Genshin Impact Wiki
Genshin Impact Wiki

The White Glove and the Fisherman is a Companion Support Card in Genius Invokation TCG.


The White Glove and the Fisherman

"Amongst us, there is our own justice."

Stage Appearances[]

The White Glove and the Fisherman appears in 16 stages:

Arlecchino Icon ArlecchinoArlecchino: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Arlecchino Icon ArlecchinoArlecchino: SeriousSerious Showdown
Arlecchino Icon ArlecchinoGuest Challenge: ArlecchinoWeekly Guest Challenge
Freminet Icon FreminetFreminet: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Freminet Icon FreminetFreminet: SeriousSerious Showdown
Freminet Icon FreminetGuest Challenge: FreminetWeekly Guest Challenge
Furina Icon FurinaFurina: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Furina Icon FurinaFurina: SeriousSerious Showdown
Lasselin Icon LasselinAnother Sort of "Good Wine"Duel
Rosaria Icon RosariaRosaria: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Rosaria Icon RosariaRosaria: SeriousSerious Showdown
Rosaria Icon RosariaGuest Challenge: RosariaWeekly Guest Challenge
Rosolino Icon RosolinoBuilding CredDuel
Wriothesley Icon WriothesleyWriothesley: FriendlyFriendly Fracas
Wriothesley Icon WriothesleyWriothesley: SeriousSerious Showdown
Wriothesley Icon WriothesleyGuest Challenge: WriothesleyWeekly Guest Challenge

Other Languages[]

LanguageOfficial NameLiteral Meaning
EnglishThe White Glove and the Fisherman
Shirotebukuro to Ryoushi
The White Glove and the Fisherman
Korean 장갑과 어부
Huin Janggapgwa Eobu
SpanishGuante Blanco y PescadorWhite Glove and Fisherman
FrenchLe gant blanc et le pêcheurThe White Glove and the Fisherman
RussianБелая Перчатка и Рыбак
Belaya Perchatka i Rybak
The White Glove and the Fisherman
ThaiThe White Glove and the Fisherman
VietnameseGăng Tay Trắng Và Ngư Dân
GermanWeißer Handschuh und FischerWhite Glove and Fisherman
IndonesianThe White Glove and the Fisherman
PortugueseLuva Branca e o Pescador
TurkishBeyaz Eldiven ve Balıkçı
ItalianIl Guanto bianco e il Pescatore

Change History[]

