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Genshin Impact Wiki

Weeping Willow of the Lake is a Location Support Card in Genius Invokation TCG.


Weeping Willow of the Lake

In ancient times, the weeping willow of the lake was an object of reverence. All the water veins converge upon Erinnyes and the weeping willow flourishes or withers when the waters are sweet or bitter.

Stage Appearances[]

Weeping Willow of the Lake appears in 21 stages:

Baobab Icon BaobabOasis Guardian's ContemplationFriendly Fracas
Baobab Icon BaobabOasis Guardian's DenunciationSerious Showdown
Finnick Icon FinnickConsecrated Scorpion's AmbushFriendly Fracas
Finnick Icon FinnickConsecrated Scorpion's Mortal BattleSerious Showdown
Furina Icon FurinaFurina: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Furina Icon FurinaFurina: SeriousSerious Showdown
Gorou Icon GorouGorou: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Gorou Icon GorouGorou: SeriousSerious Showdown
Gorou Icon GorouGuest Challenge: GorouWeekly Guest Challenge
Kirara Icon KiraraKirara: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Kirara Icon KiraraKirara: SeriousSerious Showdown
Kirara Icon KiraraGuest Challenge: KiraraWeekly Guest Challenge
Lasselin Icon LasselinAnother Sort of "Good Wine"Duel
Lectoure Icon LectoureDuel: LectoureDuel
Lectoure Icon LectoureGuest Challenge: LectoureWeekly Guest Challenge
Night Pilot Icon Night PilotConsecrated Flying Serpent's AssaultFriendly Fracas
Night Pilot Icon Night PilotConsecrated Flying Serpent's PredationSerious Showdown
Rosolino Icon RosolinoBuilding CredDuel
Wriothesley Icon WriothesleyWriothesley: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Wriothesley Icon WriothesleyWriothesley: SeriousSerious Showdown
Wriothesley Icon WriothesleyGuest Challenge: WriothesleyWeekly Guest Challenge

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishWeeping Willow of the Lake
Kochuu no Wiipingu Wiroo
Weeping Willow of the Lake
Korean호수 버드나무
Hosu Wi Beodeunamu
SpanishSauce Llorón LacustreWeeping Willow of the Lake
FrenchSaule pleureur du lacWeeping Willow of the Lake
RussianПлакучая ива у озера
Plakuchaya iva u ozera
Weeping Willow by the Lake
ThaiWeeping Willow of the Lake
VietnameseLiễu Rũ Trong Hồ
GermanTrauerweide inmitten des SeesWeeping Willow in the Middle of the Lake
IndonesianWeeping Willow of the Lake
PortugueseSalgueiro Chorão do Lago
TurkishGöldeki Salkım SöğütWeeping Willow in the Lake
ItalianSalice piangente lacustreWeeping Willow of the Lake

Change History[]

