles" has a nice ring to it, hmm?
About Yumemizuki Mizuki: Reunion
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 When Mizuki first returned to Inazuma, she was so skittish. Whenever she saw me on the street, she would immediately avert her eyes... Oh, me? No, I didn't call her out on it. It was pretty fun to watch her squirm, actually. Sometimes, she would turn back to sneak a glance once we passed each other... I thought about turning around to face her, but I'm sure it would have scared her straight back into her baku form and sent her running for the hills.
But, now... she's a lot more comfortable. Well, comfortable enough to criticize me in the reader correspondence column of That's Life, at least. The baku are quick to adapt, I suppose.
More About Yae Miko: I
 Oh? You'd like to know more about me? I'm willing to tell, but what will I gain in exchange, hmm? It has to be a fair trade. So you tell me all about you, and I'll tell you all about me. Deal?
More About Yae Miko: II
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 3
 Kitsune Saiguu said that she was going off on a long trip, and she's never been back since. *sigh* At the time, I wasn't the least bit inclined to take on the burden of managing the Grand Narukami Shrine. So she told me that as Guuji, I would be able to eat all the Fried Tofu I desired. As if that would be a convincing reason... That woman spoke so much nonsense, honestly, she could be so insufferable...
More About Yae Miko: III
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 4
 I decided to found Yae Publishing House simply because I wished to read more interesting light novels, that's all. But, it turns out that seeing frazzled authors scraping the bottom of their barrel in a desperate attempt to get their novels finished is where the real amusement comes from. You wouldn't believe some of the excuses they come up with when they're trying to get a deadline extension. Oh, so much more creative than the novels themselves.
More About Yae Miko: IV
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 5
 Even supernatural beings eventually pass away, including gods. It's a terrible shame when their tales are lost to time along with them, never to be remembered again. The problem is, only those with first-class writing and composition skills are qualified to commit these stories to paper. If there is no qualified writing talent in the world, we must cultivate it... Yes, home-grown writers are what we need, capable of adequately capturing these stories with the written word.
More About Yae Miko: V
Item Companionship EXP Friendship Lv. 6
 Though I'm an avid reader of novels written by others, I've yet to pick up the pen myself. Writing a novel is quite an undertaking, after all. But, if there comes a day when you reach the end of your adventure and want somebody to record it — and if I happen to have the time when that day comes... We'll see.
Yae Miko's Hobbies
 My favorite pastime is reading other people's stories. My second favorite is watching other people squirm... If I could find a way to combine the two, haha... Oh, that would be entertainment in its purest form.
Yae Miko's Troubles
 Peace and tranquility seems to be all the rage nowadays, but it gets dreadfully boring after a while...
Favorite Food
 Have you ever heard of a dish called "Kitsune Udon"? It's quite simple, really... Just Fried Tofu served on top of Udon noodles. What do you think? Noodles and Fried Tofu, that's all. Doesn't it sound heavenly?
Least Favorite Food
 Anything that has been pickled is firmly off-limits for me... I don't care whether it's Medaka or Kiviak, what sort of person can stand that vile stench? I, for one, am Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine, and I refuse to defile myself by ingesting such pungent things.
Receiving a Gift: I
 My, my! You really know what appeals to my tastes, don't you.
Receiving a Gift: II
 Since you've made it yourself, I guess having a little taste is the least I can do, haha...
Receiving a Gift: III
 How should I put this... There's so much room for improvement that the only way is up.
Birth Date
 Ah, so today is your birthday... "On your ceremonious reckoning of years, I task my kin with seeing to it that that which you seek, you shall surely find, and that that for which your heart longs, you shall surely receive. Remain pure of heart and true of spirit, and their protection shall be bestowed on you." There you go. May all go well in your year ahead, and may all your wishes be fulfilled. Are we done?
Feelings About Ascension: Intro
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 1
 When training to become a shrine maiden, the title of "Chokkai" is granted once one has completed their requisite studies and can correctly chant for ceremonies. This might be very straightforward for humans, but it's the most difficult step for the kitsune... We are only foxes, after all.
Feelings About Ascension: Building Up
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 2
 The training required to become a Guuji's Assistant, or "Seikai," is arduous indeed. You must observe a myriad of harsh restrictions... There is only one way to make it through: snack at night, and make sure you don't get caught.
Feelings About Ascension: Climax
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 4
 Attaining the rank of "Meikai" requires one to decipher the workings of the world, transcend its limitations, and fathom all phenomena within. Usually, any who reach this level are granted a Vision and a lifespan far beyond that of the average kitsune.
Feelings about Ascension: Conclusion
Icon Character Ascension Unlocked Ascension Phase 6
 Throughout history, only the Guuji of the Grand Narukami Shrine has ever held the rank of "Joukai." It is an honorary title, not related to the capabilities of the holder. But of course, if I were to declare myself the most powerful Joukai in history, I don't see why there'd be anything wrong with that.


Elemental Skill
 (Dashing forward) Right here.
 (Dashing forward) Right now.
 (Dashing forward) Emerge!
 (Dashing backward) Come on out.
 (Dashing backward) Show them.
Elemental Burst
 I'm always watching.
 Nothing lasts forever.
 A sight to behold.
Sprint Start
Deploying Wind Glider
Opening Treasure Chest
 Well, what do we have here?
 Don't tell me that's everything...
 Go on. Open it up, show me what's inside.
Low HP
 That's quite enough.
 Ugh, no more games.
 Now, you've got my attention.
Ally at Low HP
 My, you're cutting it close.
 I shall handle this.
 The fun's over...
 What a dreadful ending...
 So much for "eternity"...
Light Hit Taken
 Dear me!
 Is that all?
Heavy Hit Taken
 What a nuisance.
Joining Party
 Whatever would you do without me?
 Alright, amuse me.
 Well, since you asked so nicely...
Character Idles
(Note: Chat & Weather voice-over can also be heard as idles.)
Yae Miko does not feature any Character Idles Voice-Overs.
Light Attack
Mid Attack
Heavy Attack
Climbing Breath


